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In Vortex, installing a Master that is part of a mod...


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I apologise if this has been covered elsewhere, or if it doesn't make sense...


In Vortex, one of my mods is flagged as missing a Master. I looked for the master on the Nexus and found a mod that contains the Master I need, among other items. I installed the mod, but found that the part (Master) I need was not installed. I don't actually need or want all of this mod, but only one part of it. How can I achieve this in Vortex?


P.S. I'm running the very latest Vortex, running on a PC on which all software, including Windows 10 Professional, is kept up-to-date.


Any help very much appreciated.



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Sounds like you installed another mod that depends on the same master- which you have yet to install.

Check the mod requirements listed on the page for first mod, find those required file(s) download and install, that should settle it for you. :thumbsup:

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