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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. You should try out this mod. populated Wasteland
  2. Adds more realism to the game. Running for a long amount of time causes fatigue, in this case running drains AP, let's say after running after 30 seconds. Endurance and carrying weight determines stamina ( amount of time before AP starts being drained). I know there's already a sprinting mod, but it would be nice if it's implemented into vanilla running without the speed boost.
  3. By holding down the pip boy screen activation button for a few seconds (Tab by default).
  4. Don't ever center your focal, use the "Rule Of Thirds". You can reduce negative space by using a smaller canvas. By the way, I think this should be in the "Druid's Garden subforum".
  5. I have made a port to new vegas, but I don't have permission to upload it. So I will teach you how to do it yourself (don't worry it's easy as cake). Get the mod from fo3nexus and open it up with fo3edit. Load only fallout3.esm and headbobbing.esp. When it finishes click the + next to the headbobbing.esp Then click FileHeader, On the right side of the screen double click the MAST - filename Fallout3.esm A new window will pop up, rename the fallout3.esm to falloutNV.esm. now close the programm and a window will pop up if you wish to save the changes click the tick in the lower right corner. Now copy the headbobbing.esp from fo3's data folder to FO:NV's data folder. Enable the .esp via launcher/mod manager and enjoy! If you need any more help PM me. It may have some bugs because you only changed the required master file, and bear in mind the script was made for Fallout 3, not New Vegas. Basically you can do this with any mod if it doesn't add anything to the gameworld... Thank you for the explanation. Kudos. Works like a charm except that when you're walking indoors you'll hear loud "booming" or banging noises. Have actually tested it out and confirmed it's caused by this.
  6. Enjoyed the head bobbing mod back in FO3. I too would like to see it being implemented into FNV.
  7. I bought the game last week. Finished it in 4 days. :woot: Hmm... I didn't really enjoy the game that much, but it is still worth the money. Atmosphere is spooky when you're under the metros, lots of monster killing. Just too little stuff to do. Just an okay game like Far Cry 2.
  8. My latest : http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/3620/stalkerh.png http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/2659/popm.png @ Dir tek: Version one looks better for me, the white in the borders for version 2 really distract one's eye. Overall very sexy :wub: and the colours are great. Has a nostalgic feeling to it, maybe it's just me.
  9. It's okay and thanks.
  10. You've installed it to the right place. What version of Fallout 3 are you playing? GOTY or normal one? Make sure you've updated Fallout 3 to the latest patch (1.7).
  11. Forgotten to give you a little something, have a kudos!
  12. Did you activate and apply archive invalidation after installing the body mods? I think some texture mods require certain DLC, do you meet the requirements? Have you updated your game to the latest version (1.7) ?
  13. Just search for face mods for Fallout 3 in the mod directory. Some mods offer male presets that look more attractive than vanilla ones.
  14. Ban Thor for spelling badly for no reason. :sweat:
  15. is busy with college...
  16. Hey there, haven't really gotten the time to check out your mod. But I will after college graduation, which is in 2 months time. Good luck and keep it up. Kudos!
  17. I have everything ready but the trailer. Just send me the PSD to my email address, it's on my profile information. Once again, thanks so much for offering it.
  18. Yeah, sure. Why not, if you could send me the PSD file for learning purposes, that would be greatly appreciated.
  19. I just rendered this from Starcraft II official wallpaper and I think it fits well into the Fallout 3 universe. It looks pretty cool too. Tell me what you guys think. http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/969/starcraftrebel.png
  20. You've spelled my screen name wrongly. :) Anyway, checked it out and it seems pretty cool and interesting. Very professional, keep it up guys.
  21. These are my latest. My version of Starcraft Ghost cover. :biggrin: http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/7836/starcraftghost.png Kanye West c4d: http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/9642/kanyewestv2.png Modern Warfare 2 tag: http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/9752/modernwarfare.png
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