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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. Alright, making your own signature is also a great way to improve. Let me show you my photoshopping noobness: My very first signature of mine that I made (31/1/10) http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/5715/mysig2.png The second signature that I made (03/2/10) http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/1994/mysig1.png
  2. Well, the signatures I make are actually for the newbies and hopefully it's able to attract more members to the forum too. I prefer to make my own too, it's a lot of fun. But if you want, you can also grab one of them.
  3. My pleasure, thank you so much for the kudos.
  4. Try this one: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5120 It really improves the running animation for females. Too bad there aren't male ones. As for your request it has been requested plenty of times, it is most unlikely someone will do this because there are too few modders that are skillful in animating.
  5. I didn't think XFO worked with the DLC addons. It hasn't been updated in almost a year. You might be right, but I'm still using it until now. Can't really test for you since the only DLC I own is Operation Anchorage.
  6. @ kikan1: I'll do it when I'm free. PM me a link of a picture if you can. @ Commandercrazy : Yes you may. Fallback as in the Cyber Ninja as your second choice just in-case someone else grabs the assasin creed one? PM me. Sorry, I'm not trying to be of nuisance, but I'll repeat this, please do not post personal requests here unless it's a suggestion or feedback. There's no point showing others your personal requests. It's faster and easier for me to make your requests if you just PM me. If my inbox is full then just send a comment to my page. It's also easier for me to organize all of the requests in the inbox then to scroll down and read in this thread. Hope you guys understand. :confused:
  7. I'll reserve it for you first, you can only get it by the end of this week if no one else grabs it. Since I've already made one for you before, I can't give it to you instantly.
  8. Please read this: http://planetfallout.gamespy.com/articles/...-Mods-for-Newbs Has pictured tutorials, so don't worry about the words.
  9. I'll reserve Abstract 2 for you first since you're considered new to the forum.
  10. This thread's for feedback and suggestions only if possible. Guys, please do not post your requests here. Please PM me for personal requests. Already sent you a PM Yugimawa.
  11. Try using the death claw gauntlet or power fist for unarmed skill, they block the finger view I think.
  12. Can you play the game with the old save game? Running with or without WMK?
  13. Having a corrupted save game is possible too but either way, you won't be able to use the save game that doesn't let you out of Rivet City. Try the clean save suggestion first, if it's still a fail then your only choice is to load other save games.
  14. You need to make a clean save when uninstalling mods like WMK. Enable back WMK first, load game, save, exit game. Disable WMK, load game, save, exit. Finally load back your game, then exit the Rivet City market. Hope this helps.
  15. I've encountered the problem before, both are mod related bugs that haven't been fixed yet. The animations for the knock down and motorcycle involves hand gripping animation. It's a common bug with custom animations. Might sound harsh, but your only way to fix is to not use the mod and start a new game or a previous save before using those mods.
  16. werewolf... Maybe someone could use the Mirelurk king's animation to make a mutated wolf? This request is possible though, but would take a lot of time in the meshing and texturing.
  17. No... I've set it to multiple choice voting, anyone can vote more than one.
  18. I have no experience in animating but there's one on Fallout 3 Nexus. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7197 Sexy enough for you?
  19. Forgotten to add animated siggy to pole. :P
  20. Try using this: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=334 You can reduce amount of ammunition, aids, weapon accuracy according to skill, barter prices, etc....
  21. If you have Fallout Mod Manager, toggle the archive invalidation on the right side in the menu. If you don't have FOMM, download and use this. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=944
  22. For the first holy healing, that would be pretty cool. But I do not thing you can really do much with that, it just changes the ghoul's appearance to a human. Then he/she would be just standing or wandering around with no purpose. The second one... I think it is possible, since Super mutants also have their own buddies (centaur), possible to make another faction race that's like the centaur. This should be in the request section and your English is not so bad. :)
  23. then why is everything all 50s style? The culture stayed in the 50s, while the technology jumped to the future. The nuke scare happened in the 50's, thus keeping the 50's vibe was fitting to the whole idea of Fallout 3.
  24. Both are far better than me. :( :( What I can do (list) : - Simple blending - Simple selection - Filters - Simple color and stuff editing - That's it. Thank you for expecting more. When you first start out, it''ll be like a learning curve, sometimes you're able to make nice looking ones, sometimes it's the opposite. You just need a little bit of practice then you'll get better.
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