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Everything posted by Balakirev

  1. He's correct, and if you set it higher, they will take offense at theft in their presence. An alternative is using companions that use more complexity in how such matters are handled. For example, I use Sulteric Drums' Viconia, and she never picks up anything, but doesn't really care if my character is a little light-fingered.
  2. That's wrong. I've had bounties of no more than 25, and been approached by guards.
  3. I play a few minutes here, a few minutes there. Usually take care of one major task at a time--such as going to one city, buying alchemical ingredients, selling potions, and buying spells, then jumping back to my house. Then quit. It really isn't difficult. I can understand getting stuck in an MMO because of the need to be there with people who expect you on time for a specific activity, but in a standalone, you make your own schedule.
  4. A new video card, and a dual core CPU. You'll see Oblivion fly, and discover the luxury of adding all sorts of high end graphics mods.
  5. One location's fine with me. As for increasing strength: if you decrease speed, it won't matter how strong he gets. If the maximum speed is set for 5, it'll be the top speed a person eating Rock Candy can achieve. Quick note to everybody else: Sorry, I'm taking no requests. No fantastic shop, no extras. If anything changes, it'll be the addition of quests in exchange for lowered prices--something I'd previously considered. I don't mean to be offensive, but over a number of years in the Bethsoft forums and elsewhere I've watched mods that start small and perfectly manageable bloat to the point that the modder just leaves--in fact, that just happened recently to a friend of mine, as well. I'm in the process of watching it happen again to somebody else, even now. In addition, it's stuff that I've devised, for a mod that does just what I want, and won't require a lot of additional effort--unless zProspero and myself decide to do the quest thing. I just want it that way. I appreciate your enthusiasm, and hopefully, you'll like the results. :) zProspero, please send me your email address, via the TES message system, and we'll get this show on the road. ;)
  6. If the house doesn't strike your fancy, we could consider a wandering merchant. The only reason I opted against this was that I've yet to see one with a cart, and I consider it pretty game-breaking to watch merchants who have numerous armors and arms sell them while traveling on the road. I dearly love Tamriel Travelers, and I use it, but this part of it gets me. It doesn't bother many people, however, so that's another possibility. If we do make him a wandering merchant, then he'll need a special robe to stand out from everybody else. And to make things easy, we could just teleport him into any of, say, three cities on a route every two days. Since players spend a lot of time in cities, that might be preferable to putting him on the roads, where he'd spend plenty of time. That's assuming we do things this way. He'd have to be made Essential. Either way, I figure we can create approximately 15 items or more and give him 6 at any time, changing two or three of them out every month. Some items not sold to the player may pop up again after having been previously removed. I'd write a few explanations for him to say why this happened, that could be randomly shuffled upon inquiry. I like the armor! :D I already had Rock Candy, that raises your strength and endurance very high, but sets your speed to 5. So great minds do indeed think alike.
  7. Thanks very much! It would have dialog, but I'd like to keep it unvoiced--simply because I'm a firm believer in the old saying, "The best theater is in the mind." I'm sure your Lorre is great, but some people would probably prefer hearing something else--and I have this image of a guy who isn't creepy, but more like a fast-talking, elderly, smiling conman. So he wouldn't call his own stock "defective detritus," but something more along the lines of "great deals." And if some of them are used, he'd probably say, "preowned." I'm thinking (but I'm open to suggestion on these points!) of an elderly Imperial, perhaps with a name such as Denethius (to use a Latinized version of what you have, above) Alius Volturius (vulture in Latin), though as he would put it: My name's Denethius. Denethius Alius Volturius, but all my friends call me Honest Al. And you, too, will be my friend! As for a proper city for the shop, Imperials turn up in a lot of places. I'm thinking a house that acts as a shop added in the Westgate region of Anvil: a prestigious and showy town, but not in the best, most expensive area. Either that, or Skingrad sounds likely. Denethius would be the kind of person who always comes out on top in every deal, but loves being shady too much to make gold any other way. The shop wouldn't have to be stocked with goods, but look like a house. (I'll keep your offer in mind, alonsomartinez! But I suspect it will just be the usual stuff.) Honest Al's crafty: he doesn't pay taxes as a shop, so he only sells on the sly. You speak to him, and he tells you what wares he currently has, using the menu system. You click on one, and he gives you the background through dialog boxes. If you're interested, he names his price--and sometimes will cut a deal if you get him something, in return. The prices are pretty low, but he tells you up front about each item's drawback--in his own inimitable way: Ah, the Fierce Flaming Fury! A wondrous staff, crafted by another of my friends, the great ranger, Hasben the Former! Shaped lovingly with his own trembling hands over a long period of time, incanted with magical powers so formidable and arcane that when it was close to finished, the forest went up in flames for miles around! That's why we call him Hasben the Former, you see. You ask him to continue, politely. The Fierce Flaming Fury does enormous damage to an opponent through a direct fire blast. Such a blast! I haven't tested it, but I've seen it with these eyes. These very eyes, I tell you! It's true that at the same time an unfortunate kickback effect occurred, but then, every great effort involves a little pain, wouldn't you say? Just think of the power you'll wield with the Flaming Fury! And with a good fire shield, you'll only develop a nice tan. All for an unbelievably low price! That's the sort of guy Honest Al is. And the way he does business, too. If you're still interested, let me know--and I'm always willing to consider other ideas.
  8. Defective, in the sense that the item/arms/armor in question either does something, sometimes, that you wouldn't want, or has major drawbacks to accompany major qualities. For example, a staff that does 100 points of fire damage, but also kicks back 100 points of fire damage at you. Or a ring that can conjure a powerful aid at any level--but has a 1-in-2 chance of summoning up something incredibly puny that can be squashed with a look. Just a thought. I've been interested myself in doing something like this vendor for some time--I've got the writing skills for it; but I can't do any of the rest. So have at it. :)
  9. A couple of other options exist, too. You can use the automatic Merge function in Wrye Bash. What Wrye does is look for mod ESPs that are tagged by their developers as mergeable. When you create a Bashed Patch in Wrye, you have the option of merging these files into the patch. So...if you have 5 mergeable ESPs and 50 mods in all and create a Bashed Patch, you end up with 46 mods. (That's because the Bashed Patch itself counts as a mod. 50 - 5 + 1.) If all this sounds too technical, don't worry about it. Wrye Bash can be a bit daunting, but if you get into it, it really helps when loading and arranging a large modded setup. Another utility is the Oblivion Mod Manager. It can create and activate omods, if a mod developer has prepared their mod for use as such. (Many have.) Omods don't count towards that 250 mod limit. They're especially great for complex mods with lots of user input required for making choices, since all that is automated in OBMM with questions popping up from time to time to get your preferences.
  10. Best magic: Less Annoying Magic Experience, followed in loading order by Supreme Magicka. The latter lets you customize a lot of its setting, and I always ramp up offensive magical spells from LAME just a bit. Houses: Tchos Alchemy Tower. A great multilevel place. Been using HGEC, myself. Nice to see women who don't look anorexic, but each to their own.
  11. You might want to give Duke Patrick's Basic Script Alarm Silencer a try. Put it towards the end of your loading order, so it catches sounds from any scripts firing that should have been stopped. Worked for me under somewhat different circumstances.
  12. I've been using COBL Balanced Races, and had an Altmer, 12th level, with roughly 370 magicka. Decided to try BOSS, and my magicka shot up to about 4800. Repositioned COBL Balanced Races to the end of my loading order in Wrye, but that did nothing. Neither did using StartQuest to remove, save, exit, reload, and restart Balanced Races. And SetAV and Modpcs didn't help, either. Short of starting up a new character, any ideas?
  13. High level of violence? Get Martigen's Monster Mod. I've added it recently, and it's a blast, with plenty of new monsters both in dungeons and out in the countryside. Throw in a few other traveler mods, and you'll come upon great battles, not just find yourself in the midst of them. Though Martigen's also employs the concept of factions, and you will from time to time see third parties (often animals) enter battles attacking both sides. :D
  14. Pretty much. Exacerbated by a complete lack of information that might lead us to help anyone experiencing a problem with a mod. CLoner5, I've been downloading mods from TES Nexus for a good, long time. They've all worked, unless the mod author made an error (which they've freely admitted.) Probably 150 of the 230+ mods I'm currently running in Oblivion are from here. So please do as bben46 suggests. Provide more information, and consider whether you're installing the mods correctly. Personally, I do all mine manually, never relying upon de-archiving. But that's up to you.
  15. I've searched the database, but can't find anything like this. So... My problem's simple: I want to change attribute, skill and spell choices for my PC that I've already made, and an editor could be an easy way of doing this. If it also allowed such changes to the rest of my party, all the better. I hope someone else sees the value of a simple character editor, and can produce one. In advance, thanks.
  16. My preferences are for Viconia, Stoker, and Baddy. All three have backstories and quests, the first two in particular. In fact, Sultericdrums is working up a massive second part quest series right now for Viconia and Stoker that involves accessing another mod, the Underworld. Looks fantastic--but if you don't want to go that far, you can still run their respective "part ones" and get involved with the worlds of both.
  17. First off: this is none of my business. So feel free to ignore my advice. That said... Ever since the game came out, I've seen perhaps one "with my first mod, I will remake the whole game" notice per month, either here, or (mostly) in the Bethsoft mod forums. Not a single one has ever come to fruition. Perhaps two world remaker mods have been finished, but by large teams of experienced modders, working together for at least a year or more. All I'm doing is suggesting you might want to start with something a little less...all-encompassing, such as a detailed house mod with plenty of personal touches. Or, if you're especially ambitious, a village, with merchants and quests. But this is entirely up to you, and I wish you the best of luck, regardless.
  18. It's Gamerteen's choice, guys. If you don't like it, you don't have to join his/her team. Gamerteen, just out of curiosity, what's your past experience with Oblivion mods? Can you list yours that are available? Listing your experience leading a modding team would help, as well.
  19. Neat. Can you list your previous experiences modding Oblivion, and your experiences leading a mod team? That tends to make it a lot easier to recruit people, when they know they're dealing with someone who has plenty of solid background to offer. :)
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