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Lod generation problems


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I have a worldspace I've created and I'm trying to generate lod for it. I've followed every single guide i can find


List of used guides:








and I'm still having the same issues for the most part:

1) I can generate lod with oscape + ck and get either the land terrian lod to work or the static object + trees. but not both at the same time


2) The best I've gotten is static and tree lod AND the land is there BUT PURPLE


And now my latest problem is that ck has made random static objects invisible in my worlspace. Mountain ranges and hillsides for the most part. They ONLY appear in CK but not in skyrim. This crushing after hundreds of hours of places now invisible objects.


I did make a backup file before i started messing with the LOD so nothing has been permantly lost/damaged. However I am indescribably angry about how much time i have WASTED. Beyond furious.




Pic of problem and mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/25426-1-1367552286.jpg


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LOD generation is a pain. You can generate Statics and trees in the CK. One by one. Both at the same time will glitch the CK out. You also have to make sure that no cell is loaded. Just load your active mod and generate the lod instantly after the CK finished loading. Also make sure to close all other apps and to NOT move your mouse. Statics will be fine, make sure to update your dds atlas with the lod meshes. Tree LODs need fixing with TES5Edit.


Open Tes5edit, load skyrim, update and your mod

In Tes5edit, right click on skyrim.esm and select (Apply script)

In the script window that pops up, find the Tree LOD script, and set the world space to Tamriel / your world space, and run!

To edit the atlas it is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\textures\terrain\*tamriel\trees


Hope that helps a bit.

Haven't managed to generate working ground textures myself. Please tell me if you find out.



Edited by 3AMt
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Hey thanks man, i havent heard anything before about using tes5edit to mess with lod, I'm going to give that a shot. Also I'm def desperate enough to try Not moving my mouse as i generate the lod. I finally posted over at Dark Creation and got a reply; he showed me this guide http://www.darkcreations.org/hoddminir/generating-lods-for-your-worldspace. There are some steps here that I've may have missed, but if i end up fixing my lod I'l change my OP to spread praise of this guide. Brb to try this out.


I'm dealing w prob 2 on the guide at the bottom for refrence.

Edited by friedrice24
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I've been attempting LOD generation as well for my world with little luck. I get to about to point you describe, although I have a few more oddities. How did the DC guide work out?

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Your problem stems from the fact that the dimensions of your worldspace are not in multiples of 16 or 32.


Add cells to the worlspace so that it's dimensions (x and y cells) fall on a number that is divisible by 16 or 32 (preferably 32, if you want a worldspace map).

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Yup, your worldspace is not square and that makes a lot of problems. You'll have to round it off by adding in missing cells, or trimming off the extras with a program like TES5Edit.


As for purple terrain, that means missing normal which means you messed something up at some point either putting textures in place, or selecting settings when you generate.

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So the world has to begin at (-16,y), and end at (16,y)?


Edit: I just noticed that my world goes from about -18 to 43, west to east. Does that mean I need to buffer both vertical and horizontal borders to -64, 64?

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So the world has to begin at (-16,y), and end at (16,y)?


Edit: I just noticed that my world goes from about -18 to 43, west to east. Does that mean I need to buffer both vertical and horizontal borders to -64, 64?

You could exten it to -64,63, but you could also extend it to -32, 63 ( the positive numbers should ALWAYS end in an odd number because 0,0 is the first cell, not 1,1) Edited by Tamb0
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  • 2 years later...

Hey guys, sorry to revive a long dead thread, but I'm using a lot of this information here. I'm having similar problems with my world space, and I was wondering:


a) Is there an easy way to tell how many cells are actually in my World Space?

b) What is the easiest way to make a world space a specific, fixed, and preferably square size. Trying to use TESV edit, but I don't have all enough extra cells to "trim away" from my world space to make a square. I don't appear to be able to add cells in TESVEdit. I went into the CK and loaded up my world space, and tried to hover over all the cells I need (hoping that the CK will auto-save the cell data to the .esp when I load the cells) and save the ESP, the new cells that I have hovered over (which also show up in the Cell View Window) are not listed in the .esp in TESVEdit


So honestly.. I know I could probably drop an object in each of my cells, but I'm looking to find the good approach to taking the world space I have already built, and adding cells to square it up. Help with this would be greatly appreciated and I think would help this thread be even more beneficial.

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The easiest way is making a new region.

Open the menu World > Regions.

Select your worldspace fron the drop-down box (1)

Right click in the 'Region Name' area and select 'New' (2)


This should show some white squares in area (3). The squares showing are representations of cells in your worldspace.


With the mouse pointer in the grid area (3), use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out.


Click middle mouse button (scroll button click) to drag the area to the top right.

If you move your mouse in the black area, you will see that there are cells there, you just cannot see them (4)


Move your mouse until you are in cell -32, -32. Left click. This will place a X in that cell. (5)

Drag grid area and move mouse to 31, -32. Left click. This will now draw a red line between both points. (6)

Drag the grid area down until you can place a X in 31, 31. Another line will be drawn.

Drag right and place your last X in -32, 31.

If you make a mistake at any point, right click and select 'Clear Last Point'

Right click in the grid area and select 'Done'

The fourth line will be drawn automatically and join up with the first point.


You will now see the full grid for your worldspace.


Give the region a name (7) and tick 'Border Region' ( 8 ) - (optional)

Click Apply (9)

Edited by Tamb0
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