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[1.1] CentropolisCR Crisis and Hope; Before the First Scitechdom Airfleet Arrived [20.1[23]


Saraa: "When the Starfortress was abandoned, a very intensive effort was undertaken to destroy all information except for the most general kind. What the fortress was truly intended for, what it was actually doing, where those activities were being carried out inside the structure and much else needs to be discovered. My people have already started working with the cableporter hub. A testing drone was teleported to the SteyelCitadel and got through undamaged and then was returned the same way."


Smashbang shook his head with a look of irony on his face. "This is all a bit much for an ugly old hulktant like me."


Saraa smiled at him. "You mean a handsome, youthful, hulktant like you."


Smashbang stared at Saraa in shock and then grinned. "Very funny, you are joking with this old neutered mutant."


She smiled. "According to that bulge down there, not so much the neuter any more. The CelestiRainbowEffect can be quite potent or that is what I have been psysensing of you and others of your people."


In a seemingly impossible manner, MutiMarshal Smashbang blushed and others paused to study this amazing phenomena, in shock. To Smashbang's obvious relief they switched back to official conversation.

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[1.1] CentropolisCR Crisis and Hope; Before the First Scitechdom Airfleet Arrived [21.1[24]


A strange quiet had fallen upon CentropolisCR, at least by its loudly aggressive standards. Gangers, raiders, bandits, cannibals, vigiltes (vigilantes) and other trouble makers had become less active but so had law enforcers in response to this surprising event. The DCR (Democratic Central Republic) had only one small, isolated, outpost in the GrandMall area that was not even officially part of its DCRSN (Democratic Central Republic Settlement Network). With that outpost was a small contingent of Rangers being of DCR Law Enforcers (DCRLE).


As the CelestiRainbowAlliance, the CRA, grew both more enmeshed and stronger, there was the first movements, of cableteleportation, between the Starfortress, ShelterplexCR383 and the SteyelCitadel.


Jesdha began to lead his people towards the Starfortress but going was slow because of the lack of transports, the difficulty of the ways and the nature of the followers. He was soon gaining assistance through the CelestiRainbowFocusi.


As for the Timespaceship residents, of Massatrio and the SangaScavvers, along with refugees, they were still in the amazing, expanding, upgrading chamber with its increasing extensions. Returning to the main safe chamber, where the Timespaceship was found, would one day reveal some very interesting finds and some disturbing ones also.

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[1.0] CentropolisCR Crisis and Hope; NewEarth Wide Incidents [22.1[25]


Minutemen stood firm on the battlements of the fort wall, as the mutiradman tribal barbarians stormed towards them with awful speed and strength. As scarred as they were, the mutiradmans were not to be confused with mutiradghouls of any kind though they were closest to mutighoulmans. FactorX had been part of their mutating but not as much as it had been with the mutiradghouls. The Minutemen wore typical mercenary type military gear of body-armour over fatigues though they were not mercs. NewBritain was a subcontinent stretching out from the old U21CA (United 21 Commonwealths of America) that was now the struggling Democratic NewBritish Republic, the DNBR. The Minutemen were the paramilitary force of the republic.


The defenders' sharpshooters picked up outrageously garbed leaders of the enemy as machineguns thundered away at the same foe. The superdrugged enemy were behaving with insane over confidence and were suffering from doing so but Captain Charleston was not the only Minuteman to suspect it was a ruse of diversion from the dangerous attack.


What did they want? They wanted the Rainbowtoy that was cleverly disguised as a rainbow patterned toy robot. What probably gave its unique fashion away was just partly its softly glowing, shifting, pattern. RainbowTraki was with it and promising some tricky tricks to be used against the enemy. That is after some preparations were completed.


Charleston aimed his autocarbine and fired a trio burst before ducking behind cover. The enemy had a handful of snipers backing them up whose minds seemed clearer than those of the charging horde. Two Minutemen had been shot dead, others wounded, before the defenders had gained greater caution. The Minutemen were starting to run out of rocketgrenades, mortar shells and other ammo having already spent up all of the missiles. A few, basic, laserguns were still shooting beams but for two that had burned out as such patchwork weapons tended to do.


The Rainbowrobot rose up, behind the Minutemen, as it expanded in size. Its head rocket launcher, and shoulder laserguns, began to fire at once. Seemingly impossible numbers of rockets streamed out of the launchers and the barbarians were swept away even as the powerful, non patchwork, lasers cut down multiple others. In minutes the survivors were fleeing, despite superdrugs, for the Rainbowrobot radiated a psychic weapon of terror inducement.


After a short time the Rainbowrobot sparkle-shimmered and vanished away. It was no surprise that RainbowTraki had done the very same at the very same moment.


The secondary attack never took place but an almost completed tunnel was found. It would have allowed enemy fighters to pop up behind the reinforced concrete wall. It was not learned if they had been more mutiradmans or another kind of foe except for some light evidence of the use of more advanced tech, to dig the tunnel, than the barbarians had access to or the skills to use.

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[1.1] CentropolisCR Crisis and Hope; Before the First Scitechdom Airfleet Arrived [23.1[26]


Lovely Lilly had improved her balance, her grace, and her dancing so it was a good deal less dangerous. The behamoth now was in a seat harness complete with large trainer wheels on every side along with five well positioned gyroscopic stabilising systems. The heavily padded, armoured, backpack had a gyroscope in it and was balanced off by heavy panniers on all four sides.


RainbowTinzi had helped enhance Lilly, and her Lillywalker, through RainbowUcci who sat on Jesdha's as he walked, ever so carefully, next to Lilly. If Lilly ever needed to nap, the Lillywalker had a powerful electric motor and autorobotic controls to keep moving safely with.


Through the tunnels they moved of long abandoned, adapted, cave systems where human engineers had designed the changes to allow the movement of machinery through the area. There were signs that a temporary railway had been set up to carry the hardware but it had been salvaged after final use. Such histories were often to found in such hidden away places deep below the more known areas. There was a good chance it had been a covert operation never meant for the public to know about.


The strongest, of the psychics, sensed the horrible place, and its past event, first but then they came upon a great, open, chamber. It showed evidence of much work having happened there in the past but now it was the great mound of the desiccated remains of Antimimicites. They had fed upon Crushkill's mutigeltants, including himself, only to be fed upon themselves but there deaths had somehow been more painful than those of the mutigeltants.


RainbowUcci became clearly unhappy and even a little nervous. A great flash of celestial centered, rainbow, energies swept across the chamber and beyond it, engulfing also Jesdha and his followers. This was more than CelestiOnoyes, and RainbowTinzi, at work but more powerful CelestiRainbowFocusi using the voluntary celestial babies as conduits.


When it was over the Rainbowgloites, and fewer Celestigloites, flowed to join the convoy as it halted to rest. All of the mutigeltants were enhanced along with the other lifeforms and even the tech. For now rest was needed and also the consumption of food. RainbowUcci was included, of course, though perhaps he did not really need to be having been 'charged up'.


RainbowUcci spoke to Jesdha. "The enemy is charged up in a very bad, negative, way so we were given a boon to be also charged up but in a positive, good, way. The new hovercraft can carry all of us, even the big horsies. Soon we will come to a special way to get quickly to the Starfortress. Thingies will be much better when we get there."


Jesdha sighed. "I glimpsed the enemy's power, and malignance, as an Anticelestial enemy that perhaps was once of the Celestigods."


RainbowUcci spoke, with a tone of reluctance. "Yes, once the greatest of the male Celestigods but he wanted to be as powerful, at least, as a Celestigoddess and that could not be. In his madness he became Anticelestial as one of the rare Anticelestigods. Yet he is not the greatest threat though close to being so. Only CelestiOnoyes can speak more of this matter but maybe not directly so as a Celestigoddess baby. You 'sensed' the truth because you are one of the 13Chosen13x13."


The massive, enlightened, hulktant was not surprised by this revelation though he was not sure why this was so.

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[1.1] CentropolisCR Crisis and Hope; Before the First Scitechdom Airfleet Arrived [24.1[27]


Jesdha, and his people, settled into a Starfortress area put aside for their use. Even with them, the FindaSeekars and Smashbang's faction being there, there was plenty of usable space left in the massive fortress. Saraa cableteleported to the SteyelCitadel with a large team, of FindaSeekars including RainbowEcci who was an honourary FindaSeekar. She had an important meeting with MisfitMarshal Hasha Harrington, along with others of her people and of the SteyelMisfits.


The MisfitMarshal spoke on a special built chair and adapted table. "We SteyelMisfits broke away from the SteyelOrder of the powerarma SteyelKnights. That was when they were taken over by extreme fanatics of Atomicus Followerhood. Though outside of the full Atomicus network, the SteyelKnights now consider themselves to be extreme activists serving the Atomicus Priesthood."


"About half of the original SteyelOrder people broke away but about half of those went there own way as another new faction. They were not interested in mingling with us 'misfits' as invited into the fold by the previous SteyelOrder leaders who had much compassion. They were either killed in the brutal fighting, of the take over, or they came with us, the SteyelMisfits. It was then that we received the instructions of how to go to the SteyelCitadel, how to enter it and how to greet its AIsupercomputer network of networksystems that is the SteyelMind."


Hasha sighed. "We barely fill up one hundredth of one superlevel of 21 superlevels that make up the SteyelCitadel. We badly need more people and look forward to the arrival of the First Scitechdom Airfleet. The mysterious benefactor, the MBF, has not only provided us with information but fixed up the citadel and left, for us to use, a large amount of extra resources along with that which was here before they did their work. We have explored only the uppermost superlevel that is the only one above ground. The SteyelMind is only linked with networksystems in Superlevel Alpha01 which is this one."


Saraa shook her head, in wonder. "The Starfortress offers the same type of dilemma but it appears to be a far bigger one here. Still, we can not afford to make any assumptions for it is unknown just how big the Starfortress is and only the top most levels are regulated let alone occupied. It is clear to me that we have been led to locations necessary to carry out some important tasks and that it is most probable that they are linked through the CelestiRainbowFocusi. Firstly we need to focus on better exploring, charting and working with the areas we already know much about; I can not escape the impression that we will need to make them as secure, as possible, against a wide range of threats."


So the meeting went on with two Rainbowbabies sleeping peacefully with their newish mummies. Were they listening? If they were, the results may have been the extraordinary event that happened next.

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[1.1] CentropolisCR Crisis and Hope; Before the First Scitechdom Airfleet Arrived [25.1[28]


Had it always been planned or at least partly planned? That was a question that was to remain unanswered because it was irrelevant to Celestideities's ways of thinking. They were totally of the here and now; the difference was, with mere mortals for instance, that the here and now stretched out a very great deal for them and in multiple ways.


The SteyelCitadel, Starfortress, Homecavern, strange Nethergardens and Wonderland were to become the first realms to be merged, at the inside the outer rim, of the CelestiRainbowHome but being firmly part of the CelestiRainbowRealm of the greater, still being created, CelestiRainbowWorld.


Yet, in a seemingly impossible manner, the same SteyelCitadel, Starfortress, Homecavern, Nethergardens and Wonderland remained where they were or at least it seemed that they did. The reasons for this were turn out to be because of practical limitations of the CelestiRainbowFocusi in relation to local conditions but that would take time to more fully explain; it did have partly to do with the hidden instabilities, and weaknesses, of that world that in theory should not exist at all. That is there was a limitation of how, and how much, such forces could be used with out heavily damaging, or even destroying, that world that had a great number of lifeforms to protect.


The Celestideities might be considered, by too many, to be the highest celestial authority but they were far from being so. Just as they were way more 'progressed' than were their beloved Rainbowdeities, there were others that were the same to them that most often remained unnamed.


Perhaps the loose, wary, alliance of powerful enemies thought this gave them a winning edge because they had no care if the local peoples lived or died but maybe that was just an over genralisation of their motives. Or was there just the one threatening alliance of powerful foes? There was much for the rising CelestiRainbowUnion to learn.

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[1.1] CentropolisCR Crisis and Hope; Before the First Scitechdom Airfleet Arrived [26.1[29]


The Anticelestigod stirred in the blacker than black pool of partly liquefied gases designed to assist to heal in a very unnatural fashion reflecting its unnatural existence. Energies had come from massacred Antimimicites, through those that had fed upon them to a painful death, after the Antimimicites had betrayed the original CrushMarshal Crushkill and his army of followers. Treachery was the norm with the Anticelestigod and its greatly wary allies.


The Anticelestigod barely remembered that it had been once an overly ambitious Celestigod who thirsted to be as powerful as a Celestigoddess. This ended in a terrible result of its 'inversion' to what it was now but the change had not been straight forward; the entity had been offered opportunities to change its destiny bu extreme arrogance, rage, greed and turned to deep malignance.


It was dying despite unnatural attempts at healing itself; at best they had slowed the process. Now it was starting to wonder if it had been manipulated into being the great fool that it had been, starting to wonder if it would be betrayed as others had been.

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[1.1] CentropolisCR Crisis and Hope; Before the First Scitechdom Airfleet Arrived [27.1[30]


Shagrastra1112 grunted its way along the tunnel in angry abhorrence of its soon to be carried out betrayal of the Anticelestigod in its great swirling pool of darkness. The GreatEnemy, more accurately known as the Malignamasta, had directed the single facet, of Shagrastra, to carry out the deed.


Shagrastra was mildly puzzled when the dark, dank, mouldy tunnel it had been following, seemed somehow cleaner and more lit up than the last time hesheit had come that way. As a great, squat pair of linked humanoids in robes of yellow seaweeds, it preferred darkness and dampness to light and dry conditions.


Turning a corner, going through a great opening, had the eight metre tall creature expecting to arrive at a high ledge overlooking the soon to be doomed fool, of an Anticelestigod, in its great swirling pool. Except it was not there and neither was the swirling, largely gaseous liquid. Instead there was a great empty space in the hard ground of that massive chamber.


Shagrastra1112 suspected it should have been terrified but instead hesheit found itself to be pleased, even relieved. It accepted that Malignamasta would sent its own horrific avatars to devour the facet, of Shagrastra, but it did not care. There was a growing rebellion, amongst the Malignamasta's more aware, and smarter, followers and serviles along with even a few minions. It was only a small minority but news of the Anticelestigod's escape would, hopefully, give them more hope.


With a flash, of celestial and rainbow, energies the double, linked, humanoids vanished away.

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[1.1] CentropolisCR Crisis and Hope; Before the First Scitechdom Airfleet Arrived [28.1[31]


The android, in the chamber where they had found the timespaceship, disguised as a First Responder Modular Cube, turned out to be a highly advanced, sophisticated companion who could be a concubine or a mistress. She was programmed conditioned for light domestic duties, as a hostess, as a cheerful companion and as a bodyguard along with as a sexual companion. From cooking, massage, and martial arts, she had many subprograms to call upon in a hurry. Her name was Femdriana. Figuring that Femdriana would be a good finder of goodies, Saltis was keen to accept her and so the android was soon a member of the SangaScavvers.


The picture was one Mona Lisa that did not impress Saltis until she learned it was priceless for it was the real thing. Despite her best efforts, she did not get to keep it as a tradegood. Most of the items went into storage, in their original locked containers, or into display cases. The painting went onto a wall for all to see along with the gold plated laserguns that turned out to be non working replicas. The gold bullion was stored in a safe.


Stuck away, in the bottom of a wooden chest beneath some university textbooks, was a very solid cube of translucent plastic material. It was to turn out to be a dangerous Plasutonic device of a PlasutonSubmind. How it ended up there was a great mystery and it was stored away in a heavily secured fashion.


Then there was a cube that appeared to be covered with a pattern like an inverted rainbow. RainbowEcci did not like it at all and soon it was in heavy secured storage as was the PlasutonSubmind. Both were smothered with buffering fields to make them extremely hard to detect even by those who had created them.


Yet it was a small, black, blot on a wall that to prove to be most perturbing.

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