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Difference between Player House and Settlement?


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So, getting to the point where I can convert an area or interior cell to a settlement pretty quickly. What I don't know is how to NOT make it a settlement.


Vault 95 conversion. I got the settlement inside the vault working, but when I attempted to basically do the same thing on the exterior but without the workshop registration quest I ran into issues. The exterior workbench would kick me out of build mode immediately, while the one in the vault continued to work.


So, what am I dealing with here? Both the exterior and interior share an encounter zone and location. Should I split those up?


And then what exactly is needed to define a non-settlement, buildable area? I assume I can skip the attack and spawn markers, but that I still need a center marker, container, and linked primitive for the build area. What else?

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The Key difference is that the quest/location Registration is missing.


So build it like I've been doing but skip the quest. What about attack markers? I wouldn't think those are necessary.


Also I've still got the immediate kickout problem.

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You probably followed a bad tutorial on youtube (markymint) and are using the sandbox trigger as a setowned trigger as well


Basically you need to separate the Sandbox trigger (The one linked with WorkshopLinkSandbox) and the the Setowned trigger. (The one with the setowned script)

Because the setowned trigger will self delete itself

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I'm following SKK50's guide. This is the 5th settlement I've built, all the others work fine. The difference is that on this one I don't want it to be a full settlement, because I only want limited functionality, i.e. no settlers.


Almost every YouTube tutorial I've found is complete garbage, where either the author spends half the time digging through menus because they can't remember the steps they are supposedly teaching, or rushes through things insanely fast because they assume you already know everything they are telling you. Kinggath generally does well, but his primary focus is on SimSettlements which means they frequently don't fit with what I'm doing.


I didn't use a Setowned trigger on either workbench. The SetOwnedTrigger is good practice, but not absolutely necessary. The one that was kicking me out had a properly constructed WorkshopLinkPrimitive for the build area, which did not overlap any other one. The issue appears to be that it was in the same Location and Encounter Zone as the already placed and functioning full settlement.


A full settlement requires XMarkerHeadings for center, spawn, attack markers, and out-of-sight markers. Do I still need those, or only the center marker, or what?


That's my question. What linked objects are required for a "player house" style workshop. I already know what is required for a settlement.

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I never made just a home (And never even used Home Plate) but always settlements but I'd say the following things are not necessary


1. Spawn Marker, since NPCs cannot be sent there

2. Attack Marker, since Attacks don't happen (But for safety reasons uncheck the ability in the workbench script)

3. Center Marker, since NPCs don't usually sandbox here

4. The Workshoplinksandbox keyword for the buildzone

5. Some other things I forgot


So SKK50 might correct me here but these should basically suffice

1. Workbench

2. Buildzone

3. Optionally a resource container

4. A way to own it

5. Some settings in the Workbench Script

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An isolated standalone playerhouse workshop needs NOTHING - ZIP - ZILCH - NADA to be able to build stuff .


As long as the location & build areas do not overlap an existing workshop's tagged areas, else its broken.


You can simply [ Player.PlaceAtMe 000c1aeb ] and the workshop builds fine with an automatic build area radius of 10,000 units. Go on and try it out.


The player has automatic ownership because default WorkshopScript.EnableAutomaticPlayerOwnership == True ... as long as whatever location its dumped in has no boss actors so it can report "cleared". Which is why you will notice that most placed actors in workshop locations have LocRefType boss (including Settlers) so they have to be killed before that mechanism grants ownership.


Interesting aside: if an actor with WorkshopNPCScript is placed in a workshop build area it is automatically added to the workshop with LocRefType boss if & when the workshop is registered with WorkshopParentScript, so then either needs killing or a script like WorkshopSetOwnedTrigger to trigger ownership.


For the workshop to be listed in the Pipboy list of owned workshops it needs a Workshop flagged location because its the Location that gives the workshop its name and flaggs to that list which can include ISOLATED workshops like Homeplate. Please NOTE that list IS DIFFERENT to the Move Settler /Create Supply Line list of Workshops which is driven by the registered WorkshopParentScript.Locations array and can be called up in script with OpenWorkshopSettlementMenuEx()

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Gotcha. So separate the external cells into their own Location, and drop a workshop. I'm rebuilding the internal settlement right now (Vortex ate my backup when I did a drag-and-drop instead of a copy-paste), then I'll give that a shot and see how it works. 10k should be more than enough for what I want it for.

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Apologies, default build area is 5K RADIUS 10K diameter.


To ensure all non persistent workshop resource objects are still loaded when the player is on the boundary at default 5 uGridsToLoad active area.

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Ok, split off the two exterior cells into their own Location and Encounter Zone. Placed a 000C1AEB Workbench using the CK.


In game, interior settlement still works. Exterior workshop tells me "you need to clear all enemies", but I can't find any, and I've gone pretty far afield. It's either glitched, or I need to shrink the build area. Can I box it in using a DefaultDummy box?

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