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Made a change in the following paragraph as I accidentally wrote of 'MaishanScouts' instead of 'StrykeScouts' for the Maishan Family is of the Scitechers who, in the fold back forward, have not yet gone to the surface. Change is linked to previous post.

Edited by Maharg67
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[2.0] As it All Restarted; Just How Much Was Changing and How Was it Changing? [100.1[106]


The DigitechCircus tent was disguised, from outside, as a largely ruined structure that was deeper inside superconcrete shaped as the interior of an old fashioned circus tent.


Clowns cavorted and bare breasted circus girls, in tight white leotards, rode beautiful white stallions. Monkeys played on large beach balls. Lions roared. Elephants carried more circus girls.


The RainbowJoker sat and watched the autorobotic circus at play with its robots and androids. He did so quietly, with just a hint of pleasure. Sometimes people got induced into the circus, bringing tradegoods and acceptable currencies. They left having bought DigitechCircus merchandise, some adults having had sex with the circus girls. They slowly-steadily spread the reputation of the circus.


For now it was more than enough! Later would be different!

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[0.2] Centralia and NewEarth Crisis and Hope; Flashbacks before Doomsday [101.1[107]


Professor Browncowtit danced with the joy of freedom. Chickens were roasted with potatoes, sweet potatoes and sour potatoes. He munched on a large chicken drumstick. So happy was he that he had forgotten to put his pants on though, happily enough, he had remembered to do so with his candy striped underpants.


Through the window one could see massive drone-bombers launching rocket-bombs at the spindle towers of Genius City. There were whispers that, in that very smart arsed metropolis, scientists were developing the world's biggest microchip that would be known as a supermicrochip.


Other crew members giggled madly as the LittleFateMan materialised, sighed softly and spoke. "Time to put an end to this pitiful foolishness."


So he clapped his hands and it ended!

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[2.0] As it All Restarted; Just How Much Was Changing and How Was it Changing? [101.1[107]


Seekkar Taskteams carried out both SSSVR and realscape exercises but as yet did not move out of the big bubble. Everything went smoothly despite that they went up against obstacles, and threats, of different kinds. As good as advanced virtual reality was, in some ways realscape was better with the exercise of psychic senses.


Hoverjets, and trimecha, would be the transport of choice while all personnel would use different types of powerarmasuits; this included animals, mainly dogs, trained from youth to be able to deal with such tech.


Saltis offered to go along, as a very excellent trader, but was quietly convinced to wait for wonderful tradegoods to come back to her and others of her group.


Mostly the bubbled civilisation, perhaps not a truly great one, went on bustling busily along with its industry, commerce, politics, domestic and other facets of society. The Scitechers continued to run more central tasks of society as research-development continued. Large archives, granted with the change over, were being gone through by computers and living researchers.


Yet there were problems brewing but wasn't that always the case?

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[0.2] Centralia and NewEarth Crisis and Hope; Flashbacks before Doomsday [101.1[107]


The timespace engineers didn't ask unnecessary questions but only enough to construct the theoretical-real hybrid timespace constructs at the edges of cosmos based reality. They were brace-web-towers to strengthen theoretical-real greater structures of quasireality in future or a probable one, at least.


Speculations, of approaching Doomsday, were pushing up the value of timespace stability bonds but investors were still wary when it came to that world; it had an oddly odd reputation for being even more surprising than timespace predictors had predicted.


Shares, in apple cream pies, were decreasing in size as the pies were eaten.


Banks were cautious when gaining securities against timespace bank robbers leading to the stronger policing of back doors opening into internal programs. Computer users were reminded that the word 'password' was not the best one to be used as a password and to always use antivirus hand lotions when entering bank premises.


Prices rode a roller coaster, of potentialities, in the theme park of futures.


Still there was the approaching Doomsday and the growth of antinuclear hedge funds linked to survival speculations.


Bondages were linked to black leather clad, naughty people, who should have known better!


Everything was going expectantly as unexpected!?

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The following sentence is an edited one in the previous Post #135:


Bondages were linked to black leather clad, naughty people, who should have known better!


The word 'clad' has been added thus, hopefully, greatly improving the sentence.

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[2.0] As it All Restarted; Just How Much Was Changing and How Was it Changing? [102.1[108]


Cyborz moved, as a patrol, through the LostEstates where large mansion estates still self maintained, secured themselves, despite that those who once dwelt in them were long dead or now distorted. They tried to avoid gunturrets but the cunning popup ones were difficult to keep away from as were well hidden, stationary, ones.


The floating cyborzdrones were forced to shoot blasters, minimissiles and smartbullets at numerous threats that attacked them be they bandits, monsters, rogue robotics or one of many other types.


Formerly high confidence had ebbed away with the increasing toll on alien units and the patrols were getting larger, more powerful, and closer to the homebase. This was a pattern being expressed with other alien invaders such as PlasutonNet, Yayeki, Ziziane and the mysterious Shagrastra.


Puzzling were threats like areas where tech-systems began to go 'wrong' at the outer bounds of and the Cyborz could go no further in that direction. Others had encountered those 'null tech zones', or NTZs. None seemed to know why they were there or how they functioned.


The dull, metallic, cyborzdrones kept patrolling with surfaces no longer shiny because of painful early lessons that showed how much that attracted enemies.

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I regret to say that I am no longer doing this topic because of constraint of time and the over complexity of the story. I will be doing the other story topic of a crazy fanfic mixture because it is easier to do.


PS: In future I may have another attempt at such a non fanfic story.

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