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Editing Player Houses etc


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Behind the inn at Riverwood I have a fantastic Ranger House that a friend gave me years ago but never published. I also made another house across from Gurdur's logging business with a wooden bridge across the river.


I added some exras to the Ranger house years ago, like a Dwemer Grinder that churns up stuff and makes new alchemy ingredients for my Alchemy mod.


But there was a bird nest floating in the sky that I never deleted when I made more space around the Ranger House. On a sunny day it even casts a shadow!


There also used to be a note nailed on the door with a dagger from the house owner who had gone off to search for his missing son. The note is still in the esp, with zero uses, and says that Gurdur and the Blackmisth (Alvor?) have spare keys.


But I cannot for the life of me seem to edit the house or the world space. I checked the CK Help and couldn't even find anything on the controls for navigating through the cell. I load the cell with the house in it, but it focuses on mountain rocks, and I cannot get it to move left, just spin round as a free-form camera thingy.


Moving the mouse while pressing SHIFT makes things spin and sometimes I end up in the wilderness. But it is SO difficult to focus on the door of the house, and I have no idea how to re-attach the note with a dagger, anyway.


Could anyone possibly help?








how to I navigate through a cell containing a house I want to mod?

how do I attach a note to the front door, nailed on with a dagger?




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OK, cheers, i couldn't find anything. Even searching for controls came up with things like control boxes and other irrelevant crap.


It's years since I did this and forgot it all!



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creationkit.com - Tutorials - scroll down to the Visual Learners section and click on Video Tutorials - the first four official tutorials should answer most of your questions.


Thank you SO much for that!


I was becoming convinced that Beth could never have created the game with such a clumsy tool, but now I see how much easier it is to use when you know how!


I was looking for a list of keys and controls, but couldn't find such a thing anywhere. So I just watched some videos and made my own list!


The letter is now nailed to the door with a dagger and the house mod is restored to its original glory! Plus the few tweaks and things I added.



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