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imagine the sense of immersion que you would in the game if you used it here

With 17.4 FPS, it is truely a beauty, but hell not even considered playable. Add a some chaos in the backround and how can you convince me, that it will not be enjoyable? (as in the amount of slow downs you will experience).

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17.4 isn't unplayable. That's around what my laptop manages (with the vanilla textures and so forth). It's a little jerky, but plenty playable.

Sorry, even consoles run 30 FPS and from a PC gamer, 10 minutes on a console will strain you'r eyes. 30 FPS is where the fine line of playable and passable starts. 17.4 is just barely over half (yeah right, you will notice the difference between 15 and 17 FPS? really?).

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This has to be more then just some simple ENB's or lighting. I run an ENB multiple lighting mods, dozens of HD packs, weather mods, tons of immersion mods and I still get 60 FPS 90% of the time. Although I do have 4 gigs Vram, two 660's SLI so that may put me over an advantage but in any case, even with the 200 mods I have installed my game doesn't look that good. My suspicion is, he has more or less my PC specs (probably greater) and about the equivalent in mods. But here's the kicker, I think he altered the .ini files to the max as far as shadow quality, LOD, maximum cells rendered, etc. are concerned. It is technically possible to boost your game above the Ultra video settings, but doing so will put even the beastliest computers down. I tried doing something similar once and my rig couldn't even handle 2 or 3 minutes of game play before it would CTD, so the fact that the guy got this screen in the first place is a feat in of itself..

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