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[WCIF] A scrap mod that auto scraps settlements


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Take a look at ' Auto Loot " https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27719 . This does way more than the name implies. It is totally configurable in game via a pip-boy holotape. It has an almost complete list of items and types of items that you can choose from to loot and scrap, an added benefit is the ability to choose how big an area to cover. It's worth a look at.

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Scrap Zapper and This is Trash do this, however, Scrap Zapper only works with an outdated form of Scrap Everything and has been abandoned by the author. This is Trash doesn't scrap all the garbage and busted lights in Sanctuary, so you'll have to use disable on a few things. The mod author has either abandoned the mod, or simply does not care enough to correct this. Either way, I'd like to see an updated mod that works similar to Scrap Zapper, as it lets you pick and choose what it scraps.

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Scrap Zapper and This is Trash do this, however, Scrap Zapper only works with an outdated form of Scrap Everything and has been abandoned by the author. This is Trash doesn't scrap all the garbage and busted lights in Sanctuary, so you'll have to use disable on a few things. The mod author has either abandoned the mod, or simply does not care enough to correct this. Either way, I'd like to see an updated mod that works similar to Scrap Zapper, as it lets you pick and choose what it scraps.

Scrap everything does that........ You can scrap pretty much whatever you want. I have found very few items that I CAN'T scrap.....

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