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Next setting for the next elder scrolls game



70 members have voted

  1. 1. What place would you like?

    • Atmora - Mysteries awaits in this undiscovered land
    • Akavir - Not much is known - a dangerous place for foreigners
    • Hammerfell - A visit to Hammerfell
    • Black Marsh - Where everything is deadly to human touch
    • Valenwood - Home of the bosmer
    • Summerset Isles - The High elves homeland
    • Elsewyr - Desserts, jungles and all kinds of cats!

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i don't see why i can't have it all.


map would cover most of tamriel.


offshoot islands, like summerset would be added via DLC


as a rebuttal to anyone that would dismiss this as impossible: it is. it would just take a very, very, long time (and it would have to be run on even higher end systems.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd say Elsweyr, maybe with Valenwood too because Elsweyr is rather small.. I'm hoping for a Skyrim save import feature, and for the main quest to involve either continuing as the Dovahkiin to free the province (losing the ability to Shout would detract from the game's appeal to people whose first ES game was Skyrim), or working as one of his/her agents to bring down the Dominion. I don't think we should see Summerset until at least ES VII, because the Dominion is a great and interesting antagonistic force.

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I would go for Summer set Isles. The Thalmor are doing a good job of making themself unpopular in both Valenwood and Elsweyr. Once the truth comes out, like they had nothing to do with the return of the moons, the purges and that they stole credit for Martin Septims accomplishment and his sacrifice during the Oblivion crisis the Thalmor are toast! Simple math tells me that the Thalmor are mainly made up of long lived elves, and slow to regrow their numbers. Their "victory" against the Empire are probably a Pyrric victory. The Empire can bread a new generation of soldiers rapidly, the Aldmeri Dominion cannot.


I would start a new game on the Summerset Isles after the defeat of the Thalmor and put them under Imperial occupation. The Thalmor would still exist but be reduced to a terrorist organization spending most of their time assassinating "collaborators" and imperial officials along with random civilians, just because! The Empire and it allies, in an effort of gaining control of the isles have started to clean out their prisons and use the Isles as a prison colony, to change it's population makeup,


YOU the player start on a prison ship on your way to be deported there. You can freely interact with other prisoners, both deportees like yourself and some Dominion POW's on their way to be repatriated to their homeland. Your best "friend" is such a POW who tell you of the horrors he met fighting a losing war against a people that hated him. he tells you that he are grateful for the Imperial troops that saved him from ending up on the receiving end of a lynchmob. His Justicar commanding officers didn't have the same luck thou, not that those bastards deserved any mercy anyway, Your friend will tell you some interesting tidbits of his homeland and since he likes you, offer to help you out to fit in.


Once you are satisfied interacting with your fellow prisoners you use your bed to sleep and wake up arriving to to your destination. Forced on to a courtyard with other prisoners you soon get released onto the isles, with a small sum of gold in your pocket and a promise of a basic job somewhere, for until you can find something better.


Now this game would be heavily influenced with the aftermath of the "War of terror", this is a land under foreign occupation and all sorts of problems stem from this. The Empire cannot leave until the Thalmor are gone but they keep showing their ugly face everywhere, sabotaging any effort to rebuild the country. This would essentially be the fantasy version of Iraq or something. Enjoy trying to survive in this hellhole.


The main quest revolves around reforming the nation, something that require the the defeat of the Thalmor remnant and other extremist groups. Allying with moderate groups and acting as a "kingmaker" helping to rebuild the nation.

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I was going to choose Akavir, but I'd prefer Bethesda finish all the other provinces before going onto that.


I guess the most interesting would be Black Marsh. Bring back that oddity of exploration that was present in Morrowind!

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I'm actually dying for a Valenwood game, but I voted Summurset Isle because it's only rational; given the difficulty in properly creating the forests of Valenwood and the plot that we've seen (*ahem*Thalmor) I can't see another area being next. Summurset has the most reasonable landscape of the remaining provinces and the most obvious plot, so it's the next logical step.

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  • 2 months later...

They could really impress us by making the main setting be Valenwood + Elsweyr with excursions through Black Marsh and the Summerset Isles and for fun a visit to Stros M'Kai to meet the descendant of the fair lady.

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