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Posts posted by IxionInc

  1. RIFT: Planes of Telara.


    Not necessarily a total conversion, more-so the Rift mechanics.


    I want Rifts to pop up like Dragon battles and Oblivion Gates. The invasion aspect could wait, but just wandering along through Riverwood, and then seeing the sky turn to rain, as this giant whirlpool of water opens up in the sky, spewing out mud-crabs and such. It'd be awesome.

  2. Well aren't you just sugar and sunshine.

    Oh, of course I am. Try not to take me in a too serious tone, just because I don't spam smileys. I put little feelings into writings on a forum... about a game.


    My point being: There is currently about 50 different people who wants to do a huge project. They then fail to realize it takes about 12 times the time they estimate. It takes over 100 people 6 years to make Oblivion. You can then get perhaps 15 people, modders, who are most likely amateurs. So, about 25 years to get a quality cyrodiil out?


    You could, of course, re-use models and what not, saving perhaps 20% of time.


    My point being: People should stop getting huge ideas, if they are not experienced enough to know how long it takes. Nobody have ever gained a mod team by asking in 1 post, and that will not change.


    I used to not mind these topics, but I've had about one per hour since SKyrim was released. "Remake Morrowind!", "Remake Oblivion!", "New land!" and "Turn Skryim into *X fantasy themed thing*, I.E. Game of Thrones".

    If you are new to modding, you should not even look at a big project. If you are an advanced modder, you should know how long this takes and plan accordingly. You should also have an idea how everything look compared to lore. For instance, if you remake Cyrodiil as it was in Oblivion, it will both get banned and you failed horrible on the Lore.

    Yes, but the OP himself even stated that it'd take a long time; although his measurement was way off. If you post just to say "Oh, that'll take forever" then you're just iterating the obvious, and it makes you look like an ass.


    And as such, take a look at things like Tytanis or Midas Magic. A lot of things within those mods were deemed "undoable" without the CK, but, oh s***, here they are. Especially Midas Magic, since I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a team making all those different planes and spells.


    All I'm saying is that this forum is a request forum. If the idea isn't good enough for you, let it fade into nothing. If they do get a team together or make progress, then hey, it's not harming you. Get over it.

    It's blatantly apparent that something like remaking a major part of past games or something of equal scale would take a long bloody time, and even moreso apparent that you need skill to mod it.

    I'm pretty sure a lot of the people posting these ideas to make a new landmass or whatever know that; But again, it's a "request". And who's to say they won't make it?


    And seriously? I can understand getting upset about multiple porn requests, character requests, and even the whole f***ing vampire/werewolf thing we've got going on; But something like making a continent? Really?

    But hey, I guess since I don't spend every waking second looking at the request forum, I can't say I've seen "CAN WE REMAKE CYRODIIL?" pop up thirty times.

  3. would this be possible without the CS ? what kinds of mods can be done at the moment ?


    I guess the armors and weapons could be done already, but we would need a skilled modder for that, the dungeon/cave aswell as scripting the quest i guess would need the CS but since i got none to little modding experience i cant say for sure.

    We need someone experienced to answer this.


    yeah modders dont seem to take requests this days, a shame. Lets hope someone replies, i have attached this to my signature.


    It's cause everyone's "experienced", and doesn't want to mod for fun or for free anymore.

    But hell, I'm determined to try and learn the CK.

  4. If possible, I'd like it if the player is more likely to startle birds when going from very quiet to very noisy-- like sneaking along with no armor to suddenly breaking into a run wearing all heavy armor. (that's an extreme example, but you get the idea.) Maybe, for game play purposes, there's a critical chance it'll alert the enemies you're trying to sneak up on.


    It should also work for enemies, too-- imagine walking along, minding your business, and suddenly not only does the music track stop dead but a flock of birds takes off, leaving only silence-- then a wolf howls.... that'd really add to the atmosphere. Also, more likely in treed or at least covered areas than in the plains... that would seem more logical to me at least.


    I wouldn't want it ALL the time, it'd get old really fast. But, there's ways to pepper it in conservatively.

    Oooohh.. I'd love this to happen for dragon battles.


    For me, dragon attacks seem way too... Sudden. It's like, you don't get the same feeling of dread from seeing a dragon suddenly circling you, than when you see him jump from a cliff that you originally thought was a rock.

    So it'd be cool if when one happened, it just got really quiet, and all the birds flew away while this ill wind rustled through the trees or something. Or, if not a reasonable place for birds, then just a bunch of butterflies or other bugs.

  5. Lol. "Today, Class, we will be looking at some armor from the Iron Kingdoms!".


    Sorry, but this seems a bit ridiculous. Couldn't you have put this in your other thread?


    Despite my negative comments, I am in complete support of this idea. The Cygnar Stormblades are freaking awesome.

  6. I'll make appropriate edits. Budz- I'd be honoured to help create the lore and storyline for the Dragon Matriarch battles.


    Later: Alright, Aokrilotkro is now edited- well, his taunts are at least. Also, Ixionlnc if you really want to know some draconic words there are a few books in-game that give translations, the Skyrim game guide gives translations as well; but the easiest place to find translations is on the Dragon Language page of TES Wiki- that's how I created most of my custom shouts and taunts.


    That's what I did. I originally was going to go with Ofan Laas Qethsegol, (Give Life [to] Stone).

  7. I have to say, I've never had someone run up to me, and I've never heard them say that fruits grow in the winter.


    That would be silly.


    Although Nazeem is a douche and needs to shut the hell up about the Cloud District, cause I'm sick of his face.

  8. Actually, they've already put in the landmasses of the regions around Skyrim, including Cyrodiil and Morrowind.


    In any case, I believe there will absolutely be a mod that adds in most, if not all of Cyrodiil. After all, it's kind of set there for that anyways, unless they just built all of those continents for nothing.


    However, I'd much rather have Oblivion Gates in Skyrim, because Cyrodiil was tits. Bland landscape, bland cities, bland features.

  9. Water is not a static model, it is a base entity. If you turn tcl on and float under the landscape and then turn it off you will fall down and land in water. Water and null space are the two base properties of existence in their engine.


    That's deep.

  10. Simply put, I want to multitask mining when there is more than one vein around... Or if I just don't want to mine it at all.


    There may be more things that your follower could possibly do, but none are coming to me right now.


    Or you could mod the animation out of mining, to allow ore to be gathered like any other havestable item.


    A couple of mods I'd like to work on when the CK comes out that may help you:


    1. A mod that automatically collects (plants, sacks, barrels, etc) items that show up in your cross hairs without clicking.


    2. A mod that (among other things) will allow you to select the profile, class and skill preferences of your follower.

    Um. You know if you simply hit it with a pickaxe, you'll mine the ore, right?

  11. Have you seen the model for the eagles in Skyrim? Let alone the textures?


    I think anything would be better than what Beth did.


    Not my point. Heck, couldn't be further away.

    Try model an eagle from scratch. Come back to me in a month. It's tricky, mostly since the feathers need to look clean, but the anatomy must still be right.


    I never said anything about Bethesdas model.


    Nice ninja edit there bro.


    I was talking about the eagles, not the gryphons.


    In any case, if I were to do it, I'd do the feathers with textures and transparent panels, instead of modeling them one by f***ing one like a tool.

    Anyways, you could probably chop up and galvanize the Dragon model and animations. Make the neck shorter, remove the tail, replace the head with a bird's, etc. Hell I don't know.

  12. Why would you want to fight Slaughterfish? They're annoying and buggy as all hell. You can't hit them in the water, and then when you go on the shore, they somehow swim through the land, right up to your feet.

    They spawn all the time in the mountains if the ocean isn't working out for you.

  13. Yea water gathering would be cool, but I also don't think the engine is capable of it. I don't think I've found a single game that has water behave even half realistically. Usually they let you make a big splash, but there is always something. Whether it is the fact there is no current, or your speed being unhindered, the ability to still shoot a gun, the water not filling into where it should, or not filling in realistically.. etc etc the list is bigger than I am.


    From Dust did it pretty well, despite it being specifically tailored to do so.


    In any case, it should be able to run it. They said they've updated the bloody engine like two f***ing times, so I'm determined to see it done.

    If not, then I would assume you could just do something along the lines of what happens during the Battle for Whiterun; Where the city becomes completely destroyed after you pick up the quest. Just, a little less trouble.

  14. Alright here's the next dragon lord


    Aokrilotkro [Translation: Lightning Valiant Sorcerer]


    'Fo Krah Diin'- Ice-Breathing

    'Yol Toor Shul'- Fire-Breathing

    'Fus Ro Dah'- Unrelenting Force

    'Wuld Nah Kest'- Whirlwind Sprint

    'Zun Haal Viik'- Disarm

    'Strun Bah Qo'- Storm Call

    'Lok Vah Koor'- Clear Skies

    'Tiid Klo Ul'- Slow Time

    'Iiz Slen Nus'- Ice Form

    'Gol Kod Nah'- Earthquake [Translation: Earth Wield Fury]


    Can cast 'Wards', 'Firestorm', 'Blizzard', 'Wall of Flames', 'Wall of Frost', 'Flame Thrall', 'Frost Thrall' and 'Storm Thrall'




    "Thurri du hin sille ko Sovngarde!" Translation: My lord [Roughly] will devour your soul in Sovngarde! [At the beginning of the battle]


    "Krif krin. Pruzah!" Translation: Fight courageously. Good! [stage 2 of the battle]


    "Brit grah. [beautiful Battle] I'd forgotten what fine sport you mortals could provide!" [stage 1&2 of the battle]


    "You are brave, Dovahkiin. Your defeat brings me much honour." [stage 1&2 of the battle]


    "It's to be a real fight then. Good!" [beginning of Stage 2]


    "Your Thu'um is strong.... for a mortal." [stage 2 of the battle]


    "Bovul, Dovahkiin- ahrk lahney!" Translation: Flee Dragonborn- and live! [stage 1 of the battle]


    "Watch yourself, Dovahkiin. I do not wish this to end too early!" [stage 1 of the battle]


    I'm envisioning his lair as being only accessed through a barrow, and then you finally confront him in an open pillared courtyard. He'll be atop a pillar, bombarding you with spells and shouts until you kill off his minions. This would split the fight into two stages, one where you're fighting minions- which will be difficult -and another where you fight the dragon lord himself - also very difficult -so, what do you think?


    This guy sounds like a boss. Like, I know he's a boss, but- Nevermind.

    Anyways, he sounds fun, if a bit overwhelming. Maybe due to his honorable nature, he uses spells depending on what kind of armor/resistance you have.

    Like if you had on magic resistance, he'd use spells more, and if you had fire resistance, he'd just use fire-spells.


    He can still do lots of damage though; Just less than he could cause he's a cool guy.


    As for his minions, maybe he could have a bunch of Storm Atronachs that reassemble when he switches stages. That'd be cool. Like he has a Shout that reanimates them with bolts of green lightning: Strun Tiid Dinok (Storm, time, death=Storm, undo death?)

  15. Interesting concept... Perhaps I could make Alpha Dragon Matriarchs? I was looking at mine like they were female dragons who function as the draconic version of female warriors in Skyrim. I wasn't thinking of a termite queen style Matriarch, but that could be pretty cool too.


    But that's kinda where the egg concept derived from, although I was originally thinking of only a couple hundred eggs or so. I mean, I like your current version now, but that was what I was originally going for with the crazy attacks and all.

  16. Another thing is proper water sounds and the possibility of rain streaming from roofs and puddles appearing during storms.


    Waterfalls aren't loud enough, and neither are rivers, streams or the ocean (Due to its' lacking waves). That needs to be fixed.

    As for the rain thing, I just feel rain-storms go rather unnoticed. It's like. Oh. Hey. It's raining? Meh. Okay.

    I think that if the sounds were a bit louder, the rain a bit thicker and more obscuring, and if it actually affected the environment, then it'd be a bit less bluh.

  17. Yeah, that's the thing:

    A lot of mods don't update, because the creator has moved on. Take J3X's mods for example. I think he's done for good after Enclave Commander.

    So generally, PMing people to "Please remake this" doesn't work, because it's a niche mod or something, and the creator doesn't get on anymore.

    These threads are more of a "Hey, do you remember this? Wanna help remake it guys?" thing, so people who might recall these mods may get together a team of its' fans and redo it.


    On a slightly less aggravating note, the maker, Vince Von Graff has stated he's going to move onto Skyrim, so it's not too unreasonable to assume this will be made in time.

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