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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. I don't think you need ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated.exe for DLC's. Should be able to run fine after install and checking the DLC's in mod load order. Do you have other mods running?
  2. Release a Beta first, then more people would start to get interested.
  3. This isn't a "simple" mod at all. Needs lots of scripting. A "simple" mod would more like an armor retex or add 5000 buffouts in megaton locker. If you really like it to be done, I suggest PM those top scripters and hope that they agree on your concept. Try searching top 100 gameplay changes mods, then PM the authors.
  4. It is not a glitch. This only happens when you don't play the game properly, as in going through walls by typing TCL. By doing so, you've also probably missed out on a few gameplay triggers, finally making the game bugged. Erm... I don't know how to explain better. Lol, TCL is not good.
  5. Animy_prostitution.esm requires CrossModData.esm
  6. Ha! I searched the web for hours without finding an answer and you had the right thought at the first moment! :thanks: It turned out that it had something to do with my load order. I guess I accidently changed my load order somehow, stupid me... I unchecked everything except the Fallout3.esm and voila... the game loaded just fine. After that I compared my actual load order with a backup of the last working load order and for some reason they were different. After restoring the load order everything runs fine. Thank you! Btw, I just stumbled over your BetterSound-mod yesterday. It was the reason I fired my Fallout up again after a couple of weeks of Fallout abstinence... funny coincidence. You're welcome, glad to help out. Wow, I feel so.... honored, :thumbsup:
  7. Don't you get to alter sprinting and bullet time options in FWE?
  8. Check out the recommended mods. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10867 Will make your game much more challenging.
  9. Did you installed any mods? If so what's your load order?
  10. Maybe not Cyrodil but instead a time warp where you go back to the 50's like in tranquility lane where you get to explore, roam around and have quests (brawling on streets, nuka-cola or can collecting, lol).
  11. Hacking limbs off as in when the axe strikes the persons leg, it'll fly off upon impact, like bullets slicing heads and the head flies. You can't add extra ones, only replace them. Fallout Reanimated mod also adds attacking animation but only for some ranged weapons. So far no one had ever change melee attacking animations before. I doubt that it will happen or even be made since animators are rarest among all the modders.
  12. Erm... what is that? (clueless and don't know what to say) Fable
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