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CTD & Black or Blueish Texures. Performance Logs Inside


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ISSUE RESOLVED: Game Engine not properly using resources.

Solution: /set IncreaseUserVa 3072



Fresh Clean Install of Skyrim with Latest Patch and All DLC. (except hearthfire)

System Specifications:
CPU: Intel Core i7-2600K @ 3.40GHz (x8)
Useable RAM: 16,355 MB
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 690
Total VRAM: 2,047 MB
SSD: Samsung Pro with 500MB/s~ Transfer Rate

Mods Installed:
Skyrim 2K Textures (except landscapes)

Images of Skyrim Performance Monitor:

Any assistance provided is greatly appreciated and will be mentioned in any videos I make once I get the game working.

Edited by Darviela
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I assume you're getting the random 'this thing looks like it's made of blue plastic' glitch? Followed shortly by a CTD? That's usually due to running out of VRAM. I had that a lot with the official High-Res texture pack.


The "Bethesda Hi-Res DLC Optimized" pack helped tremendously, along with dialing the texture quality down to high instead of ultra. It still happens every once in a while, though. It appears that the game 'forgets' to load a texture, then madness ensues.



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I assume you're getting the random 'this thing looks like it's made of blue plastic' glitch? Followed shortly by a CTD? That's usually due to running out of VRAM. I had that a lot with the official High-Res texture pack.


The "Bethesda Hi-Res DLC Optimized" pack helped tremendously, along with dialing the texture quality down to high instead of ultra. It still happens every once in a while, though. It appears that the game 'forgets' to load a texture, then madness ensues.




I am perplexed by the notion of running out of Video Ram. I have a 1 thousand dollar video card. The card has 2 GB of Video ram. However you are probably correct because the performance monitor logs do appear to indicate a soft cap on my video ram. I remember the game running WAY better on my 560 Ti, for reasons I cannot fathom the day I got my 690 the game just stopped running properly and thats when I quit. Now almost a year later I am trying to make things work.
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This is not running out of texture mem...


Try and run the game without ENB enabled, see if you still get it... you might of setup ENB wrong.


As far as your logs say, you have tons of performance left...

I run the game with around 80 mods and no official textures left in the game, on a 560Ti with 1GB. You should be able to do a lot better with that beast of a card =)

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prod80, on 21 May 2013 - 03:42, said:

prod80, on 21 May 2013 - 03:42, said:

This is not running out of texture mem...


Try and run the game without ENB enabled, see if you still get it... you might of setup ENB wrong.


As far as your logs say, you have tons of performance left...

I run the game with around 80 mods and no official textures left in the game, on a 560Ti with 1GB. You should be able to do a lot better with that beast of a card =)

I completely removed ENB and the 2k texture pack. Now the only mods I have are UNP and amidan book of silence.

Yet i still encounter Black textures shortly before a CTD.


I resolved the issue with windows explorer crashing every time I navigate texture folders. I turned off all visual themes and now I can navigate just fine.



Update: I think I resolved the main problem. I removed the min/max lines from my pyprus section of both my .ini files. This seems to have resolved the CTDs when going outside.


I have some rather specific questions though.



If you could call it a "budget", what is the max texture budget that this engine can handle on average? Are the graphical settings independant of that or do they contribute to it?


Obviously if you bloat your skyrim with too many textures it will not matter how amazing your computer is. My question centers around the soft and hard cap on how much the engine can handle.




UPDATE: Still having CTDs when outdoors.


http://imgur.com/xNIjvTQ <--- Performance Log


As you can see I am only using about 80~ % of my GPU. The CTDs can even happen in the middle of conversation with an NPC. This is very frustrating...



Note: even with all settings turned down I still am having CTDs when fasttraveling. Any ideas where the source of the problem could be?



Process of Elimination



Tried Skyrim with Default .ini Files. (I dragged the old ones to the desktop. Both skyrim and skyrim prefs) - No effect on CTDs


Tried Removing ENB (It is still gone) - No effect on CTDs.


Tried putting everything in the lowest setting - No effect on CTDs


What should I try next?

Edited by Darviela
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Process of Elimination

Tried Skyrim with Default .ini Files. (I dragged the old ones to the desktop. Both skyrim and skyrim prefs) - No effect on CTDs

Tried Removing ENB (It is still gone) - No effect on CTDs.

Tried putting everything in the lowest setting - No effect on CTDs

What should I try next?

Note: sorry for double post, the site would not let me post otherwise.

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One (unlikely) source is corrupted meshes and textures from download errors. First, I would double check that you have no loose files in your Data/Meshes or Data/Textures folder that you need to delete. Then, delete Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, and the hi-res texture packs. Then verify your game cache using Steam to force them to be re-downloaded.

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One (unlikely) source is corrupted meshes and textures from download errors. First, I would double check that you have no loose files in your Data/Meshes or Data/Textures folder that you need to delete. Then, delete Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, and the hi-res texture packs. Then verify your game cache using Steam to force them to be re-downloaded.

Alright here is what I have found.



I moved the texture folder to my desktop and ran skyrim. I fast traveled all over the place, jumped around... No crashes, no texture problems.



Then.... I put the texture folder back into the skyrim directory... and the problems returned.




So evidently, Midaborn and UNP alone are enough to crash the game.

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Alright... is everybody ready to be confused? I forced single GPU mode for Skyrim and it runs like a dream now... Figure that s*** out.

Still the occasional CTD but nowhere near as often.

Edited by Darviela
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