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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. Might be something to do with your graphics card. Try updating your video card driver to the latest ones. By the way, does this only affect Fallout 3? It would help if you could confirm by starting up other games on your PC, test them out. If the textures are the same for your other games, then it's your graphic's card.
  2. What are the mods that you have installed? Please post us your load order.
  3. Alastair91


    That's what I was trying to say and explain, but you did a far better job. :smile:
  4. I found a suitable Havik picture. Can you tell me specifically how you want your signature to be like? Not the quotes and the stretching arm, but the color, background, etc... Edit: Please PM me and not reply in this thread.
  5. Sorry, my bad. I thought it's the portrait about the bible verse in the early part of the game. I apologize... I cannot help you there since I've never encountered such a problem. Hope you get to solve your problem, all the best.
  6. Sure, but you might need to wait for a few hours or a few days, currently I'm already working on some other signature projects. I will PM you back when I get the time to do your signature.
  7. Really? because i have asus 4870 and its only a year old He was just being sarcastic. I didn't answer all that, he did.
  8. It is not mod related. Are you sure your settings are set to ultra high (even your texture settings?)? Try checking it again with your default Fallout 3 launcher and then options. You need to save the settings by pressing "okay" and not "cancel".
  9. Custom avatars... I think I can handle it. Send me a PM of what kind of avatar that you want. I can do static ones only at the moment, I am not good at animating yet.
  10. I think this one is the most accurate to be specific: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=334
  11. Alastair91


    No... I think you misunderstood, not profile stars, no one cares about that. If we're allowed to give someone a negative "kudos" or whatever you want to call it that shows below the amount of kudos you have, that would be an improvement. The members that want no negative kudos will start to "think" before posting spams, trolling, insults, etc...
  12. ENBseries Oblivion adds more fake "Blooms/HDR" and also colors to make the game look more attractive.
  14. The more mods you have running the slower is your load time, it also depends on your rig.
  15. Alastair91


    Very neat and useful idea. You should suggest this at the Forum suggestions section.
  16. No problem, enjoy the hot bodies. :biggrin:
  17. My question, why crazy? What makes you think they're crazy? The only crazy thing that you can do that will proof you're indeed crazy is by getting yourself a permanent ban, throlling, spamming, etc... I think you should change the title to Most helpful member, most polite, most active, most knowledgeable, many many more... Wouldn't that be better? Edit: There's no way to tell if someone is crazy unless they do the mentioned above which is NOT ENCOURAGED. Therefore, the title for this contest is not rrelevant.
  18. Have you tried starting a new game? Not loading your old saved games.
  19. Guys, I won't post new updates here anymore. All updates can be found at my online portfolio. I'm giving away free signatures every week. First person to PM me gets to choose. This only applies to those who never had a signature before on the Forums or are new to Nexus Forums. Please be informed that these are only samples, they can still be altered by me if you do manage to grab one. If no one wants to grab them by the end of the week, then it's open for all the members of Nexus Forums. Please DO NOT rip my creations. http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/5204/battleofdestiny.png http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/7631/hitman.png http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/5506/jadeempire.jpg http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/6523/jaychou.png http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/5641/screed.png http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/8023/princeofpersiaj.png http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/6427/warriorm.png
  20. For clothes you can try this one: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4003
  21. The mod that you're requesting is not "simple" at all. A simple mod would be more like having a mod that adds 1000 caps in your megaton house or creating a brainless NPC that spawns in the middle of Megaton. I do agree it is rather annoying that you can't attack back, but I think the scene is hard coded, making a mod that alters that would lead to instability or even break your game (the game won't be able to continue), I might be wrong though, what I do know is the whole scene is time based. As for your second request, just wait for this mod project to be released. Lots of stuff you can do with your new companion when you're 14. Will be having proper voice actors too. Here is the link: http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.ph...056690&st=0 By the way, your request sounds more like a demand than a "request".
  22. I'd recommend trying >The Groovatron< it makes using pose mods easier Yup, that's much easier. Forgotten about that mod. Thanks. Given you a kudos.
  23. What do you mean? You want access to the console? Just start your game and press "~" key on your keyboard. Are you using Vista by chance? If so you don't need to go through all that trouble, try this: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1711
  24. I think you misunderstood me, I do not simply give away my sound files that I've worked on. I will only share it and distribute them to you when you release a beta.
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