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Fallout 4 announced with teaser trailer


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In response to post #25939019.

ksb1082 wrote: Does anyone else want to disable the time played button for these games? I mean I have 600+ hours on Fallout 3, Fallout NV, Skyrim... I can't imagine the mods that are going to come out for this one. Which will easily take me well beyond 600+ hours on this one.

it only counts time you spent playing while logged in to the internet...if it can't talk to steam servers, time doesn't go up. Also remember that if there is a hiccup on steams servers (like every Tuesday when they take them down for maintenance) your time played doesn't go up either. This means you could have another couple hundred hours not being counted.
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I would love to have more weapon grips, and animation choices, and a "lipsinc" engine included it the geck, that would make my modding a bit easier. And the choice to make deployable weapons, as i already reproduced the "Gatling 1862" but its only for display, well will be when i release HK Base for FNV episode2. Edited by henukelkoch
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In response to post #25960504.

henukelkoch wrote: I would love to have more weapon grips, and animation choices, and a "lipsinc" engine included it the geck, that would make my modding a bit easier. And the choice to make deployable weapons, as i already reproduced the "Gatling 1862" but its only for display, well will be when i release HK Base for FNV episode2.

and maybe a working "arrow" projectile type (darts, rail-spikes, spears, ... ... ...arrows) that can be picked up without having to force corpses to spontaneously generate them.
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In response to post #25865099. #25877194, #25877229, #25878144, #25883834 are all replies on the same post.




thunderwolf86 wrote:

ok i really didnt want to be the guy to bring attention to this (maybe it already has, cant 100% confirm) but to be perfectly honest, despite the fact that i too and super excited for FO4, i am also incredibly concerned as it was only a month and a half ago that paid mods was momentarily integrated for Skyrim. it could be just as easily integrated into Fallout 4 right from the get go. again i really didnt want to draw more attention to this issue and cause an unnecessary flame war but i do feel that this needs to be discussed and looked into. i do have my own opinions on the subject like everyone else but thats not really what i am aiming for, id rather focus on whether or not Fallout 4 will have paid mods instead of the whole paid mods right or wrong thing. keep that in the back of your minds as i feel it is a little more then just a coincidense the only 6 weeks after the whole paid mods fiasco does Fallout 4 get announced.

dwyzl wrote: There is no connection. Stop being paranoid.
endgameaddiction wrote: Here's the best thing Bethesda could ever do to generate revenue for the PC version




1. Place FO4 on another engine not allowing us to mod with toolkit. aka idTech

2. Male protagonist as main character and selection only.

3. Monetize system on mods.

4. Still create bugged out titles and broken patches.


That right there will guarantee PC users to support and buy Fallout 4 for sure.


And before any dumdum tries to retaliate on me. You can monetize mods without a toolkit. But who's going to be purchasing replacers and retextures? probably 99% of the STEAM fanboys that's who.




On a serious note: Bethesda will not integrate P2M (pay 2 mod) from the get go. That literally would be the dumbest move they do in 2015, or one of the top 5 dumbest things done in 2015.


If they plan to implement a monetize system for mods, it'll be done by the time they release the GECK after they've changed the EULA to their benefit, which will not be released at the launch of the game fyi (for your information).


Whether they go through with this or not, I'm not going to pre-order this game until...


1. I know for sure no monetize system will be integrated into Fallout 4.

2. If it's not integrated, I'm going to wait for the final edition. I'm not spending extra USD for the DLCs separate.

3. If it's using Creation Engine, are we going to get shafted with animations like Skyrim? having to use a havok system. Fore said himself he's not making a FNIS 2 for another game period. I know because I know.


If they meet my expecations and listen to me, then I'll buy the game retail price as a courtesy. If not, my money is not worth their financial interests.

JianXintou wrote: If we're talking about P2M with past precedence in mind then I would even question: Is it that relevant for everyone? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think to remember this was solely a Steam Workshop thing. If you open the game up to modding in general, you can't really force people to pay for mods - I doubt there is a way to limit mods that work to mods that only come from Steam Workshop. So I don't see that being such a huge issue either way.


Plus they would be ridiculously stupid to repeat the same mistake twice in a year.

RGMage2 wrote: Paid mods is really the only question I have about FO4.


I will buy it, I will play it, and I will enjoy it. Whether or not I will make mods for it is as yet unknown.

I didn't mean to say I would pre-order the game with conditions. I mean purchase this game until...


my error on that.


I would never pre-order a game, ever. If people want to, that's them. I'll make smarter investments. And when people stop pre-ordering, it makes Bethesda panic. But if we send the message clear that we've had enough with broken games and constant broken patches, they'll have to meet our expectations.


I don't expect them to fully patch the game 100% because that's impossible, but I do expect them to do a better job than the previous titles and what they done to Skyrim.


I mean you would think the amount of pre-orders there have been in the past would serve as some kind of influence to keep patching the game until it's at a more stable and playable level.


Take it from this I just wrote above why monetized mods will never work. A modder who makes 25% profit (which is complete garbage) selling you a mod will not be influenced enough on money to keep patching the game if he's making a really sh_tty profit from his/her work. The amount of PMs and modder playing customer support is well not worth that 25% profit. Even if you have 100 mods up and selling. Good luck with all those PMs about people complaing and demanding a fix instantly because they purchased that mod.




i wouldnt go so far as to say they wouldnt implement paid mods from the start just because of what transpired 2 months ago, i mean if anything that couldve been the testing ground to see how it would turn out. iregardless of whether or not it was a success, i do still feel that they would want to go through with this for Fallout 4 and that concerns me. they didnt do it right the first time around so i highly doubt they're going to get it right the second time but i dont think thats going to stop them from trying. this is something i feel we NEED to know ahead of time, before release, if this is going to be implemented. i honestly dont think the concerns of mod makers and mod users has been taken into account yet, its too soon, they would probably sooner get this system running at the launch of FO4 long before they take any of those concerns into consideration. either way you slice it i guess what im getting at is dont get your hopes up just yet for FO4 because at the moment we dont know if this system will happen or not but if it does there will more then likely be a similar situation to the one that happened with Skyrim and that wasnt pretty. when money is involved things kinda take a turn for the worse in every situation.


just to be clear, for the sake of arguement, i am all for turning modding into a career, making money off of your mods sounds great. i am just against consumers having to pay up front for them. consumers are already having to pay for triple A games costing close to, if not over $100 to get the full experience with all the DLCs, skins, season passes, content packs, and all the other stuff. its just too much money. (honestly in a perfect world i would assume that a modding career operate similar to the way a youtubers career works, ad revenue, a little ad pop up appears when you click download, the consumer doesnt have to pay out the wahzoo and the content creater gets paid for his work. bare in mind i dont know the fine print of being a youtuber so my take is in its simplest form (oh and please dont say "no one is forcing you to buy," that was never what this is about, its entertainment, not necessity, dont be that guy)).

Edited by thunderwolf86
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Poacher886, on 05 Jun 2015 - 11:31 PM, said:

In response to post #25834169. #25841134, #25847609, #25848799 are all replies on the same post.

QuotePoacher886 wrote: I just cant stress enough how important the map size is to me. Skyrim / Fallout only became good / great games after approx 100 mods, the modders can incorporate just about everything from weapons to graphics to quests to buildings to complete overhauls.

But modders cant / dont / wont, increase the map size. Both Skyrim and especially fallout had tiny maps...a few sessions and you had it covered, a few more and you could tell the location from a screenshot, you wer neve more than a minutes walk from one of the two main roads in NV, you could never really get lost in any kind of wasteland, both games were limited by the small size and thus scope.

Now if we had a map 4x skyrim you then have a playground that with mods could go for years or certainly a long time before it became familiar....modders will fill the gaps in the games issues and make it a better game, you could have a least some semblance of a waste land which was not possible in FNV or any kind of forest in Skyrim etc.

The map size is everything, everything else can be modded in.

QuoteQDUB89 wrote: You want a completely new map or at least a modded one, then you take up programming/coding and do it yourself. A lot of people don't understand how daunting coding can really be. Some mods are made for years, released, and then improved for the next 5 years and can still have numerous bugs/glitches that sometimes even a team of modders don't understand why it's not working properly.

That and the fact that you are talking about, essentially, creating a new map (or modding the original one) takes a lot of room; not a lot of people want to take such a task of extending the map, let-alone the fact that now you have to retexture everything to blend in smoothly, code in hills, NPCs, building, quests, new lore, so on and so forth. You're talking about a crap ton of code. The "Tropical Skyrim" mod (for Skyrim, no duh) alone took at least a year to make (was release a year and a half after skyrim) and that is just a simple layer of code on top of the skyrim map, not actually coding the map to look/behave tropical; I can be standing in the middle of a desert and still get a SNOW storm. Physically extending the map would take YEARS and you're not even guaranteed it will work.

QuotePoacher886 wrote: Im not on about extending the map..thats the point, i want the map to be so big in the first place it doesn't need extending!!

Then it can be filled or altered by mini mods thereafter.

The problem with SKYrim and Fallout was the maps were so small, it was familiar from a dew hours in and mods never changed that.

Quotejanishewski wrote: There are technical limitations that had to be considered. Remember that these were all last gen games, or even the gen before that. It is easy to say you want a bigger map, but I disagree. If there are vehicles, then yes, but I don't want to walk 20 minutes real time just to get a quest reward. Everybody wants bigger maps until they get them. I love Just Cause 2, but I never finished it and I bet I never saw more than 1-3 % of the map.

Could'nt disagree more, I want to walk for days to get a quest done..thats the point the journey, the scavaging for food, the looking for somewhere to sleep for the night, the need to survive the attacks on-route and the planning for such a mission, IS THE ENJOYABLE PART OF THE GAME, completing the quest is the anticlimax!

Having a map that is so big you can play for months having only seen a small part of it, makes it all the more repayable for years to come with still new area's to see and explore keeping it fresh....i just cant ever see ANY argument for smaller maps.

I'd here some folk going "Skyrim map is way to big Dude"....and i just cant believe what im hearing..Opposing Castles that are a stones throw from each other Lol...quite ridiculous...start a new game, oh here we go, same old road, same old places, same old game..Map size is everything, everything else can be modded.

And those that say " A smaller more compact and interesting map is better than a larger one" are talking nonsence. A much larger more interesting game world is better than a smaller one full stop.

Someone show me where the wastland is in FO3 / NV?, it doesn't exist, if you walk 2 minutes in any direction you either get to the end of the map or back on the road again!!!

A wasteland should be a big scary place where survival is the main enemy, where careful consideration of what you bring with you is paramount, Where you can ACTUALY get lost, where you can be days walk from human civilisation, where coming across some old battered shelter gives you a massive feeling of achievement and good fortune.

The size of the map give scope and endless re-playability for what im sure be years before the next game comes, the limiting feature in all these game is the map size.

I agree with you 100% about the way a game map and build should be, "I want to walk for days to get a quest done..thats the point the journey, the scavaging for food, the looking for somewhere to sleep for the night, the need to survive the attacks on-route and the planning for such a mission, IS THE ENJOYABLE PART OF THE GAME, completing the quest is the anticlimax!"

____________________________________ MORROWIND+ _______________________________

I've played more of the new games and they have made the game a prize hunt, a cake walk, and a line telling us it is the best game ever.

More like a game at a local church indoor carnival where children pay 10 cents to fish with a pole, with a clothes pin on a string. They hang the cloths pin over the curtain, as soon as they feel a tug, then they pull the fish pole line back, and there's a penny prize in the clothes pin.

I hope I win a cake, or at least; Fallout 4 doesn't prove to be another cake walk.

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In response to post #25904771. #25911555, #25926789, #25929359 are all replies on the same post.

digitaltrucker wrote:

For all of you who are putting any stock whatsoever in that stupid reddit post, yet more proof it's a load of BS. This is in addition to this.


Hey guys! I used to work for Bethesda too! Until I got fired for doing obscene things to Todd Howard's Twinkie stash, that is! I played TES VI: Atmora! It's full of flying monkeys and magical talking sweetrolls! It's also designed exclusively for Android smartphones and the Super Nintendo console! The player character is going to be a giant were-mudcrab!



Get a grip.

TheCourier13 wrote: Indeed.
SMB92 wrote: Well I'm relieved if this is true. The uncertainty is killing me.

But I can't help but think this is gonna be another x86 (32-bit), buggy-ass Gamebyro driven game, those graphics sure look like it maybe in DX10 or 11 (I think it's safe to say it won't be DX12 lol) but that might not mean much if it is on the same buggy crap we've been getting for years now.

And I sincerely hope that it will be 3 times bigger than Skyrim mapwise :)

From what I saw it was impossible for the engine they are using to be 32-bit. There is no way they would have that big of a city if it was 32-bit. Also, if they're only using a 32-bit engine, that would be dumb, as there would be 1.3 GB of RAM they won't be able to use for the consoles. (4.5 gb is for the games, 3.5 gb is for the OS) For Bethesda games, that's huge. That's several times what the 360 and PS3 had for their games. There was 512 MB for the PS3 and 360, but some of that is also the OS, (they never specify how much) so it's probably at least 100 MB less. Finally, DX11 and Parallax is in Fallout 4. That's another reason of many it wouldn't be 32-bit only. They will run out of RAM fast and just have so many CTDs and problems if it's not 64-bit. Skyrim itself had several problems without mods that 64-bit would have solved.
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Quick recap for anyone who hasn't watched the E3 footage yet


-VA PCs: Confirmed, whether this will be an issue will probably depend upon wether you have subtitle options like in past FO games where dialogue and subtitles match. Then a mod that disables the VA probably shouldn't be an issue.


- Male only character creation: Debunked. You can choose.


- No character customization: Debunked. You get a dynamic system that works without sliders. Footage didn't show whether there are different body types but there may be. Personal note: I do like the prospect of making characters that don't require 20 mods to look human.


- PA customization: Confirmed. You can individualize the whole thing. And there's a layered armor system now.


- Extended Weapon customization: Confirmed. You can pretty much customize weapons to the degree that you can change weapon type.


- Vehicles/Vertibirds: Confirmed. Footage didn't show whether you can fly a vertibird yourself but you can get into them (and apparently call them via flare).


- PC awakens from a cryogenic sleep chamber: Still up in the air, seems likely though as it's indicated that the PC has been gone for 2 centuries.


- You get to play pre-War: Confirmed. At least to the degree that you can play bits of pre-war for the intro.


Id tech engine: Debunked. It's a modified version of the Creation Engine. Personal Note: From the looks of it, I'd wager it's 64 bit. With everything that's going and the expo looking like a console version I'd say it kinda has to be.

While this is nothing definitive I'd say this a clear hint in the direction that mods for FO4 won't be an issue.


Other notable things:

1. The option to build and customize your own settlements (and send/lead carvans between them)

2. More dynamic VATS, it looks a bit to me like a combo of VATS and bullet time.

3. More dynamic pipboy, animated icons, pipboy game/recording holotapes and the likes.

4. Release date is 10th of November so everyone who's been assuming it'd come this year was right (honestly doesn't seem surprising, with all the momentum building up it would've been stupid to announce it this early with another year or more of wait)


Edited by JianXintou
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In response to post #26128534.

JianXintou wrote: Quick recap for anyone who hasn't watched the E3 footage yet

-VA PCs: Confirmed, whether this will be an issue will probably depend upon wether you have subtitle options like in past FO games where dialogue and subtitles match. Then a mod that disables the VA probably shouldn't be an issue.

- Male only character creation: Debunked. You can choose.

- No character customization: Debunked. You get a dynamic system that works without sliders. Footage didn't show whether there are different body types but there may be. Personal note: I do like the prospect of making characters that don't require 20 mods to look human.

- PA customization: Confirmed. You can individualize the whole thing. And there's a layered armor system now.

- Extended Weapon customization: Confirmed. You can pretty much customize weapons to the degree that you can change weapon type.

- Vehicles/Vertibirds: Confirmed. Footage didn't show whether you can fly a vertibird yourself but you can get into them (and apparently call them via flare).

- PC awakens from a cryogenic sleep chamber: Still up in the air, seems likely though as it's indicated that the PC has been gone for 2 centuries.

- You get to play pre-War: Confirmed. At least to the degree that you can play bits of pre-war for the intro.

Id tech engine: Debunked. It's a modified version of the Creation Engine. Personal Note: From the looks of it, I'd wager it's 64 bit. With everything that's going and the expo looking like a console version I'd say it kinda has to be.
While this is nothing definitive I'd say this a clear hint in the direction that mods for FO4 won't be an issue.

Other notable things:
1. The option to build and customize your own settlements (and send/lead carvans between them)
2. More dynamic VATS, it looks a bit to me like a combo of VATS and bullet time.
3. More dynamic pipboy, animated icons, pipboy game/recording holotapes and the likes.
4. Release date is 10th of November so everyone who's been assuming it'd come this year was right (honestly doesn't seem surprising, with all the momentum building up it would've been stupid to announce it this early with another year or more of wait)

There is a Body option on the toolbar during the face generation demo (at 1:12:13 on Youtube) so I guess there is some sort of body customization too.
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Where are the skills? they were absent during chargen and no mention was made of them, this looks like a perk, not a skill http://i.imgur.com/g3BFJ7E.png


I liked the Pipboy boot screen, some of the oldies will have recognised it...



Edited by jim_uk
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Although I found the inclusion of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L.s again a good sign (I expected them to be done away with), not seeing a specific listing of Skills is somewhat worrisome to me. Since the Creation Engine is being used here again, it is quite possible that we will have Perk/Skill Trees like in Skyrim. If so, then what happens to the Perks we had before?

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