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Germ1 - BANNED

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Germ1 banned.

Reason for the ban
A mod author posted an example picture of some breasts not being pushed up against some breasts that are pushed up behind a bra (it had relevance to the mod).

Germ received a warning for asking the mod author "Are those your boobs in the description?" however the private warning wasn't written in a particularly great way, saying "Obnoxious sexist comment - are you really a 14 year old creep that thinks girls like to hear crap like that?".

Upon receiving the warning Germ sent a complaint to The Vampire Dante rudely stating how wrong the warning was and with this at the end "Sent to dark one copy pasting to you. Go f*** yourself a**hole, nexus mods overstep. prepared to be banned.". Normally we'd just ban for that; even if you think a moderator has treated you badly I expect anyone to contain a modicum of dignity until I get to the bottom of it. Irrespective, I sent the following response:

Your entire attitude is horrible, Germ1, so how you respond to this message will ultimately affect how much longer you have on these sites. It's absolutely no skin off our back if you stay or go with that attitude, so if you give us one last "f*#@ you" I'm honestly not going to give two shits about it and we'll just say "cheerio" without looking back. Now, on to the issue at hand.

The initial warning was justified to a point, but not for the reasons stated in the warning itself.

Asking someone "Are those your boobs in the description?" isn't insulting, it's just completely irrelevant and rudely out of place. Why do you need to know? Why does it need to be a public question? What does it matter? Where is it going? Frankly, it's a pervy question that shouldn't be asked. For that I'd have given you an informal warning.

The inherent problem with the warning was the fact Bben felt the need to insult you back when your initial comment wasn't particularly insulting itself. That's not on, and in me saying this, I know Bben will understand and take that on board. When we hand out warnings 99% of the time they're done without emotion and simply stating facts. I hope in reading this Bben can get back to doing that, and leaving the personal remarks out of warnings and bans.

Having said that, the escalation of this issue was simply compounded by your dull-witted and rude responses, as though you thought you were going to get a good response from telling people to f*#@ off and calling them assholes. So really it's six of one and half a dozen of another in my eyes. Bben's warning was less than good, but your response brought you down much lower.

The response received to my message was less than satisfactory and there was no attitude change so I'm forced to ban the account.

I want to remind anyone reading this that moderators here DO, sometimes (and rarely at that), make mistakes. they are human, like you. A moderator making a mistake doesn't give you an excuse to extremely rudely chastise them. That's my job. If you treat the moderators like crap then you'll be treated like crap in turn, "customer relations" be damned. That's how I've always done things, that's how I always will.
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My mistake, I own up to it. My intent was to show him that he had insulted the author with his post. I tried to show that with an insult in return. It backfired. He took what was intended to be a lesson as a personal affront. While never admitting that he had posted something unacceptable and insulting to the mod author. My apologies to all.

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