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I'd have to be an octopus to give idiocy of that magnitude the facepalm it deserves...


An octopus holding sledgehammers.



A thwacktopus.

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More funny news , MS had to shut down several xbox one consoles during Comic Con. I wonder if they are using the same Nvidia hardware setups as E3. That would be even funnier as they seem a bit noobish when it comes to keeping the systems cool.




and the actual comic con article



I'm starting to feel sorry for MS lol. I am hoping their consoles won't suffer the same fate as the 360 rrod's, looks like its on its way to be the same "track record". Hopefully they will get the kinks out of them, even oddly enough they should be using the AMD apus which in a sense would run cooler in that situation instead of several Nvidia cards in sli. Strange that they didn't use them at E3 :confused:

The sudden shut down scenario does sound like a overheating problem.

Edited by Thor.
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  • 3 weeks later...

You've gotta be kidding me. Who the bloody hell is in charge of MS these days? a baboon could do a better job? Baboons would do a better job, they're really smart. Unlike MS. That's just plain stupid. Actually and honestly stupid. You're supposed to try and make a better product than the other guy which the largest majority of people can use the world over, in as many languages and cultures as possible. Not an inferior, less reliable product that can only be used by Europeans and Americans, and is aimed exclusively at Americans. One of these days the Americans will realize that there's a whole WORLD beyond the horizon, and that it's got all sorts of wonderful things to offer. They'd be great if they just realized that, but right now they seem to be locked in this 20th century idea of making products for a single market.




Still smarter than microsoft

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ofc its aimed at Americans. Xbox 360 became the worlds #1 selling console last generation because of America. American kiddies still believe that the xbox was the best console because it was #1, because it sold more then PS3. what they dont understand is that PS3 outsold Xbox in every other region. but its because Xbox sold so much in America, that now Microsoft (an American company) is going to focus mainly on America. they are hoping to sell enough here to keep them going. Americans are stupid. many xbox kiddies are still falling for the XBone, especially now that xbox has "changed" all their bad policies. Microsoft knows what they are doing. they know they can fool many stupid fanboys. and they will.



NOTE: I am an American. i did not own an Xbox, 360 and do not plan on buying an XBone. ive owned all generations of PlayStation, plan on getting a PS4, but am now primarily a PC gamer.

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ofc its aimed at Americans. Xbox 360 became the worlds #1 selling console last generation because of America. American kiddies still believe that the xbox was the best console because it was #1, because it sold more then PS3. what they dont understand is that PS3 outsold Xbox in every other region. but its because Xbox sold so much in America, that now Microsoft (an American company) is going to focus mainly on America. they are hoping to sell enough here to keep them going. Americans are stupid. many xbox kiddies are still falling for the XBone, especially now that xbox has "changed" all their bad policies. Microsoft knows what they are doing. they know they can fool many stupid fanboys. and they will.



NOTE: I am an American. i did not own an Xbox, 360 and do not plan on buying an XBone. ive owned all generations of PlayStation, plan on getting a PS4, but am now primarily a PC gamer.


Globally the Xbox is sitting behind the PS3 and Wii in terms of sales, Windows has given Microsoft a monopoly mentality that is causing them problems in a competitive market. The Xbox would have been left in the dust if the PS3 had turned up on time and if Sony hadn't made such a mess of the launch.

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Micro$oft disconnects kinect pun intended, will the console ever be ready for launch, will the changing of the hardware stop, will MS ever get it ready for shipping, Sony is already mass producing the ps4. How far behind is ms and its copy and past console..



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i think this will open up the XBone to the last bit who were on the fence. it will definitely help Xbones sales for sure. however, for many many gamers, its too little too late. its more of the principle of the matter, that they tried to pull this over on us in the first place, that hits a lot of people. many people arent going to buy it just to prove a point. that, and as ive said before, they thought they could get away with it in the first place, so there is nothing stopping them from reimplementing all this stuff once theyve sold their numbers.

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I feel sorry for anyone stupid enough to buy this. MS is simply going to wait until it's sold a few million to every American 12 year old on XBL, and then it's just going to re-implement all it's slimey DRM crap. Meanwhile we of Sony will be enjoying constant free updates and more exclusives than you can shake a Move at. Literally the first thing that comes out when I type "xbox one" into Google is "xbox one sucks" as an autocomplete, while the PS4s top autocomplete is "specs and pricing" Google Chrome, you know me well old friend.


My only regret about the Xbox One is due to Nexus posting restrictions, only a handful of the whole library of absolutely hilarious anti-Xbox images Google is giving me will actually be showable here.


http://i.imagebanana.com/img/eqjg6bj8/20130514XBOXONETEARDOWN014660x440.jpg http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/XBOX+ONE.+Hoping+for+a+Lollipop+Chainsaw+sequel+for+next_d52551_4601625.jpg

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Exclusives really isn't a valid argument, weather the game is good or not overall is what decides if it's better than the rest.


That being said, Fable is trash now, and Uncharted is incredibly boring. The only good exclusives are Ratchet and Clank and Halo.

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