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What items need other uses?


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I think it's generally good design to take otherwise useless items and add a use for them.

The more item sinks the merrier.


Are there any items you find while adventuring that you don't pick up or have no use for except to sell?


For example, I'm finishing work on an alchemy overhaul.

And part of that overhaul lets you use items like alcohol as throwable molotov grenades.


I'm just brainstorming, if you guys have any ideas I'd like to hear :p

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Not sure if it counts but I'm making the different versions of the Ancient Nord Helmet wearable.The hornless wore by weaker ones and the horned upwards wore by stronger ones.

They have iron stats and can only be found on nord ruins so they're kinda like junk =]

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Not sure if it counts but I'm making the different versions of the Ancient Nord Helmet wearable.The hornless wore by weaker ones and the horned upwards wore by stronger ones.

They have iron stats and can only be found on nord ruins so they're kinda like junk =]

I think there's a few mods that do that actually :P

I'm sticking to item sinks though, I want to give people a reason to remove certain types of items from the game.

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bowls, cups, tankards, plates, and empty wine bottles seem to have potential


why not make it so they are used in meals?


also the occasional broken weapon/armor lying around should still be useable, just not practical.


and maybe a spell that launches burned books at your enemies (useless eh? not if i throw it at you!)

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All those "realistic" & "immersive" mods that let you use fire to keep warm need to let you add wood bowls & plates as if they were firewood. Why leave 'em to rot in a dungeon when you can use 'em to warm up :P


Like gingersnapples said, those bowls could be required to make the various soups. After all do you carry 20+ bowls on you for that soup to go into? :P

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