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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. Hello Fellow Voters, remember to go through each and everyone's Signature before deciding to vote!
  2. Well, I'm not going to stay in this thread anymore. It is not logical to further "murder" myself in here. You have your own facts, so do I. First time in Nexus that I feel the regret of coming to view or even post in this particular thread. You're also the first person that I've come across in the forum that has been this impolite to me. Don't know if you should give yourself a pat on the back. If you have nothing nice to say, best not say anything at all. Same as what blaa.nOx said, I do not think you'll get much help with your attitude. Best of luck with your own modding ideas and all the best.
  3. The half-life of uranium 238 is 4.5 billion years. Based it on common knowledge. How could there be plant life? Bees are the ones that pollinate and animals spread their seeds around. Studies had shown that the only likely creatures to survive in a nuclear holocaust or fallout are cockroaches. After the nuclear holocaust, food chain would be altered drastically for the remaining creatures. There will not be plant life unless human civilization manage to create robotic bees with artificial intelligence to do the bee's job as quoted by the well known Michio Kaku . Where did you get information about "the entire stockpile of nuclear weapons isn't enough to effect every small town in a country"? In fact there are enough in the world to destroy all civilization. I think the Mods should move this topic to the debate section if possible.
  4. Star Craft I was EPIC back then, from the gameplay, to the storyline, to the soundtracks. I hope they live up to their expectations.
  5. Very nice, it's a Mad Cat MKII if I'm not mistaken. Seeing this reminds me of so much of my fun time playing Mech Warrior Mercenaries about 7 years ago.
  6. No it's okay about posting here, we all make mistake sometimes. ;)
  7. There used to be a crossbow beta last time (using dart gun animation), but the author took it off. Bows are not possible since there's no animations for that, even if someone does make a custom one, you'll need to remove one of your default weapon animations to fit the slot in. Animators are the rarest among all modders, so don't expect much. You know... the dart gun already looks like a mini crossbow from the back view. By the way, this should be in the request section.
  8. Could be possible, but even if that's the problem, it'll be affecting other programs as well, not just only FO3. Just do a quick defrag of your hard drives and do a virus scan. If it's me I would be willing to try anything.
  9. Have you actually read the article? Your concept of what the world would be like after a nuclear fallout is actually wrong. There would be no more civilization at all. The most likely to survive are those who are lucky enough to be in the vaults. There would be absolutely nothing outside of the vaults, just a simple lifeless wasteland, those that leave the vault would most likely die of radiation poisoning or starvation since there won't be food out there. I do not need to actually explain myself, I thought that providing that article, you would be smart enough to reconsider your thought of how the world would be like after 250 years.
  10. So any good news on updating on sound card drivers? This is seriously a strange problem, not even reinstalling the game solves the problem. I'm almost all out of ideas, are you running on Vista, XP or Windows 7?
  11. o_O I think yours would be the second most strangest habit among all of us at the moment, if not the strangest. Another habit of mine that I haven't mentioned since it might scare all of you off. Whenever I walk up a stair or the stairs to a stage, my final foot to reach the top must be my right.
  12. Try typing "setgs fmoverunmult 3" without the quotes. Default speed is 4. Do you happen to have installed this before? Combat Enhanced-Tactics http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6492
  13. I hope she'll come up with something more interesting to spice up the Lounge forum section IF she wins. We need more interesting games and topics. Otherwise all of your votes on her would have been wasted. No one's gonna get kisses, wake up and smell and smell the morning dews. :devil:
  14. No, you don't need to apologize. It's not a big deal. :smile: If you can afford better ones then go for it, it'll also be worth it in a long run since more and more games that require higher processing power are releasing or has been released this year (Mass Effect 2, Fallout New Vegas and even Star Craft II).
  15. Another thing you could try is by playing other games on your PC, check if they have similar problems, if it happens to your other games too, there must be a problem with your PC. It can be even a heat issue. Download Speedfan free software, it allows you to check your PC temperature. Your optimum temperatures shouldn't be over 58c after an hour of gaming. Idle temperature should be around 50C. If it really is a heat issue, you need to get more cooling fans or even consider replacing the thermal paste between your fan and processor.
  16. Just wondering, are you able to play the game properly? No CTD's or lag even playing with the red armors in your game?
  17. Your question should have been posted here: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showforum=123 Anyway, I'm using exactly the same processor as you do. Processor power is very important when it comes to gaming. Since you have pretty good graphic's card and ram for FO3, upgrading your processor even to an Intel Core 2 Duo would bring significant performance. It also depends on the screen resolution that you're playing on.
  18. I've never seen such a problem before, usually it's just a missing or miss placed mesh or texture file that causes a red exclamation mark. I can't think of any possible solutions at the moment. There's a possibility that it has to do with Windows 7 and how the mod author created the meshes and textures. I have PM the mod author for you, he might be able to answer and solve the problem.
  19. Why are you not always proud of being Chinese? You should be proud of your own heritage. I'm chinese too.
  20. Nice website, keep up the good work. =)
  21. Just for your information, unofficial fallout patch causes CTD's like these. I advice getting the latest Fallout 3 patch which is 1.7.
  22. Tell you what, I personally use Exnem's body, I have tried all kind of body mods and I find Exnem's to be the best. Here is the link, I've even posted a very detailed tutorial on installing the bodies. It even has a tutorial on Breeze's male body. Just follow the instructions, make sure you have default female bodies first. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=182737
  23. Remember to toggle archive invalidation after installing Scavenger armors. Post a picture here so that we can further understand what's the problem.
  24. you mean delete all body texture deactivate archive invalidation install the new body and then activate it? Yes, exactly. Nude body textures are found at texture folder (E:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\Data\textures\Characters\female). For meshes, should be here (E:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\Data\meshes\Characters\_male)
  25. What do you mean by "i deleted all body texture on my character not on followers", if you remove the body files, all NPC including yourself would have default body textures, with the grey lingerie. Getting the default body means you've successfully removed all existing body mods, if you still get default ones after installing MK3 c cup, means you didn't install it properly to the correct folders, did you toggle archive invalidation after reinstalling? Mean time, I will check this MK3 C Cup mod. By the way, is this the one that you want to install? http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=872
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