fetchfox Posted May 2, 2013 Share Posted May 2, 2013 I personally prefer Skyrim as immersive and realistic as possible (within the lore). I've added most of the mods from Gopher (immersive UI, predator vision aso.), Realistic Diseases and Needs and Climates of Tamriel for a rougher and richer experience. This again makes Dragon Assault from Deadly Dragons really dangerous, but a lot more fun. No fast travel as well of course. So how do you play and mod Skyrim? Immersion, reality or lore-breaking crazy, whatever floats your boat. (I can add my loadorder later if there's interest for it). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Werne Posted May 2, 2013 Share Posted May 2, 2013 lore-breaking crazyThat is pretty much how I play all my games, Skyrim included. I couldn't care less about realism, if it's not insane, it's not a game I want to play. That's why I have Macho Man dragons, psychodelic textures, "Stop right there, criminal scum!" instead of unrelenting force, etc. Fun is the only thing I demand from my games, and I very much like it. :biggrin: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imperistan Posted May 2, 2013 Share Posted May 2, 2013 ^ I am the exact opposite. I go for full immersion, lore friendly, as realistic gameplay as possible, and challenging as ever. And of course every graphics mod I can pump into the game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dwjlien Posted May 2, 2013 Share Posted May 2, 2013 See sig lol.A like a beautiful world (graphics) with beautiful people in it, all populating an interesting story (quests mods). All layered together to create visually appealing universe to delve into and roleplay. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GrimyBunyip Posted May 2, 2013 Share Posted May 2, 2013 I focus on game balance, loot, and the adding of new mechanics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thomriis Posted May 2, 2013 Share Posted May 2, 2013 Dont care much about graphics but want a challenging game. first thing i did was to throw skyrims boring magic system away and installed Forgotten spells (lots of them and upgradeble) yyeeeaahh Then a multiple follower mod,So now i have 13 muscles hired 7 horses and 3 dogs when someone dies they die!!! no cheating. Deadly dragons mod : a good reason to piss in your pants when meating dragons. skyrims vanilla dragons felt like tamed chiuahas. try beating a storm dragon with 120.000 hit points on master difficulty :thumbsup: been playing on master difficulty settings from the beginning and lovin it. Thanks to all modders for your hard work I love you all :biggrin: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StayFrosty05 Posted May 3, 2013 Share Posted May 3, 2013 (edited) I have three 'musts' on my list for Skyrim....must have 'Realism', 'Beauty' and 'Challenge' and all my Mods are chosen to give me that experience....though I am not concerned about TES 'Lore'. Realism...I use CoT, a mod that supplies Water and Milk, mods that give realistic Meat and Alchemical drops, Bedroll, smarter Combat and Stealth AI's, Crafting Kits, Player Head Tracking, anatomically complete bodies, etc....I don't use any of the 'realistic needs' or 'animal behaviors' mods though, as I just simply disagree with their perception of what is realistic....I just RP my Dovahs needs instead for the time being. Beauty....Hair, skin and body Mods...an ENB and a few HD additions, such as Armor, Clothing, Beards, Weaponry, Night Sky...I keep it to a dull roar though to keep my game stable. Challenge....Tougher and more diversified and frequent humanoid opponents, Dragon Swarms, the Combat and Stealth AI's, better Perk Tree's, etc...I very rarely use Followers, they don't suit my game style.... being for me more of a hindrance than help. Never Fast Travel....never carry over 220 weight of loot....never loot Weapons or Armor, I mean seriously where's the Dovahkin hiding this stuff.... :blink: ....Eats twice a day, drink numerous times a day, gets a good nights sleep, bathes (not for hygiene, but for stealth, he has to stink of sweat and blood, so washes it off), dresses for cold weather, sits by a fire if he really HAS to enter the water in the northern parts, doesn't use healing potions mid sword swing....he has to be out of combat to heal, etc...I do what I can to keep thing as realistic as I am able. Edited May 3, 2013 by StayFrosty05 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
haydon111 Posted May 3, 2013 Share Posted May 3, 2013 Lore friendly as possible.I do my best to enhance Already existing features and remove the stupid parts like the magic system for a prime example just had to go.I rarely fast travel so anything to make the world feel more alive is a must.Every charicter has his own fitting set of badass armor and weapons from almost the get go because hey they are adults when being captured at the start of the game and I hate looting everything in site.So they start at level 20 with a few skills already in place. Of course the usual mods to get rid of bethesda's ugly texture work and console limited graphics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gsmanners Posted May 3, 2013 Share Posted May 3, 2013 I use mods that remove a lot of unnecessary junk from the game. Needless to say, I make my own mods. Why is it that everyone else is piling on junk and then wondering why the game crashes all the time? Well, duh... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mellophonist Posted May 4, 2013 Share Posted May 4, 2013 I'm an immersion junkie myself, Frostfall, RND, CoT, Camping Kit of the Northern Ranger, No Fast Travel, Real Shelter, I could go on forever with all the immersion mods I have but I don't want to take up to much space lol. I also try and get my game as graphically intense as possible, I built my current computer just for Skyrim. It has a AMD six-core processor, 2 EVGA Geforce 660 super clocked SLI Video cards 4 gigs Vram total, along with 16 gigs of hardware ram and an ASUS crossfire formula-Z MoBo. I currently run 170 mods with 60 fps 90% of the time. Why is it that everyone else is piling on junk and then wondering why the game crashes all the time? Well, duh... As a mod author, don't you think you should be supportive of your fellow modders instead of referring to their work as junk? Just saying you came off as a bit rude. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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