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[♥ WIP] Apocrypha 1: Dwemer Scientist


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Yes! :3

That means next week two of three mods I have been waiting for will be on! :D

Ummm... but you are also planning to update thunderbold... I can already feel that I will be torn apart between waiting for TB update or starting my next playout. :3

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I'll "update Thunderbolt" the way I "updated Apocalypse" to create Apocrypha. :) As in: thoroughly, but not quickly.


That orange spell on the previous page was Primordial Shock. It's a rapid fire (0.2 sec cast time) spell that deals 5 true damage and an additional +100 bonus true damage reduced by -1 on each hit. When it reaches 0, that's it! you can buy a Dwemer Stone of Primordial Power which adds +1 damage back to the spell each time you kill an enemy with it, up to +150.

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Then I am looking forward to the thunderchild release... however I won't be able to wait with my next playout much longer.... too excited to try out the new alteration spells. :3


Primordial Shock sounds soo cool. I will be sure to make it reach +150 bonus damage... it looks like quite a challenge... but a rewarding one. :D

Hmmm... a random idea... it would be cool to give some material in game object to the players who reached 150 bonus damage. Something that would remind them that they did it. :3 Like for example the moment you achieve it a dwarven ingot from your inventory is consumed and altered into a ring with some unique enchantment.... in case the player doesn't currently have one then he will get the ring the next time he uses the spell while possessing the ingot. :3


Btw. Two questions:

Are you planning to go for Apocrypha 2 or Thunderchild after Apocrypha 1 is released? :3


I am curious if you are using any mods that change the spell perk trees in Skyrim? I am kinda torn between several options at the moment.... and I am curious what are the preferences of the creator of Apocalypse. :)

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The reward thing is a good idea. :)


Thunderchild is sort of like an Apocrypha mod: it takes one "school" of magic and builds a world around it. I haven't yet decided btw, and either way, expect a release in 2 months or so, so there's no reason to wait.


Perk trees - I was working on a pretty nice perk mod but in the end SkyRe would win anyway. Just get SkyRe or something.


I noticed something "hilarious": if you're using a Stone of Mythalcraft (or its bionics) and hit yourself with a Phalanx Mine, you now take 10 damage per second for 10 minutes instead of 5 seconds. Not sure how to fix this either because technically it is an alteration buff you cast on yourself. Hmm.

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Awww… I was hoping you will revive Ordinator once Apocrypha is finished. Hmmm… you are probably right… it would be hard for a new perk mode to compete with SkyRe… although you had some really good ideas.



Hmmm… and I guess Skyrim doesn’t see the difference between harmful buffs and positive ones? Maybe a single buff exclusion… but Skyrim probably also doesn’t allow it. hmmm… maybe add an secondary effect to Mythalcraft that negates the damage from self casted buffs by 10 points? Last idea is an automatic turn off applied to mythalcraft once the mine is detonated… and an automatic turn on once the negative buff wares off?

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