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Status Updates posted by antonkr

  1. Hope you like my artistic stuff. Its not too great but thats the best I can do.
  2. Yea. Its a bit better now.
  3. anyway not to advertise but check out my dA if you want. http://antonkrutyakov.deviantart.com/
  4. Cool. Ever considered getting surround speakers?
  5. Good luck hacking our website and bringing us all down. :D
  6. You too! I got 10 bucks and I am thinking about getting an addon for arma 2 that adds like a bunch of different vehicles and units and a new campaign. But 10 bucks. Geez thats pretty expensive.
  7. Its going fantastic. How is it going for you?
  8. Ahoy there me matey.
  9. Sheogorath is just awesome.
  10. Wow haven't talked to you in forever man. Hows life?
  11. Hey man. Never seen you on anymore. Get back here dude. I miss ya.
  12. I actually really like the snow.
  13. Hey. Why did you go off on steam?? connection problems?
  14. I love fall too.
  15. Ughh I hate hot weather. I like cold weather more. Nah I hate cold too.
  16. Its pretty simple.

    How are you?

  17. I am fine. Really bored. Going to go to bed now.

    Oh and I am happy because I was able to play Morrowind theme on my violin. It sounded pretty good i think.

  18. Guess whos back.
  19. Is the profile picture you if it is nice beard.
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