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Xbox Reveal


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One problem with the xbox one, they where trying to emulate Steam, lol right have fun trying to compete with Steam and steam Sales, you can buy entire franchises for 6$ at times. I would like to see any online store compete with that.


it makes up for the lack of used games on the market, but there is still some drm free games still on the market. Take for instance Rayman origins is a good example.

Edited by Thor.
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Exactly! I HATED Steam when it first came out; it was horribly unreliable for Australian customers, the Customer Service(which you frequently needed) was about as useful as a third nostril, and the system just felt like pointless DRM. But now, heh, I love it. Steam's got two things I absolutley love, and which MS is simply not going to be able to copy: the first is a huge catalogue of games dating back many years, and the second is truly insane sales/deals. You're right Thor; I recently bought Sins Of A Solar Empire, all the expansions, Galactic Civilisations 2, all the expansions/DLC and it all cost me less than $50(for about 11 total items and three full games) Steam's combination of cheapness relative to retail prices, and huge stock are it's strengths; if MS keeps to form and shuns indy and old games, they're never going to come close to Steam's catalogue, and I doubt MS is likely to do Midweek Madness(66% off a franchise)


A PS3 game costs around $75-90 here in Ausland, an Xbox 360 game costs $120-140, a downloaded PS3 game costs around $40-60, a dowloaded Xbox game costs around $90, and a Steam game depends on age but is usually $1-20 for pre-2011 and $50-70 new. I've bought full Steam games for under ten bucks new, I still vividly remember getting Torchlight II for nine quid and playing 84 hours on it. Similar for Call Of Juarez: Gunslinger, $14 on PSN, but an absolute gem. MS needs to learn to accept lower prices in favour of mass sales.

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The one thing I'm curious to see is how Sony handles games that you already have. To me, this will be one of the biggest things they can do right/wrong. Obviously there wont be backwards compatibility, but are they going to have some sort of unlock system when you have the disk in? Seems easy to do; put the disk in, have it read, and download it off PSN. If they are worried about people just giving the disk to friends to have everyone unlock it, then just have the game only playable with the disk in the drive. I'd be happy with that. I just don't want to have to re-buy the game. That was the mistake they made with the PSPGo where you had to re-buy all your PSP games to play on it.


I am a huge Playstation fanboy. I was one of the ones who wanted to see the Xbox fail and flop hard (though not considering how it would effect the gaming market, with monopoly and all, but just from a pure fanboy perspective), and while I plan on getting PS4, if not at launch then shortly thereafter, I'm slowly realizing that I'm not as concerned with the consoles as I used to be. I've been on my PC more and more and on my PS3 less and less. I still have several games on my PS3 that are brand new that I haven't touched, and others I haven't finished, and others I've told myself I'll go back to and I haven't.


Also, on the note of Torchlight 2. I've had it since launch (pre-ordered it lol), and I just started playing it. go probably 12 hours into it, and I'm having a blast. Didn't expect any less, since I loved the first one with like 60 hours into it , but yea. That's what I'm off to play now! haha

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I have a similar story Hoof. I was a diehard Xbox fanboy; it was the first gaming machine I ever got, when it first came out(since it was a MUCH better deal at launch than a PS2 in Australia-2 games, 2 controllers, some bonuses) The original Xbox was an excellent machine; reliability wasn't too bad, it had some AWESOME exclusives like MechWarrior and Halo CE, and the controllers were just perfect for my big hands. The Xbox 360 came along and it wasn't a hard choice of it VS the PS3. The PS3's launch in Australia was an unmitigated disaster; it cost nearly $2000 and had a tiny library of games, while the Xbox 360 only cost around $350. But as time went on, things changed. The original '360 UI was excellent; it was simple and practical, if a little barebones-but even then this just gave it a hardcore feel. There was no media BS or advertising, just a simple, practical set of menus.


As time progressed however, the PS3's price fell like a rock, driven by nonexistant sales($1999 for a console with only 4 exclusives is gonna be a disaster in any century) and this is when the tide began to change. By 2010 it's price matched the Xbox, then undercut it, despite having a vastly superior hard drive. The Xbox however, began to show an alarming tendancy to die the moment the warranty ran out. First one, then three of my 360s died in as many years, and that's when I decided enough was enough and bought a PS3. Since buying it, the only maintainance the PS3 has needed is an occasional polish.


Once I went PS3 I was just astonished by the difference; the 360 had 3 MASSIVE weaknesses: it produces more heat than a sauna, it's unbelievably loud, and it's shoddy construction gives it miserable reliability. The PS3 blew me away firstly because it's almost totally silent, even with a disk in. The second thing that amazed me was how efficient it's cooling is-even running a game that pushes it, like Gran Turismo, it's literally as cool as a room-temperature cucumber. And the third thing, was just how beautifully nailed together the thing is. Pick up a 360, and it rattles like it's got loose debris in it. The PS3 doesn't clatter at all. As a professional engineer, that means something to me.


As it stands, in the last 2 years my allegiance has changed entirely; I now consider myself a dedicated Sony fan, although I'm not unreasonable. IF, IF MS can somehow make up for what they've done and said, then maybe the PS4 will have some company on my shelf, but the PS4's got sooo many good looking exclusives(Destiny looks AWESOME, a new KillZone, Drive Club, Gran Turismo, Watch Dogs, The Unit, and Naughty Dog will probably do something good) and Sony have made some many comments that suggest they actually give a s*** about gamers, that it's my #1 choice right now. And besides, THE ONLY exclusive launch title I want for the Xbone is Titan Fall, and that's on PC anyway!

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My first 360 died on me the first week i had it, i was mad as all get out and took it back to Ebgames in anger, got a refund. Lucky for me i had both systems, one reason why i took it back in anger do to the shoddy construction of the console vs the ps3. My 60gb lived for quite some time, 5 years or so before the sader dried up and overheated. I recently got it repaired and they didn't replace the motherboard thankfully as they just put new Sader on the motherboard and replaced a few parts. Never take the risk of sending it back to Sony, they won't replace the original 60gb motherboard with the ps2 risk processor, instead replace it with a slim model.


I think i did the right thing, joooy the 60gb has backwards ps2 upscaling in true 1080P HD glory. Not to mention does the same with dvd's :biggrin:, it does one amazing job. Infact it has the best upscaling i have ever seen.




I bought the 360 long before it came out in 2005, i took a risk and that risk wasn't all that good was it, the first week :blink:

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the reason the PS4 beat x1's price, it turns out sony sacrificed the playstation eye. the PS4 was gonna cost $499 and come with it. so at this point the playstation eye is pretty much dead to everything but first party titles sony forces the eye upon.



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I'm fine with that. If it looks like games are making use of the eye in a fun useful way ill buy it myself. I'm glad we aren't forced into that. I'm into simple gaming. Not all this motion gimmick stuff.
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:blink: :blink: :blink: WHHAA???


The ps4 runs orbis Linux



Is this the new OtherOS?????


It's the operating system the console runs on, I don't think we'll be seeing OtherOS again. :(

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