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mod idea and mod team.


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last night i had a semi epiphany. That was... Why not make staffs weapons that people actually wanted to use. My idea consists of meakinf staffs fit better into the game as a role playing element.


Features i think would be cool:


Single staff that you can change the spell with out having to equip another weapon.


Always hold you staff (or as i call it my trusty staff)....this lets you walk with your staff like Gandalf without having to be in combat mode.(it would in clude using staff as walking stick when walking and holding it side ways like a bow(sort of) when running.)


New spells. such as Gandalfs (we have but one choice light thing) it woild act like a mage equivelant od a torch. With out having to recasy candle light every 60 seconds.


Posibaly new melley combat (like when gandalf staps the brig of kazahdoom (you shall not pass) thiswould go realy well with a nothe mod which allows you to block even when dule wealding or using 1hd and magic.


Finaly posibility of a perk tree.


To be honest im typing on my phone and this text is riddled with errors and ime tired of typing. sooooo finaly. Only problem is i prety much have noidea how to mod apart from dungeos and armours ao i was HOPING TO CREATE A MOD TEAM WHO COULD HELP WITH THE PRODUCTION OF THIS MOD. PLEESE CONTACT ME IF YOUR INTERRESTED.

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Also the nod would hopefully contain a way to equip most weapons in 2 hands so you coild use a staff with 2 hands like in oblivion. It would also allow you to use things like longswards with 2 hands with the click of a button. Simmilar to changing you stance in star wars jedi nights games
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