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What weapons would you like for your companions?


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For companions, when I played with "normal" or only mild scarcity settings so that I had enough ammo, I always used automatic guns which were not accurate and had high recoil. Before I started to use James mod exclusively, I normally went with MacCready and Cait, and both are terrible with their default guns, MacCready being the worst. I remember him boasting about his gunning ace abilities while missing a ghoul or raider 5 times in a row at 10 feet.


With automatic guns however they shine. The problem of companions seems to be that they aim center mass, and being dump as amoeba (not to insult the small creatures ...) also aim center mass if center mass is behind cover. With auto fire and spread they hit people in cover much better.

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I've seen a few mods that help to improve the companion accuracy. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/36712 I think this is the one that I used on the PS4.

Amazing Follower Tweaks, that I use now, vastly improves their combat AI. I see a lot more head shots now. A lot. LOL Sometimes to the point that I'm duking it out with some mob and all of a sudden their head just explodes, and I'm like "HOLY S#!& !!"


OK automatic weapons. I'll check in a little bit to see what companion ammo is available to match up with guns.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some times when i drop a legendary weapon and drop also other stuff, open the console and type scrapall, i have 2 legendary guns. 2 spray n'pray and 2 of other. Then i give the new spray n'pray -buy from Cricket trader- to a companion with a lot of 45 ammo and i am happy, because i know that at a battle, my team is going to win, fast.

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LOL yep!

Though if you want to make that as part of your runthrough, I could whip up a batch file for you really fast, that would add a couple of those to your inventory ;)

"But...! It's a submachinegun! It's accuracy and recoil sucks!" *Tries to do a MxR impersonation* "Shut the .... up Jimmy! It's explosive! It doesn't matter!"

Also, if any of you guys are named Jimmy, or James... I just stuck my foot in my mouth, big time. Sorry about that. You'd have to watch his youtube channel to get the joke.

Edited by StormWolf01
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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I just give them legendaries that seem to fit their character


for example, Curie has the wazer wifle because you know.....science. Nick has a freezing 44 revolver because I figure he wants to bring in fugitives alive, Cait has le fusil terribles cause she likes mayhem, etc

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  • 1 month later...

In my current playthrough I've only used Piper and I have set her up with a UMP45 (mod) which I think suits her character. A small weapon that is more powerful then a piston but that still isn't
as big as a combat rifle r assault rifle which I think would be too big/heavy for Piper.

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  • 2 months later...

Kinda depends on the Companion.

Piper: I'd give her a CROSS Ruger MkV - something easily concealable - but devastating once you put on Elemental Infusers.

Cait: Depends on pre or post addiction removal. Pre? An Uzi, up close and personal. Post? Maybe a McMillian CS5 paired with a handgun.

Hancock? This is easy - an HK-41, .308 fully automatic rifle. Make a mess and have fun doing it.

McCready? A perfect pair. IMI Desert Eagle and a Lever Action both firing .44 mag.

Nick? TBH I'd give him a Coonan .357.

Preston? He gets NOTHING......

Old Longfellow? He'd get a Rem92, lever action shotty. Short barrel, firing some of the most wicked ammo known to man.

Edited by fraquar
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  • 2 months later...

My Piper has a Two-shot Plasma Rifle and she does pretty well at stoping Super mutant suiciders with her face.



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