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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. I hate that we don't have four seasons here.
  2. It's in sound category in geck. Search sound, then CSpecialHeavyMetal. I do not think specifications are possible (geck/game limitations). The best you can do is to change the existing sound into a better/more logical one.
  3. Did you use any custom weapon textures? Especially for the miniguns and gatling laser? I think the problem most likely be in craft or weapon mods kit. Try reinstalling those 2 mods, don't drag the whole data folder and drop, some files might be left out for big mods (experienced it myself with dragging and dropping MMM mod), drag and drop the files one by one (textures, then meshes, sound, etc...). Make sure after reinstalling, un-toggle archive invalidation then toggle back. Edit: Sorry for double posting. Ocaams Razor is from which mod? Reinstall that mod, then see if it fixes it.
  4. Did you use any custom weapon textures? Especially for the miniguns and gatling laser? I think the problem most likely be in craft or weapon mods kit. Try reinstalling those 2 mods, don't drag the whole data folder and drop, some files might be left out for big mods (experienced it myself with dragging and dropping MMM mod), drag and drop the files one by one (textures, then meshes, sound, etc...).
  5. Nope, I don't judge. I was once like that myself, looking all day for specific mods and get nothing by the end of the day. Just helping out like how the other members helped me back then. Thank you for the kudos. :)
  6. Already, check your hair post. Just glad to help out a fellow member.
  7. Alpha 1.1 is the latest version. If you have FOSE installed, just load a save game, press esc button, you'll see DUI3 button on the right side. Click it then edit until your heart is content. My opinion, editing xml gives you more freedom in editing HUD (for those more experience in editing stuff), with FOSE DUI3 allows you access to quick menu to edit hud ( not all options available, for people who are new/lazy to edit xml file).
  8. Try these, I hope it's what you're looking for. Hairs for NPC and you http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5718 Others: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5462 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=749 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1146 Remember to follow and read the instructions.
  9. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4570 This allows you to teleport vanilla companions only. Can't find one for custom companion mods.
  10. I don't recall having a mod that allows you to lock stuff. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5670 Not sure if it's what you're looking for but give it a look. By the way, you can lock stuff by going into console mode, clicking on the object then type lock.
  11. It does matter whether you start the game with FOMM or not. If you use default start game some mods won't be loaded, will cause mesh problems too. By right you should use FOMM to start the game in order for mods to run properly. If you use FOMM, there's a toggle archive invalidation option on the right side of the menu, I'm guessing you are using this? http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=944 If so then you shouldn't see invisible body.
  12. I didn't know that, especially about how polls work. I understand now, it doesn't disappoint me at all. Maybe next time then. Thank you for replying in a nice way. I'll vote for someone then. It pays to be polite. :wink:
  13. Why would it be hard? I'm only a week late. Edit: Sorry for double post.
  14. Definitely Glee for me, I wish I could sing like them.
  15. I hope it doesn't happen, I don't want to die a virgin. LOL!
  16. Very cool, especially the second one. The second one can be a plasma shotgun/rifle where the bullets can cause melting to bodies.
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