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Everything posted by bfg10k17

  1. You meen like this ? Callighans Mindblast-Psychic Powers
  2. Like the "adamantium skeleton" perk ? This qould come with perks, not with un-equipable stuffs. You know, "after you got the augment, you need to get used to it, cous it stays until they bury you" :D I have some ideas aswell. For legs : Mechanic enhancment from the common wealth that has levels. ( I'm looking for a name for this ) I meen : on 1-st : "You have a basic config, that only saves you from damage from jumping from high places" ( limited ) on 2-nd : "You runs in duble speed" on 3-d : "Gratuations, you earned the highest level of this augmentation, you can fall off the Tempenny tower with only a little damage, you runs 4 times faster than usual, and you can jump higher" ( maybe 2 or 4 times higher, I don't know ) Alternate 3-d : "Gratuations, youre now a ninja. When you in stealth mode no one can hear you, no matter what are you wearing, but this is have some penalties, you slow as hell" ( maybe 0.75 % of the original speed ) Eyes : on 1-st : "Again a basic stuff. When you zoom whit a one handed gun your eyesight dubles" on 2-nd : "Little more advenced tech. The eggheads place an implant into your eye nervs, that helps in the aiming" ( simply its more accurate aiming ) on 3-d : "You can shot a bloatflyes eye from 1 km-s, weapon spred is 0 with everithing" Alternate 3-d : "You can see in the dark, its not much, but its cool, and now you don't need to use that crapy pip-boy light" Skin : on 1-st : Ist like the "barkskin" perk, but its enhanced a bit, ads plus 5% fire and rad resistance too on 2-nd : 10% more damage, rad and fire resistance on 3-d : 20% total damage res, 15% rad and fire res, plus a little bonus. ( still don't know, its an open question ) Alternate 3-d : 25 % total damage res, but only 10% fire and rad res Have more if needed :D If I spelled bad sometimes, it beocuse English is not my original language, sorry ;D
  3. Seriusly, no one cares about his/her characters "smelly aura" ? Or noone gets confused when he/she see the baths in the capital wasteland ? Someone ? Anyone ?
  4. I smell some Deus Ex :D Amy I right ? This is a freekin' good idea. I hope someone will make it.
  5. When I first saw a baththub in the game, I was happy, couse I thinked that I can give a bath to my character to wash that filthy body. I mean this is obvius, no ? There are baths, but no one uses them, they are just decorations. This could be good for clear some rads, or give some health to the player's character, but it needs a lot of stuffs. ( I can't make this ) First needs some animations, and a timer ( Like with the sleep or the wait, but with maximum 1 hour timescale ) and needs a script that makes the game believ, that you had a bath, I'm pretty sure this will need some new models and textures too ( for the shower nozzle, the bubble baths bubbles, etc... ) So please let me know if someone intended to make this. Cheers !
  6. That would be funny ! LOL "Republic of Spiderpig" ( yes I gave this name to my character cuz its so freakin' funny ) No one who want to make this ?
  7. OH YEAH ! I want the zombie clown mask with the long nose ;D Slipknot 4EVA !
  8. What will you do with that pyro character ? Runing arround the wasteland and yelling to everyone like the pyro's in TF2 ? ;D MHHMPFFMMFFM ;D
  9. Am, tell me if I wrong about this, but the oasis souts allready give one bonus to agility ( takes effect on sneaking ) no ?
  10. Hell yea ! Those spider mosters gives me the creeps ;D But thats an other story :D
  11. Or a secret Vault-tech teleporter to the mars :cool: This could use the BFG9000 mod. Well as a prize for completeng a quest on mars, no ? Keep it up, and you will make something incredebly awsome ;D
  12. DON'T SCREAM ! Anyways the idea is good "Ima workin' on the railroad ta da ta da ta..." lol
  13. Noone is interested ? Or you all want some hottie stuff ? ok the modder should use BABE Mod D-cup version as body, and in this case the modder only need to make the head. And I saw an Anime style clothing post, that could fit this. Any toughts ?
  14. Why need a lot of npcs in the crowd ? This mod ( well if it will be done ) should be all about pure fun, killing ugly muties, kicking them into a pit :P and other sick stuff, just build the coloseum, and make it avaylable at fast travel system. Well these are my ideas for today, any toughts ? edit : Adn hey ! Can someone make the THIS IS SPARTAAAA voice for the game ? :D
  15. Than you screwed something ;D Seriusly, if this is suposed to work, I don't know why dont works to you, its a siple command, maybe you typed in wrong, trie it again.
  16. Type in this : player.removeperk 00031DB5 Maybe I typed in right :wink:
  17. lol Coloseum. Maybe a sparta room with a big pit ?
  18. Cool ideas :) I asked for manga stile eyes, that could be good with these chlotes :D Oh and here is the link of my request : Female manga stile eyes
  19. The mod could use this female body replacer, and in this case the modder can focus only to the head. Whats your take ? Cute Girl body Replacement
  20. I know its a big work. It needs new eyes, new face, new etc... But I still asking for it cous I'd really like to see that in the game. Maybe needs a costum race too, but I dont know. I talking about eyes like these http://www.chucksanimeshrine.com/animeblog/uploaded_images/anime_eyes-734151.jpg Ore like these http://th00.deviantart.com/fs21/300W/i/2007/287/6/8/eyes_manga_by_Olguusia.jpg If someone about to make them please pm to me, and we can discouss the details. Thanks the big work :yes:
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