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Kudos Not Displaying


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Hi guys, after the new update to Nexus I have noticed that for me at least, the kudos points of a user are no longer displayed next to their name under "Uploader" in a mod tab. I was wondering if this is deliberate or not. If it's deliberate I think it's a big shame, as kudos points are a pretty good representation of the community response to someone's work and contribution as a whole (imo they work much better than file ratings at the moment).
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Actually FE, I'm getting the same problem. There've been running issues lately with the Nexus recently (sometimes it worked, and the next minute there was a forum-wide issue where no one could view the site), so I'm wondering if maybe Dark0ne is currently updating the site. He hasn't made any announcements about big updates recently, so I don't know. :dry:
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The kudos next to names has been taken down on file pages as a quick fix for cutting the resources the site uses (CPU/memory) until a more permanent fix can be found. Kudos can still be seen in member's profiles and here on the forums.
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  • 1 month later...
Look for him on fallout3nexus, he has several mods there.




Ohhh, kudos span the entire NEXUS EMPIRE!!! Sweet! Well congrats on the kudos to TheFakeEmpire then, I'll fire up the FO3 one of these days and take a gander at some of his work :):)

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His kudos count is high because he asks for them on his mod page description to continue making updates. Nothing technically wrong with that though...does not break any rules.



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