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How To Change Pipboy World Map

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Very much appreciated! Its interesting how some people were able to go about it at ease and I'm just stuck here. I have done everything everyone else has. Only thing I havent seen from others that got it working is how they are creating their worldspaces from scratch. Like by using heightmap, 3rd party software or by landscape tool starting from 0,0 and drawing out to create new cells or using the creation local map feature.

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I already have my DDS map for my custom worldspace. Its of the proper compression. I've used both DX1,2 and 5. 5 is the most commonly used one that works by others that have got this working. It be great if anyone out there could explain how they got theirs working however. I find people just disappear after they get their situation working.

I even did a test with using the Far Harbord DDS and it did not work. So there is an issue with the worldspace properties or something even before that step. Because if you were to go to a "door" that takes you to my worldspace it literally displays what my worldspace is called. The outdoor location's name is on screen. However once you enter, your are taking to my worldspace but commonwealth is still displayed with its map.

(Not using Commonwealth as parent.)

Edited by Teabone3
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To change the Pip-Boy map, go to:




Way to necro a 5 year old post :laugh:


Edit: I'm just teasing. I tend to do it too if I find the answer to something and know how to fix it. Especially on the individual mod pages where the author disappeared years ago.

Edited by aurreth
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