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New Artificial Intelligence Mod


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Greetings all!


I'm pleased to announce the first in a line of mods dedicated to improving the player experience of Skyrim through improved Artificial Intelligence.


The Nexus download page can be found here:



For a preview of the new features, and a general review of gaming AI, please refer to the following video:




This mod file contains a small combat-test dungeon with a handful of opponents. Players are encouraged to try it out and share their reflections and experiences.


Note that there is no map-based entry point -- to enter the arena, open the Console menu (using the ~ key) and type:


coc NewAITestDungeon03


Also note that enemies will auto-resurrect after 45 seconds, so there is no need to re-load.


Feedback on the AI changes is welcome as I prepare a set of full dungeons. I look forward to hearing from you!

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This improvement is incredible, will you eventually make this for all the AI in the vanilla game? What about followers, creatures and dragons?


Thanks for the feedback!


My short-term goal is to duplicate a current dungeon in the game, and then give all enemies in there a revised AI -- that way, players can do a "side-by-side" comparison between the vanilla AI and the new stuff, and we can all discuss some further potential improvements.


Eventually that might scale up to followers and dragons -- though I'm more focused on adversaries to the player than allies for now. I feel that's where we can see the greatest improvements in the player's experience -- but we'll see as things evolve.

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DUDE! This AI mod is exactly what I have been missing from my collection! More variety like this makes the game maintain it's challenge and avoid dullness of doing the same thing over and over. This mod will be great when finished but I wonder how those mages would react against illusion magic and sneaking because that's what I play, a nightblade type of char with backstab and illusion magic with calm, frenzy or invis in my left, and dagger in the right. The calm and backstab becomes quite an exploit like you mentioned that AI would avoid. Maybe traps created by the npc if he noticed his friend died by someone unseen. These traps could vary from damage to noise making or the AI could be smart by putting back into a corner, avoiding a sneak attack while setting up defenses around him with minions and any tanky npc walking around scouting the area. That would give the player something to think about :tongue:.

Edited by Bradmo123
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Holy crap... This definitely perked my interest! I'm all about challenge in my games versus exploration, but even with the higher difficulty settings here, it forces you to do both in a way you wouldn't think of. I am VERY impressed, and I seriously cannot wait for the full dungeon set. I would never get tired of Skyrim (not that I do as it is :P).

Amazing work, man. Keep it up!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This looks that it might be the mod I have been looking for since I finished my first playthrough of skyrim. My main interest is not really combat, it's more RP and immersion so I was never interested in mods making enemies stronger or having more powers. But I've always been frustrated by the very low level of intelligence in all the adversaries we face.

Some mods like Duel, ASIS, Enemy AI Overhaul help some, enemies fight better as in have more finesse, the attacks parry will be better timed and they will heal, but still something is missing that you described perfectly in your video.


My personal experience with AI lack of "smartness" is this :


I play a sneack archer. I have of course downloaded enough mods so that my opponenents detect me in a more realistic manner (line of sight, light/shadow, type of armor, running/walking, activating a trap or making any kind of noise) and if I kill one of their team where at least one of them can see they will raise the alarm and not stop looking until they find me or an extremly long time has passed.

Seems fine, right ? Well there is still a major fault unfortunately :


They see one of them fall dead, if they are close enough they should even know it's from an arrow, they become alert, call all their allies close enough to hear their warning and ... run where the NPC has fallen placing themselves exactly where it's the most dangerous, in front of my arrows. Speccialy if it's a corridor, they will just come running and fall dead one after the other... it's depressing ! :(

Worst even, if there is a trap between their position and the one they want to investigate they will activate it and die one after the other even if they see what happened to the x other before them.


What I would like to see is them approching to investigate much more carefully. Taking cover when they can, keeping their distance with the body, not coming all at the same time but maybe sending one or two scouts to check out where the enemy came from. And if someone comes close enough or was close enough to see it's an arrow that killed the npc then they should all take cover and look for the places an arrow could have come from.

And as for the traps, it's their dungeon, it's their trap they should know where it is and avoid it if possible, stay on hte other side of it otherwise or at the very least not fall into it if they see one of them die from it or if it's obvious like the swinging axes.


Your video with the dungeon was nice but it's, as many other mods more geared towards "non sneak" fighting tactics, nowhere to hide and all very bright there.

If you manage to do the same kind of thing with a stealth character, melee or ranged in mind then I will be more than glad to test it as much as you need and will gladly put in on my "must have permanently on my load order" list once it's finished :D

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