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and Xbone is being delayed in several regions




so its just as we predicted. XBone actually cant afford to be making these changes this late. this means that the regions that do get the XBone on time, are probably going to get a nice Brick of some sort. haha and Xbox keeps falling down the hole. deeper and deeper.

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XBone is being delayed in Several Regions now!





This basically confirms what we were guessing. Microsoft cant afford to be doing all these changes this late. what this means is that those regions who will actually be getting the console on time, will be getting something similar to a Brick, but not quite as sturdy. oh Xbox, you just keep digging your hole deeper and deeper lol.

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Did someone say brick?




If it's anything like my last three Sony consoles, it really will be a brick; a la indestructible. In my life I have

only ever bought 3 Sony consoles. Why? because Sony has made 3 generations-my PS1 and PS2 still work

absolutely as-new! Meanwhile I've had four Xbox 360s die on me sionce 2006. Who makes the better machine?

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lets see...


i had a PS1. that lasted me until PS2 came out. at which point it stopped reading the controller inputs. so i bought a PS2 and dismantled the PS1 because i thought the chips and stuff looked cool (i was like 8 so i didnt know what they were lol). PS2 lasted for awhile, but it got taken away from me (i was grounded) for like 2 years haha. when i finally got it back, it didnt work right. again, the controllers wouldnt be read correctly sometimes. so i bought a slim, which lasted me until PS3. not sure if the Slim still works or not, i doubt it. its been in my garage for 4 years now, and was inactive for about 2-3 years before it went to the garage. and its seen a lot of temperature fluctuation at the top of that garage, cold, heat, humidity, etc. and now im on my 80gb Fat PS3 (with a 300gb HDD i put in) and it still works like a charm. runs a little hot, even being all cleaned out with air, but still cant believe its last this long. for the first 2-3 years i never shut it off. it ran around the clock 24-7 usually doing Folding@Home. since then though, ive had it set to shut off after an hour of non-use, so it spends most of its time off now. hopefully it lasts well into my PS4 days, so i can play my PS3 games still, unless PS4 comes up with some good way to play PS3 games through PSN.

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The way the MS is treating things, i can see the xbox one fail if not have console issues to begin with, and a recall. The way the surface was when it launched it had over heating issues as well. trends speak words. We are not simply hating on the console, we hope it works out. But we think what MS has done in the past, and things are not looking to bright.




80c is freaking hot for tablet :ohmy:


It seems like my suspicions may be correct, it looks like they are not simply fixing over heating like before, but shutting it down. Its not a smart move if your xbox one always shuts down do to overheating, deny all you want but this is also a trend from the 360.




they refuse to fix over heating so you instead have to suffer with it, like they once said deal with it.


quote we techies see their flaws.


power state to fight overheating issues. In fact, in this low power state, the Xbox One will have virtually no air flow. The Xbox's General Manager of Console Development, Leo del Castillo, goes over this interesting feature in a

Air flow is what you need, it should not be turned off no matter the circumstance. In fact some console regulate the airflow via fan controllers, which in itself not a good idea either, constant airflow is a thing to keep the console at stable temp, just like a pc.


the one reason why the ps3 stood out from the rest of the consoles is its massive use of heat piping, you wonder why all those years the ps3 had a low rate of Ylods compared to the 360, that reason alone.


I even have a link that even keeps to the claim



I feel sorry for that AMD chip in the xbox one, pc architecture is a little different from IBM or the cell. It might not like the overheating much, not just the first time.

Edited by Thor.
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I had a pc fry on me from not enough cooling, it did not like the first time it overheated.


They think they would get away with that with pc architecture, think again.


No matter if its amd or Intel the outcomes the same.

Edited by Thor.
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Thor-they're counting on it overheating. It's called engineered failure, and it's something that Microsoft has been working on for a while. It's designed to be unreliable, so it breaks and you have to buy a new one, greatly increasing sales from guillible American parents who just want their abnoxious, overindulged kids to shut up and go back to playing BF3.

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