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Angry Joe is still angry (strong language)...



I guess i was lucky, what games have you played with the yelling and screaming of Children, i could see it in Little big Planet, but games Like Borderlands, gt5, and other fps i have come across none. if not there is that mute button and report grief option. Or simply block them.


I found some comments from the ceo from nintendo :biggrin:



Even he's mocking it, now that tells you something.


That's a parody account.

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I hope it is and I agree it probably is...I doubt they would say something quite like that. If it were true (although funny) Nintendo doesn't need to throw stones at another console considering they also seem deaf to their consumers at times.


I figure PS4 will have some kind of used game fee. I could deal with that if it was small and reasonable.

I believe I read they were going to have all their games available for download at some point as their goal was to have all the games on there at some point? Or something like that?

I may have dreamed it though...lol

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I know it was a joke, i saw it on gamespot lol, i was hoping you would have not have caught that, and the Nintendo thing. :biggrin:

Edited by Thor.
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MS are [expletive] without a doubt, but I honestly wish people would stop hailing Sony as the white knight in all this. Don't forget their history of lies and over-embellishments about their previous consoles. In fact, most of the tech they've produced over the years has been over-hyped and over-priced rubbish.


Sony would just love to implement the kind of crap MS are planning, don't pretend otherwise.


Heed these wise words: Fanboyism leads to exploitation. Exploitation leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. (I had to :P)


Just bear in mind that you don't actually NEED any of these consoles. People talk as though they simply won't survive without choosing and buying one of them. This must-have society is bad ju-ju and the console manufacturers love it.

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i know it was a joke, i saw it on one of gamespot lol, i was hoping you would have not have caught that, and the Nintendo thing. :biggrin:

I dont know the names (or care) of these people...so meh on me then hmmm lol


and Dem....yeah that is the main issue. No matter how many people b&@*$ the Xbox will still sell like hotcakes, teaching MS nothing at all. Most of the people that b&@*$ about it (including probably people here) will get it or get it eventually.


A company never learns until they take a HUGE hit in the profit margin.

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more self inflicted wounds from microsoft





all the bad PR is now finding its way into mainstream news site who otherwise never cover video games. on my flipboard app an article about xbox one scaring gamers was a headline story.

Interesting read and I lean towards believing it(EA have been doing it for years) despite them presenting rumours and hush-hush as though proven...



No matter how many people *censored* the Xbox will still sell like hotcakes




Tru dat.


As I said in an earlier post I already know people who've pre-ordered it, completely ignoring all these "revelations" and opinions of the internetz. They literally said they just want to play Forza and Gears of War so they'll buy the XBone(someone needs to think of a better abbreviation) because those games are not on the Playstation. Oh, and dog. And fishes.


People just can't/won't do without the shiniest, newest things and pretend to live well above their means, fuddling up the global economy with bergillions of pounds/dollars/euros/[Chinese currency] in non-existent but already-been-spent wealth, leading to a massive "credit crunch" when the banks stand up one day and say, 'we want our moneyz back!'


That's why you see endless droves of zombified people with turtleneck jumpers and bald heads queueing half a mile down the road outside an Apple shop on the day before a new iPhone releases, professing that, 'Macs are better for media,' and, 'Macs don't get viruses!' Normally I'll sit back and point and laugh at the sheep-like mentality and Stockholm Syndrome-ey devotion to bloated, greedy corporations and their useless, over-priced gimmicks made from trace amounts of precious metals and silicon deposits that become the objects of desire and adoration of millions. But when this mentality then poses a serious threat MY life-long hobby—oh, yes, it will send a very clear message to the gaming industry that anti-consumerist practices are totally cool, mark my words—I get really wound up and start anticipating the day Coronavirus will mutate and do the species a big, effing favour, Darwin-style!


Don't worry, my thoughts are not really so extreme to wish something like that upon the world. But you get my point, I hope.


Conclusion: I should be made king of the world because I like to write pointless rants on the internet.

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