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Status Updates posted by antonkr

  1. Dude, how am i supposed to find weapons. I am 12 lol
  2. Nah nothing much. Boored.
  3. rated 5, per L33nexus request.
  4. lol, yes I did forget about "it" form. Wow I though that there was like only two people who know Russian here.
  5. When you said дала, it made me think that you really know it, because there's a male and female form for it and you used the correct one, not like the translator.
  6. Do you really know russian or are you just using google translate? =P
  7. Rated all 2 and also you. You own me a rate back. mwuhaaha
  8. rating 5 stars per request of L33Nexus
  9. Rated 5 stars just like L33Nexus asked.
  10. Yes I would like fries with that lol.
  12. For the present i haz vote for you.
  13. Happy New Year Dezi. The year was rough. Many things happened. Wish you all the best!
  14. Happy New Year!!!
  15. Happy New Year. Thank you for everything you have done to help me!!!

    Wish you the best!

  16. Happy New Year!!!
  17. Happy New Year!!!
  18. Happy New Year!!! haha I see you having fun with WSH eh?
  19. Happy New Year!!!
  20. Happy New Year!!
  21. Happy New Year Tom!!!
  22. Happy New year!!!
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