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Who is your Fallout character?


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Such good karma she even tamed a deathclaw? :D


Yeah, she just has that calming effect, I guess. :D

Actually, is that the capital steps you're on? I encountered an oddly docile Deathclaw there too. It was a funny scene actually.. the steps were crawling with super muties, at least a half dozen with miniguns, four with missile launchers, and a few miscellaneous ones. A two-pronged attack from Talon Co. failed to dislodge them. I started picking off some. I hadn't taken out but three or four, when I suddenly noticed the super muties turn their attention on something else. I started maneuvering to try and see what it was, and ran face-first into a Hellfire trooper! Fortunately, he had apparently been disarmed, and had scavenged a minigun. Making short work of the Enclave guys I found, I discovered that apparently, two Hellfire troopers, and two regular Enclave, had wiped out the entire remaining super mutant presence.


This was my first encounter with Hellfire troopers, and on seeing the carnage they had created, I was scared. I hadn't even been the victim of an incinerator attack yet, and I was scared. There was nothing left alive, and I certainly hadn't killed that many muties already, and Talon Co hadn't even downed one. Holy poo, two Hellfires did ALL THIS?!



...Finally, there was something in the wasteland as OP as me. A scarey realization indeed.


Then I found the enclave camp, no officers (dead or alive) about, but a locked deathclaw cage with a deathclaw inside. I opened it up, he stepped out, shook himself, and then just kinda stared at me. Kinda freaky, really.


Also, is it just me or does Johan kinda look like Michael Garibaldi from Babylon 5?

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Such good karma she even tamed a deathclaw? :D


Yeah, she just has that calming effect, I guess. :D

Actually, is that the capital steps you're on? I encountered an oddly docile Deathclaw there too. It was a funny scene actually.. the steps were crawling with super muties, at least a half dozen with miniguns, four with missile launchers, and a few miscellaneous ones. A two-pronged attack from Talon Co. failed to dislodge them. I started picking off some. I hadn't taken out but three or four, when I suddenly noticed the super muties turn their attention on something else. I started maneuvering to try and see what it was, and ran face-first into a Hellfire trooper! Fortunately, he had apparently been disarmed, and had scavenged a minigun. Making short work of the Enclave guys I found, I discovered that apparently, two Hellfire troopers, and two regular Enclave, had wiped out the entire remaining super mutant presence.


This was my first encounter with Hellfire troopers, and on seeing the carnage they had created, I was scared. I hadn't even been the victim of an incinerator attack yet, and I was scared. There was nothing left alive, and I certainly hadn't killed that many muties already, and Talon Co hadn't even downed one. Holy poo, two Hellfires did ALL THIS?!



...Finally, there was something in the wasteland as OP as me. A scarey realization indeed.


Then I found the enclave camp, no officers (dead or alive) about, but a locked deathclaw cage with a deathclaw inside. I opened it up, he stepped out, shook himself, and then just kinda stared at me. Kinda freaky, really.


Also, is it just me or does Johan kinda look like Michael Garibaldi from Babylon 5?


It's actually just the Deathclaw Enclave Control Scrambler at work. XP

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Actually, is that the capital steps you're on? I encountered an oddly docile Deathclaw there too. It was a funny scene actually.. the steps were crawling with super muties, at least a half dozen with miniguns, four with missile launchers, and a few miscellaneous ones. A two-pronged attack from Talon Co. failed to dislodge them. I started picking off some. I hadn't taken out but three or four, when I suddenly noticed the super muties turn their attention on something else. I started maneuvering to try and see what it was, and ran face-first into a Hellfire trooper! Fortunately, he had apparently been disarmed, and had scavenged a minigun. Making short work of the Enclave guys I found, I discovered that apparently, two Hellfire troopers, and two regular Enclave, had wiped out the entire remaining super mutant presence.


This was my first encounter with Hellfire troopers, and on seeing the carnage they had created, I was scared. I hadn't even been the victim of an incinerator attack yet, and I was scared. There was nothing left alive, and I certainly hadn't killed that many muties already, and Talon Co hadn't even downed one. Holy poo, two Hellfires did ALL THIS?!



...Finally, there was something in the wasteland as OP as me. A scarey realization indeed.


Then I found the enclave camp, no officers (dead or alive) about, but a locked deathclaw cage with a deathclaw inside. I opened it up, he stepped out, shook himself, and then just kinda stared at me. Kinda freaky, really.

Good story :) Do you write fanfics? If not, you should :D


I haven't been through all 9 pages, but ITOS's character looks to be the most real-looking. Mine tend to look like Sims but his(?) have come seemingly straight from a movie :P

But my PC does need upgrading :)

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Amernia - Haven't got a appropriated picture for her back story. Here some sample picture:








Amernia is a escapee from a unnamed researched vault. She was created from a tube to become a Super Solider to replaced the super mutants. Her genes were "donated" from death row in mates. The genetic material was cyro frozen. She doesn't remember much about the days as a research subject. She is skilled in Lock picking, Hacking, First-Aid, basic surgery, small arms, armed, and learning in proper speech and energy weapons from the Brotherhood.


(Writer Block, so taking a break to clear my head)

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New character, a woman who escaped the Vault, and when faced with moral choices, chose to ride the fence. She would rather hunt the creatures of the wasteland and collect memorabilia than take a side. She has already been to the Pitt and decided to side with Lord Ashur. Her goal is to hunt hundreds of Deathclaws now.



A shot of her without her mask.


She found this little campsite upon a power sub-station.


She often wears a mask to protect herself from the harsh wasteland winds.

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