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Mass Effect -Legendary Edition: What mods are you hoping for?


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Some of the best mods that the original trilogy had you won't see for this one. The mod author pulled all his mods from here and stepped away from modding. Thanks Nexus. If you want to know why, look up Thane Mod and following the link that is on there. It will take you to his website with an explanation.

Wasn't that mod author problematic though? Apparently she refused to allow for compatibility patches between her mod and the same sex romance mod because she wanted to preserve the "integrity" of the story teller's vision, then she went and made a super fanfictiony Thane mod where

Thane survives

thus completely destroying his entire character arc. If that's the case, then good riddance I say. There is a reddit thread about her, I don't know how accurate it is, but it doesn't sound like we are missing much anyway: https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/nhsds3/giftfish_creator_of_some_of_mass_effects_most/

Edited by HugeSpatula
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Is Jack still in the game?

If so then Bioware can't claim the moral high ground and I hate The quartering.

You still see Jacob without his shirt.

So in an M rated game running people through with a sword and shooting a bunch of mind controlled civilians is fine but showing a shot of a clothed butt is not? This is being done by people who don't understand how character arcs, story telling, or film making works. It is up there with making Greedo shoot first and damages Miranda's character arc where she goes from being a victim of abuse who sees herself as a tool for other people to use to being someone who can take a moral stance of her own.

Allow me to explain. I think the camera angle makes sense in both scenes. Miranda herself says her looks were designed to give her an edge and she clearly uses every edge she can to reach her goals. She is the typical fem fetal in that way. She see herself as a tool and her body is an extension of that self. The reason she "whores around in that outfit", is that she is using her body as a tool to manipulate men. Now at this point in the story the only two things she cares about are her sister's safety and the goals of Cerberus, she see herself as a worthless tool to be used in advancement of those goals. The first time we see the camera angle she is trying to convince Shepherd that he should be loyal to Cerberus and I don't think she is above using seduction to reach that goal and manipulate Shepard, heck, The Illusive Man may have ordered her to do it and she clearly strikes that pose on purpose to draw Shepard's attention to her body so all the camera is doing is putting the player in Shepherd's place at that moment, like any good piece of film making. The second time is when she is asking him to put the mission on hold to risk his life to save her sister, she has nothing at all to offer Shepard in exchange for this, so again she uses the one tool she always has, her body and I don't think that it is out of character to say she would sell herself to protect her sister.

The point of film making is to put the camera in places that make us feel what the point of view character is feeling at that moment, if the character is afraid we should feel afraid and if the character is a little turned on a feeling manipulated, then that is what we should feel. Those camera angles were nothing more than good film making that made the intentions of the characters clear and there is no reason to censor them.

The only reason the offer Miranda was making was not acted on is that Shepard is a good person who see Miranda as having more value than she sees in herself, it works well to show the difference between them.

This is all about telling us something about both Miranda and Shepard and how the Illusive man treats her vs how Shepard treats her and it builds up to her turning on the Illusive Man at the end of the game. The Illusive Man just expects her to sell herself, Shepard doesn't and these scenes tell us that without a word of dialog and in a game that contains Jack and a squadmate who rapes people to death it makes no sense to remove the camera angles and leave those two things intact.


Miranda Butt Cam Unfix


This is one of those hilarious gamer outrage situations. It just astounded me how people could be outraged about Bioware making quite serious scenes focus less on the butt of the character - A character who in one of these "butt-scenes" is talking about how they are not just looks, and in another one is having a heartfelt conversation about her sister. As always, "The Quartering" made an ass out of themselves.


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There are two old mods I really want to see.

The Expanded Galaxy Map Mod along with the Miranda and Tali Mods that come with it and The Happy Ending mod.l

Those two take ME3 was a decent game that was lacking in content and really cheated you if you romanced Miranda or Tali along with having an ending I didn't care for and make it an almost perfect game in my book.

I have never played mods before that I don't want to play the game without.

I am playing through LE on the Xbox right now but I am not sure if I want to drop $60 on the PC version when I will most likely just go back to playing the old version of the games for those mods.

I know it would be a lot of work but this thread is about what I would like to see and I would like to see those two mods and their sub mods ported in my dream world.

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Meandering my way through the Citadel DLC right now before the final push for lack of the mod that let me play it as an epilogue. Taking my time because I don’t want it to be over again too quickly.

Playing PC on a good card at pretty high resolution on a decently large monitor, and it really does look beautiful out of the box. Everyone has their own tastes, and I’ll probably go back and tweak a bunch of things for next time (because I enjoy it), but nothing about this first vanilla run is offensive to the eyes, imo, except for some contrast weirdness in a couple of transition cutscenes. And I didn’t have to spend hours installing texture mods before I could even get to the games. I’ll take it.


I got the top thing on my wishlist which is to be able to play the entire trilogy with default ME3 Femshep. Loving that so hard.

Some things I still want:


The Buff Femshep mod or equivalent. Because, seriously, an N7 Marine should not have thin arms. Her musculature looks better now than it did previously, but she still looks like the most strenuous thing she does is yoga even while blowing Vega’s pull-up record out of the water. Shep needs GUNS.


Also want that classy-looking dress from Kasumi’s ME2 DLC back in Shep’s ME3 wardrobe. The current one is *okay*, I guess, but it’s not really that great looking, and I want the nicer one back.

MEHEM or something like it because duh.


Something like the mod that allows Citadel DLC to be played last because it makes the perfect palate cleanser after all the unrelenting grimness. There is no ‘happy ending’ where billions are dead and galactic infrastructure is in shambles, but a holy-crap-we’re-alive party is tremendously appealing.


A means of pacing when certain missions and DLC content become available. I want to not see Arrival happen in ME2 until after the suicide mission. I want Lair of the Shadow Broker to not happen until after Illium instead of concurrent with it. There are other minor things, and I’ll like to be able to adjust those to my own preferences. As it is, quite a lot of content sort of falls on the player all at once, and I want it spaced out a bit more.

EGM was just fun. I’d like that back.


This is all just personal taste, really. There’s nothing unplayable about the game in its unmodded form, I’ve just become accustomed over the years to things playing out a certain way in my own games. Massive props to all the people who have donated literal years of their spare time to making these already amazing games an even better experience for a bunch of random strangers online. You have improved this tiny corner of my life immensely.

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I have always had this bug in ME3 and it appears it is still not fixed in ME3LE. Once I get Kaidan on the Normandy, none of his conversation cut scenes will trigger. With the exception of one previous playthrough (over a year ago now) I ALWAYS miss his Observation Deck and Crew Quarters cut scenes. They just will not trigger. Even if I go talk to him between every single mission. It must be a bug but I cannot find a fix anywhere. Does anyone know how to get them to trigger or is anyone able to make a fix for this?

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