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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. Music won't play after combat.... Did you create Finale for each battle songs that you added in, it is necessary. There's no maximum number of songs that you can place and play. I have over 25 explore, they all play but some tend to be more repetitive and are played more frequently than others. Make sure all the sound files are in sterio, 44100hz and 32-bit float format. If you do your own recordings for the battle songs, you might have accidentally recorded "blanks". For instance when you play your battle songs (3 minute song), but the song finishes at 2.22 minutes, the rest are just silent "blanks", the game would still play the blanks and you won't be hearing any songs, you can solve this by just using any sound editing software and just remove the bank parts. The songs still don't change even when in different areas? Try entering any city or town for example Megaton, then exiting it. See if the songs change/play.
  2. Not a bad idea at all, just like in the Prototype game. But might not be suitable for everyone. I play with weight realism mods, so I only store 2 ranged weapon and 1 melee weapon, they only take up the first 3# (1#, 2# and 3#).
  3. Try running the game in windowed mode first, see if it still crashes. Here's also something you can try: For the PC version of the game, the problems seem to be bigger as the game crashes when it starts, and even though there are no official answers for the problem at the moment, it appears that the problems are caused by the soundcards (the 3D surround options in Fallout 3, to be more specific). So, if you have Asus Xsonar, Creative or Realtek sound cards and your Fallout 3 game crashes when you start a new game, you can try the following trick reported by Bethesda forum user zsmono: Just turn off the GX mode if you have a Xonar card. “For the others. This DS3D GX thing is part of Xonar’s drivers which is responsible for restoring EAX and multichannel sorround sound under Vista. Similar to Creative’s Alchemy or Realtek’s 3D SoundBack. Try to disable them, or change the speaker config to stereo.” This was taken from www.unigamesity.com.
  4. Have you tried tailor maid mod? Some of the full outfits for girls are quite feminized. Especially those that have stockings and without mid-riffs. For better results, you need to get Exnem bodies and then exnemized tailor maid mod. Original tailor maid mod: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5424
  5. Here's another thing you could try, set all your graphical settings to minimum (yes, you obviously have a good rig), it's still worth the try. See if the problem still persists.
  6. Too much skooma? You have lost too much weight, you need flesh...
  7. Make sure you do a clean install for the latest Alpha version, try reinstalling it. Remove all the old Alpha files first.
  8. Will this conflict with Mart's Mutagen Mod?
  9. :yucky: All the lies, the blasphemy, lit your torches man! Burn it! :sick:
  10. I'm voting for MHM, saber tooth dragons are CrAZiE! :wacko:
  11. Alastair91


    Hello there and welcome to The NexusForums. Wow, 5 cats, I have 2 and I already find it a headache. Too expensive to mantain, especially the food and litter. :biggrin:
  12. Hmm... did you place the downloaded file to the right folder? It should be here. E:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\fomm\mods It could be a corrupted download, try re-downloading the FOMM version then reinstall it.
  13. Inside the Fallout3 folder the file structure should be the same. EDIT: Adrian, I'm slower than usual tonight, sorry for the repeat. It's okay, as long they get the right information and their problem solved, everything's fine.
  14. Open Data file? I don't understand. If you meant installing mods to Steam version then it's possible, just install them here. C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout 3\Data
  15. Does the crashes happen when you first played the game? No mods running, just vanilla.
  16. Thank you so much. =)
  17. They are user friendly, even for those that never installed any mods before. The link that I posted above, they are very easy to understand, it even has pictured tutorials, what more can others offer other than those? It even has links to FOMM, winrar and stuff. We can't be in front of your PC helping out, so what's the next best thing? Pictured tutorials. :sweat: As long you know basic English and you have the sense of perception you won't have problems installing mods. If you really still don't know how to install mods after reading the guide, it means you're just not trying hard enough to understand it or you simply skipped through all the detail because you're lazy. I can assume your game isn't Game Of the Year edition since you don't have all the DLC's. List all the DLC's that you have. Make sure you only download patches that your game requires (it's stated in the game requirement for patches), here is the link for downloading patches. http://fallout.bethsoft.com/index.html If you still can't start the game, there's many possibilities. Wrong load order, you didn't install FOSE, haven't updated patch. Mod not compatible with each other etc... will guide you in baby steps.
  18. Which kind? The one like Assasin's Creed hidden blade or the one like Starcraft Protoss? I've seen such a mod before, it uses power fist mesh and texture, but there's a glowy blade at the end of it that looks like the starcraft one. I just can't seem to find the mod here on Nexus. Here is the picture of it. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?act=at...st&id=10623
  19. Sounds pretty cool, I'm always up for an eye candy mod. I second this request.
  20. Not really, I don't think it'll break the game at all as long you bring up the levels, perks and skills.
  21. Granted but you got my old Yamaha mm8 and the Korg OASYS is now mine. I wish for unlimited time traveling abilities.
  22. Granted, you get your better computer on your next birthday but due to a faulty motherboard, it breaks after 2 days. I wish for time traveling abilities.
  23. If you're walking, press "shift" (default settings) key to run.
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