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I've left WoW forever....so, Guild Wars 2, or Secret World?


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i so wish SWTOR was better then it was. im a SW geek. i was really looking forward to it. i played for a month, and i did enjoy it tbh, but not enough to warrent me paying every month. and even when they made it "F2P" they just cut half the game out so youd still have to buy it to really play it. every now and then i get the urge to just go back and play. as i said i did have some fun playing it up to level 20 (just after i got my ship) but then i remember how lonely it was. there was never anyone around to play the Heroic Missions with. barely anybody talking on Chat. never played a flashpoint or anything, lack of people. and this was probably close to a year ago now. i can imagine its even worse. I was on a Low/Medium server, im sure it would have been a slightly better experience if i was on a populated Server, but yea. i just soo soo wish this game was good. :/

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Helped found a guild today, just me and a few other crazy folks. At the moment we've hit 9 guys in the first hour, and it's been great fun. Guild Wars is a good game. Guild Wars with friends, is fan frickin' tastic.

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Of the F2P MMO's, I play LoTR Online, D&D Online, Vanguard. Some things are good about each one some things are bad about each one.


Of course things have changed with each one as they revise their business model to keep up with the rest of the MMO's and other assorted online games out there.


Of course I'm going to try to get into Elder Scrolls Online as soon as it comes out, as I'm sure at least 85-90% of the people here will as well.

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Of course I'm going to try to get into Elder Scrolls Online as soon as it comes out, as I'm sure at least 85-90% of the people here will as well.

i dont think the number will be quite that high lol.


i myself just finally bought Skyrim on Steam for $30. first TES game ive ever had. wont play it for a little bit yet, as im stil on other games, but yea. was finally low enough where i figured id grab it. but i dont see myself played TES) and i know a bunch of TES fans here and elsewhere that have no interest in the MMO. though im never one to root against a game, so i still hope itll be good.

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I've left wow during cataclysm and I don't regret it or miss it. Well, I miss the old times but those times are over and I've had my share of fun - time to move on.


I played Guild Wars 2 but its extremely repetitive and dungeons and pvp are not as fun. Don't know about Secret World but I would suggest you to invest your time into something better.

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I just have no interest in a subscription-based MMO nowadays. There are too many decent, free alternatives out there for me to pay $15 a month for it.


Although I must say, subscription-based MMOs are often of much higher quality than others, as is evidenced by my strong dislike of GW2.

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i know a bunch of TES fans here and elsewhere that have no interest in the MMO.


I'm generally not a fan of MMOs, but I would have bought ESO. Even so, I was slightly skeptical about it because I didn't trust what an online Elder Scrolls game would do to the franchise, but I still reckoned I would give it a go.

Then they wrecked it all by giving everyone the impression that it was a generic MMORPG, except it was based in the Elder Scrolls universe.

It looks like they've listened to the criticism about the graphics and made it look more like a half-way point between Oblivion and Skyrim instead of the bright, gaudy appearance of many other MMOs. The gameplay footage showing first person also sparked my internet enough to sign up for the beta testing.


Dunno if I'll still buy it though - sticking with GW2 for the moment because that doesn't require monthly subscription fees.

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That's pretty much what I was getting at in my previous post. Paying $15 a month for a subscription fee is quite a lot and ESO doesn't seem to do enough different to warrant paying that price. I might end up getting it when it inevitably goes F2P one or two years down the line.


As for OP, raptr is currently having a giveaway for Rift + expansion + 30 days game time. It goes F2P in less than a month, but if you own Rift and it's expansion you get a lot of extra benefits that F2P subscribers don't get. I haven't played the game myself, though, so I can't comment on how it is.

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i know a bunch of TES fans here and elsewhere that have no interest in the MMO.

I'm generally not a fan of MMOs, but I would have bought ESO. Even so, I was slightly skeptical about it because I didn't trust what an online Elder Scrolls game would do to the franchise, but I still reckoned I would give it a go.

Then they wrecked it all by giving everyone the impression that it was a generic MMORPG, except it was based in the Elder Scrolls universe.

It looks like they've listened to the criticism about the graphics and made it look more like a half-way point between Oblivion and Skyrim instead of the bright, gaudy appearance of many other MMOs. The gameplay footage showing first person also sparked my internet enough to sign up for the beta testing.


Dunno if I'll still buy it though - sticking with GW2 for the moment because that doesn't require monthly subscription fees.

Yeah, that's a good thing as the graphics were sorta bad weren't they. I'll have to check out the 1st person footage. Hopefully it isn't like the generic fake ones that just shows a close up view and you see nothing else of your body, even when swinging weapons or spellcasting. First person view was one of the things that made the ES series so unique. It's a defining characteristic of it.


I'm a little anxious about ESO myself. The lead were the ones involved in DAoC, which was a phenominal MMO (it's still going I believe too), and a lot of people are claiming it's going to be just DAoC2 with the ES label on it. But honestly, that's not a bad thing. I especially hope the sneak skills are the like the stealth skills of the same game.

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