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PSA: CDPR's April 14 update Murders my game! Why, CDPR?


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So I had just added rmk1234's excellent Life Paths Mod to my already heavily modded game and was restarting to clear Vram when I noticed that the game whas updating... UPDATING? Already? Guess I missed the notice. At first I was happy to see some possible confirmation that CDPR is, in fact gonna stick with Cyberpunk. Then I tried to resume play. My game is thoroughly torqued lol! Many mods still seem to load, because I am seeing modded clothing and I have cars that are modded. But using alt G etc. does nothing. I only get about 10 minutes of play before CTD. But my Reshades work... sorta. Anyway be aware, my friends. Good Luck!

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Yeah I was just sorta wondering out loud about why CDPR would drop updates that break the mods instead of working a little more closely with the amazing Mod creators who have been a big part of keeping their over-hyped beautiful mess of a game afloat for the last few months. After the reactions to their biggest ever project, I think they mighta coulda benefited from working a little more openly with the folks who clearly have the talent and the enthusiasm to help CDPR try to salvage things using their Mods. Coulda broke some ground in terms of community involvement and earned some good will. That said, I am very encouraged by the last couple updates.

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Because the company has no obligation to mod users or makers and you using 3rd party content that isn't sanctioned is your own problem. A company shouldn't hold its game updates on hold because it might break some mods.

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