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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. :whoops: I didn't know about that, my bad then. I don't have The Pitt DLC.
  2. No, more of a reminder for all of you guys who are expecting a "kiss". You need to spend cash for plane tickets too. Think about it, is it worth it? Her lips would be kissing 48 different guys, -1 assuming that she didn't vote for herself. :sweat: If Commander Crazy wins, you get to save up your cash to buy Fallout New Vegas. Wouldn't that be even more worth it? :)
  3. Alright... Sorry that I couldn't help out. Best of luck.
  4. I'll repeat what I said a few days ago. Do not be deceived by the internet. Poor lighting condition, blurry photo from web cam, Nexus Forum's personal photo size limit that lacks proper resolution, a little makeup and some photoshop can do wonders if not miracles. :happy: But it's uncertain for sure until you meet the person, not through web cam or talking through phone but face to face, with your own EYES. And yeah.... VOTE FOR COMMANDER CRAZY!
  5. Yes, you can download and apply mods to steam version. Its the exact same as modding the retail version. The only difference is the location of the data folder. Drag the proper files into their proper folders. For retail version the place to drop the mod would be at your Fallout 3 install directory (example: E:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3). For steam version it should be E:\Program Files\steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 3\Data (drop mods here) If you don't have the data folder then create it yourself.
  6. There's no such mod for now that allows you to make your own companion and alter his/her appearance. But you may try this: Sharing and caring companion - allows you to make any in-game NPC your companions,they will have basic commands. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2399
  7. Nice idea, I think no had suggested it before. I myself have thought about having a mod that allows you to raise your own family, have kids etc... But given to the game's limitation, everything needs to be done from scratch, there's no baby model in Fallout 3, even if someone does manage to make one, it'll look like a statue (inanimate/lifeless) since animators are hard to find.
  8. Have you been tweaking the .ini file? Can you play the songs manually in desktop? Here's my suggestion: 1. Update your soundcard drivers. 2. Replace current FO3 songs with other songs, check if the problem persist. If you're able to hear the new songs, means FO3 default songs are corrupted. 3. Edit the fallout.ini (make a backup of the file first) make sure the following values are set like this: bEnableAudio=1 bEnableAudioCache=1 bMultiThreadAudio=0 Default Values for the following entries should be: iAudioCacheSize=2048 iMaxSizeForCachedSound=256
  9. Yup, no problem. Glad that it helped you out. ;)
  10. Not something that you want, but it's very similar. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5173
  11. No problem, glad to have helped out.
  12. I found the mod! :D http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2209 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/ima...-1230318738.jpg
  13. By the way, the game doesn't really end even if you've finished all the DLC's and all the in-game quests. There's plentiful of mods for you to enjoy and try out. You can also involve yourself into the wonderful world of Fallout 3 modding, it is a lot of fun.
  14. Hmm... I do not think this is possible. The NPCs react just like in real life when they are in danger, by picking up the most dangerous weapon that they can lay their hands on to defend themselves. But this only applies to NPCs. I'm uncertain if this could be edited in G.E.C.K though.
  15. He's asking for links to certain mods. They've most likely reply via PM.
  16. Erm... download? What do you mean, mods for Fallout 3? This is a forum for Fallout 3 mods and discussions. Video game piracy is a huge NO. Just save up some money and buy Fallout 3 Game of the year edition.
  17. Someone already requested for the same thing 3 days ago. A project like this would be too vast and complicated. I do not think it will be made anytime soon, but.... you can expect Bioshock armors and weapon.
  18. Awesome machinima and voice acting. You deserve kudos. Sent you a PM regarding a request, please consider it. :)
  19. It is possible, if you want to totally clear off ALL mods, go to Fallout 3 install directory, delete texture, sound, meshes folder. Make sure you make a backup first.
  20. Just read the tutorial links... :sweat: It has everything you need to know about, with pictured tutorials.
  21. Well, I mean I know how to download a file from F.3 N., but after that i'm lost: Do I run the file or save it, how do I get it into the fallout 3 folder and into the game... So basically i'm clueless on everything... Thank you for your help! Download the file and then save it. Double click the downloaded .rar file, you'll see the mod inside. Then just drag and drop the mod into Fallout 3 install directory. Please read the post that all of us have posted...... :sweat: It isn't that hard, it has pictured tutorials even.
  22. Try this one: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10479 Mini butler.
  23. No problem, glad to help out. ;) That's too bad about the sound, it doesn't matter with what version you have, the game should read it if you've placed it in. You're not allowed to move the camera when they "do it", I suggest using console code "tfc", just open up console and type that. As for Nova, it is common, just try not to do it with her on the bed. The mod itself is not that stable, pretty bugged. I also stumbled upon another bug once, when you do it with anyone in the game, they'll be naked and never switch back their clothes, open up console and typing "resurrect" should fix that. Edit : For the sounds, you need to double click "run this for AP to work.exe" in the downloaded voice mod. After you place the sound folder in Fallout 3 install directory.
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