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Why huge breasts?


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I have heard it said in Video Games like Skyrim that when a Nord isn't a Warrior they are called, Milk Drinkers.


It sure reminds me of those comfy times being held close, feeling warm all over, and getting some healthy body building milk.


I imagine that is what the huge size breast is making some people think about. Warm, cozy, and about to get filled up.


When I was in with the crowd in my days of youth, more then a handful was considered too big.

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Milk drinker is an insult from the real world medieval period. It's basically calling someone a child. The point being that adults didn't drink milk, only children.


Does it also suggest that the full view is more likely a memory from when we were babies and saw them? We small babies saw them as Huge as we were pulled in closer to them for feeding time.



From what I have learned looking up the side lines, no one else might even bother to learn about because they were busy drooling at the sight of such huge promising milk jugs, Mothers milk is often designed for the baby in the womb specifically with antibiotics and nutritious stuff to assure the environment around her doesn't harm the baby when it is, born, and exposed to the environment indoors, and outdoor terrain.

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I am 78 years old and it has been a very long time since I was nursing from my Mother (may she rest in peace). I don't even remember it. It must have worked on me as a child to grow up healthy or I don't think I might have made it to 78...and counting?? Belated thanks to my Mom.

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Wow! You're 3 years passed Scientist's estimation of the working age before mandatory retirement of 55 was changed to 65 because of the 1949 act signing of Medicare. Railroad workers had to retire at 55 get their gold watch and for them 1949 a nice new program Social Security. For the generation born in 1950 that would be 65 years of age 2015 the age allowance for retirement shifted to 65. Popular Science author suggest it would then become mandatory when we reached 75.


I remember reading Mom's Popular Science Magazine. That is; in the opinions of scientists in their day with the advances in medicine, Jumping Jack's Jack Lalanne TV exercise show, and the modern age science of our ability to maintain a much healthier body and lifestyle; the average age expected people like us to live to was 150. Remember that was a Popular Science magazine article.


With retirement changes that were mandatory 55 changed to 65 in the late 1960's. If you kept up a rigorous exercise program before and after work your body could last, and be in good shape at 90 to 100 years of age.


One man living in an old hotel called The Rainbow Hotel lived to be a healthy 106 and was mentally stable. One reason he believed he lived so long was because he walked, ran, and even climbed the three flights of stair to his room up and down them instead of using the elevator. He died a few years later. I learned he quit climbing the stairs after he suffered a minor injury that laid him up awhile.


What's this got to do with BIG BOOBs you ask? We're just a bunch of boobs trying to think up stuff to chat about. Get it?!


If we kept up a regular morning and evening physical fitness workout to keep a balanced body of muscles we could live to be 999 years old. That is; only if we use the calendar which only had nine months in a year.


What a boob I am!!! For knowing all that.

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