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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. Try updating to the latest graphics card driver, then tune down your graphic settings.
  2. Lol, more like 2mph. I find that vanilla running speed is way too slow too. An increase of 12% of vanilla speed would be just perfect, my opinion.
  3. Alright, thank you so much. I'll see what I can do. Kudos to you.
  4. Alright alright, so sorry. Links: Speed mod and other goodies: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=334 Better falling physics but no mirror's edge style: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=311 Jump higher and run faster: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6492 Sprint + headbob: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1854 May not be EXACTLY what you want, but give them a try. As for the headbob ONLY it's AVE (Advance vision effect), I can't seem to find it anymore, I think the author removed it or something. But I still have the file with me. I could upload it for you but I'm not sure if you're allowed to reupload files that the author deleted. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
  5. No, for the water exploding one isn't a mod that I want, it's one of the mods that caused water to explode when you're in contact with water, a bug. Anyway, another quick question, I'm trying to add heavy breathing sound effect when you're close to death specific for both male and female, is there a way to do so? To specify males to play male.wav and females to play female.wav.
  6. I have both male and females .wav files at the moment, my question is how do I separate them into male and female as in males would use the male version and females would use the female version? Is there even a way? It is my first time modding. Any help is much appreciated.
  7. For headbob, running and falling, there's already mods that fixes/improve that. You just need to do some searching. As for the crouching, I think that's possible for some of the advance animation modders. For the rest, sorry to disappoint but it's not going to happen.
  8. I'm sure these are mod bugs, just can't figure out which mod. 1) What's the mod that causes the fallout 3 main title music to loop/still play even after loading save game? 2) What's the mod that causes water to explode whenever you're in water? Planning on fixing some minor annoyances, so please if anyone have any ideas, do reply. Thank you in advance.
  9. I agree with mechine, relax there's always people willing to help. When you uncheck mods, they do not revert and use back default textures. Firstly, have you ever installed any body mods or even Project Beauty mod? If you really want to run without any add-ons or mods, make a backup, delete texture and meshes folder, finally reinstall DLC.
  10. I think this may help, Add bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles=1 to the [General] section in your fallout.ini, located in "my games\fallout 3" folder, you might also want to toggle archive invalidation the second time, if it still doesn't fix stuff, try to reinstall the mod.
  11. Lol, Wilhelm screams, funny stuff... Fallout 3 screams aren't realistic, I also hope someone would make a better scream mod.
  12. The author most probably planning on updating a newer version at the moment.
  13. Thanks Tony, for taking up some of your time to search for it.
  14. If there would be any new companions, I hope that they won't be following you in lines like in a freakin' marching band.
  15. Guys, any ideas? I would really like to know if there's already such a mod.
  16. Is there such a mod available right now? If not then I would like to make it as a request. Heavy breathing like in Call of duty series.
  17. Search for classic fallout 3 weapons, one of the pistol looks really similar. 223 Pistol , image link http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/ima...-1231187810.jpg
  18. Try a clean save, deactivate bullet time, load game and save, exit and activate bullet time, start game. See if it fixes the issue.
  19. I have the same problem but I found out what caused it, it was DC interior, deactivating it = no more exit error, but you don't seem to have it... What patch are you using? Maybe updating to the latest one might solve the problem. If you're really patience, try to un-check the mods one by one to see which one is causing the problem.
  20. For the moving chests, I heard that Breeze is working on that. Hope that it's true...
  21. You're not suppose to drag and drop in FOMM. Drag and drop into data folder then activate the mods through FOMM menu.
  22. I don't think there's such a mod at the moment. I would really like to have this mod too. Just out of curiosity, does oblivion character head track stuff? I can't seem to remember.
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