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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. The game isn't perfect for me without needs mod. Yes, there are mods that remove "sleep for an hour and regenerate all damage" features. For a simple needs mod I recommend this: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3661 - A Hunger Thrist based Regeneration Eng and Russ Versions If you're looking for something more complex and challenging, try this: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6661 - Real Injuries Patch
  2. http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/4482/jadeempire.png Jade Empire siggy.
  3. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6044 - MTC wasteland travelers
  4. All New Style of sigs, Now selling, I am here to make EE Better? What does it mean? Do you make signatures?
  5. My latest work: http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/6997/metalslug.png
  6. Been staring at it for about 5 minutes. I don't see IT. Something must be wrong with my brain.
  7. I have to disagree wih Heyy_Adrian here. The hair mods are NOT compatible, since each one will overwrite the race entries of the other. You will only get the hairs from the last mod in your load list. Look at FACE or Lings Coiffure which combine the major hair mods into a single package. So sorry, done a little more research and checked my mod list. I'm using hair pack and eyes_hairpack by Yoshikinakota. They're both compatible.
  8. Is the same issue happening to your other PC games? Have you tried updating your video card and sound card driver?
  9. Please do not bump the thread and ask similar question. Use back the previous thread that you posted. Post your load order there please.
  10. I think he meant playing Fallout 3 in first person view crashes his game. For a start, please post us your load order. Are you using GOTY edition or the standard one?
  11. Plug-ins need to be installed, did you install them correctly? To the right folder in GIMP?
  12. Try to uncheck all your active mods at the moment and start a new game. You can determine if it's mod related crashes by doing so. Do this first.
  13. There isn't really a best one. You can actually use all of them, they're compatible. Try using Asharas Hair Conversions, Saram Hair and Hair Pack. If I'm forced to pick one, I would say Asharas hair conversions, it has the best female custom hairs. No nice hair cuts for the guys though for all the hair mods, default male haircuts are the best.
  14. Nice work on the animations Belagor, it's a good thing you're doing here. Keep up the good work, I know little of animating and this will come in handy.
  15. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4616 - Kikais Equipment That should be it.
  16. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=114 - No Radio Static I'm unsure if it'll have effect before completing the quest though, try it out first.
  17. Just use the "edit" button to add what you want to post on your previous post. You're thread bumping again. :huh:
  18. I'm not running FOOK. I've only encountered the problem once... It was when I used the perge cell mod, was in Paradise fall barracks, slept there and the next day I went out. The slavers were all naked. So I disabled the mod, loaded my previous save in the barracks, went out the next day and everything was normal.
  19. Just for your information, any soundtracks added to the game must not be copyrighted. If someone were to rip or even use the background music from NWN and uploaded here, they'll be in trouble. The songs must be composed by that "someone" alone. I personally know someone who compose songs here on Nexus. They're Averam and obitus83, try to PM them and maybe they'll help.
  20. Opps, my bad. I don't have Zeta DLC, that's why I asked the questions. For alien item, I would like to have a hand held teleporter device (maybe has a recharge of once per day use?) that allows you to teleport anywhere on the map even when you're in trouble/encountering a threat.
  21. http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/1052/metroidd.png Render that I used: http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/2305/render299.png My latest work, I think this is my best one so far. Dir Tek, I hope the text are good this time. ;) About your new sig, the only thing I would comment about are the texts. :confused: You can do much better than that. ;)
  22. Can't really judge just by the short description, needs more information but sounds interesting. Paranormal things, such as?
  23. Hey there! Welcome to Nexus Forums. They're not stupid questions at all. ;) You can install them right away, they won't affect your current game, they'll just add new quests, you'll receive radio signals involving the DLC's when you load your save game. The game won't automatically update it for you when you install, you need to update it manually. If you do not patch your game and run the DLC's, you'll encounter mesh/texture problems. http://fallout.bethsoft.com/index.html - get the official 1.7 patch
  24. I remembered someone was working on such a mod before. He even released it but I can't seem to find it anymore. It wasn't that popular because it was buggy.
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