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Obtuse name for SKSE64 in Vortex


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I installed SKSE64 into Vortex via downloading it from http://skse.silverlock.org/ , and the name that showed up for the installed mod was:



I promise I am not trolling. And I know that image proof is pretty much useless.

You'd have to download and install it into Vortex yourself, unless it no longer applies now.

I wanted to bring attention to this just in case there is some manner of malicious code involved in the current SKSE64 build at the regular download link.

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Guest deleted34304850

that's definitely something weird in your own set up. skse installs clean every time i install it from the legit archive.

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@1ae0bfb8 Nothing "out there" (nsfw, etc.) going on in my setup. You can see only 4 Vortex mods, but I didn't have any mod setup in any other mod manager elsewhere either.

I suspect something was hacked, and a practical joke was played on the TES community.

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@1ae0bfb8 Nothing "out there" (nsfw, etc.) going on in my setup. You can see only 4 Vortex mods, but I didn't have any mod setup in any other mod manager elsewhere either.


I suspect something was hacked, and a practical joke was played on the TES community.



Nah, there's something in one of your manifest files, or database, or json etc files on your sytem.


Here's my SKSE64 entry






BTW, you have something seriously messed up on your system, because that "Timvak Game Folder Files" has the SKSE64 version number of the zip 2.0.19, and the Moist file has the version number of the extracted SKSE64 1.5.97


You have your mod staging folder set up incorrectly, and/or have erroneous folders INSIDE the mod staging directory because of the fact that a folder should NOT be showing up in your Mod List.

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@HadToRegister Installed, yeah. I actually went along with installing the pack, and it will say what it should.


It's the out there name beforehand when only the archive is there with uninstalled data that is concerning.



I added to my post, you have something set up really wrong, because you should NOT be seeing a Folder in the Mod Tab

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