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Posts posted by IxionInc

  1. In fact, I'd love to see Dragons that have minions in general. Dragons were worshipped as lords, primarily by humans, but what about other creatures? Dragons are practically at the top of the food-chain. And especially after you defeat Alduin, and leave it open for another power hungry dragon, there should be no excuse for EVERY dragon to fight on it's own. There could be dragons that have Draugr followers, a dragon and dragon-priest duo, or even dragons that simply seek knowledge, and have become necromancers or Oblivion conjurers. I'd love to see a dragon rip open a portal to one of the realms of Oblivion, and attack a city with an Oblivion Gate.


    There is a lot of potential here, and I really hope you recognize it.


    Oh man you just gave me a crazy idea... Change around the 'Deep Dragon' idea (mentioned in TFG's forum) into a Dragon of Namira - black as night with clouds of pure shadow that streak off its wings. It shouts to raise graveyards and crypts, it shouts to summon multitudes of insects and it shouts to consume things in shadows. And in its wake, a terrible gathering of Draugr and Vampires amass.

    I personally love the Deep Dragon idea, partially because I keep envisioning a kind of "nature" based dragon that went into hibernation underground with mushrooms and other flora growing on it, and controlled Spriggans and Chaurus or something.

    However, that idea sounds spectacularly awesome. Especially if there were one of those dragons that created a virulent plague of sorts, and attacked a Hold. Undead minions and insect swarms sounds amazing.


    But this is why I think separated dragon types would seem so awesome. Even if it's not separated by dragon breed, element, or magic school, and instead there were dragons that were categorized by what Divine/Daedric Prince they served, it would still serve to structure it. A Dragon servant of Mehrunes Dagon could have Dremora bodyguards and Flame Atronach minions, and it could easily sate my desire for a fire dragon.

  2. Alright, here's the first dragon lord you'll fight out in the Reach. He'll probably look similar to a cross between Odahviing and a Blood Dragon. I'm envisioning his dragon cavern as being labyrinthian, thinly populated, and frankly, it will be hard to reach him once he starts moving. He knows his way around the place- you don't. Look out for attacks from behind pillars and tricks involving 'Throw Voice'. If you look at his taunts, you'll notice I made him quite arrogant- he leaves out all of the comments on honour and a good fight that most of the other dragons do.


    I'm also starting to come up with an idea for a concept for female dragons, or Dragon Matriarchs, if you will. I haven't really developed it, but I'm envisioning them as being more graceful and elegant than the males, but also being a real pain to fight, especially in dragon caverns.


    Naxfeynfaas [Translation: Cruelty Bane Fear]

    'Fo Krah Diin'- Ice-Breathing

    'Yol Toor Shul'- Fire-Breathing

    'Fus Ro Dah'- Unrelenting Force

    'Wuld Nah Kest'- Whirlwind Sprint

    'Zun Haal Viik'- Disarm

    'Strun Bah Qo'- Storm Call

    'Lok Vah Koor'- Clear Skies

    'Tiid Klo Ul'- Slow Time

    'Iiz Slen Nus'- Ice Form

    'Zul Mey Gut'- Throw Voice




    "Hiding will not save you!"


    "Dovahkiin! Your Voice is no match for mine!"


    "Daar denek fen dahmaan hin dinok, Dovahkiin!" Translation: This soil will remember your death Dragonborn!


    "Ful lusei Dovahkiin? Geinmaar prodah pogaas!" Translation: You are Dragonborn? I expected [direct: was foretold] more [direct: much]!


    This dragon sounds awesome to fight with. Especially if he didn't fly in his lair, and instead crawled on the walls/ceiling like in an Aliens movie. The taunts are something regular dragons severely lack as well.

    I think adding, or replacing the normal dragon lairs with new ones is definitely a good choice if done well.


    Matriarchs could be really cool too. Especially if they were found in nests of dragonlings and juvenile dragons. Can we get an Onyxia type thing going on?

    I think the Matriarchs should have a shout or some kind of attack that involves their role as brood-mothers. Like a shout that hatches dragon/drake/wyvern eggs. Maybe there could be a singular Matriarch who rose to power in Alduin's absence, and is breeding an army of dragons... Or even dragon-kin. There could be dragon eggs that randomly fall from the sky, dropped by a dragon; or maybe the Matriarchs carry more than one egg on their backs like frogs or scorpions, and use them as weapons against the player!

    Like, say Wyverns and Drakes are just as intelligent as Dragons, but don't have the power of the Thu'um, making them ostracized by regular dragons. Maybe there's a dragon lord/matriarch who seeks to usurp that dragon rule, and overthrow the "pureblood" dragons.

    Not only could random encounters continue after the quest, and you could witness those cool raising/birthing rituals, but there would be a chance for dragon in-fighting, and maybe a dragon faction.


    In fact, I'd love to see Dragons that have minions in general. Dragons were worshipped as lords, primarily by humans, but what about other creatures? Dragons are practically at the top of the food-chain. And especially after you defeat Alduin, and leave it open for another power hungry dragon, there should be no excuse for EVERY dragon to fight on it's own. There could be dragons that have Draugr followers, a dragon and dragon-priest duo, or even dragons that simply seek knowledge, and have become necromancers or Oblivion conjurers. I'd love to see a dragon rip open a portal to one of the realms of Oblivion, and attack a city with an Oblivion Gate.


    There is a lot of potential here, and I really hope you recognize it.

  3. I think they are about the same as skeletons - it would be nice to run into them, once in a while, to break the usual Draugr / frost troll / bear / spider enemy which I've seen 100's of times already. I mean, such a cool lookin enemy for one quest? It's a waste, and a lot of Skyrim players will miss that quest.


    Hmm. True... True..

    We need a mod that buffs up skeletons and shades, because looking at it now, they're both weak as hell.

  4. Armor enchantment effects are invisible for me...not sure exactly what you two are talking about. Only the weapons show the magic effect in the game world, right? With the armor showing the effect in the menus.


    Maybe I just don't look hard enough or something...


    They're tinted. But you do have a point. It isn't quite as blatant as I made it out to be. However, I kind of figured that if we're going to enhance the enchantment visuals, then making armor enchantments more noticeable/badass would come as a given.

  5. @IxionInc

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but my mod is going to let dragons pick up and drop people that aren't facing them - even the player. This is in addition to the extra dragon attacks on ground and the shouts from above.


    Okay? It's not like it's a completely bad thing if it's JUST dragons. However, I'm saying that if you're going to have more than just dragons, then don't make the dragons all-powerful. Making every dragon have every single attack is bloody overwhelming unless you're going for a "hardcore" type of gig which, like I said, I; as in me and myself, don't particularly care for. I think that, if I were to make a mod expanding upon the dragons and dragon battles, or, y'know, share SUGGESTIONS on such a mod, I'd spread the abilities out a bit. I can't really speak for other folks.


    But as you say, quite excessively might I add, it's your mod you're making. Do whatever you like. If it's not up to my liking, then that's cool.

  6. I'm sorry sir, but I must respectfully disagree.


    That would be f***ing amazing. XD


    But I do see your point. Mayhaps make the enemy's enchantments invisible? You know, as a side plug-in.


    It's kinda hard to make enchantments noticeable, without looking like a flaming rainbow trout.

  7. In my mod there's going to be a deep sea section and I'm going to be scripting in underwater attacks. If you'd like to join then I'll have to post that section of chapter 3 of Dragonborn: The Fallen Greybeards to outline the water levels, quests and powers. Currently there's going to be a plethora of new aquatic dragons including hydras, leviathans, a kraken and a host of other creatures and monsters that have yet to be discussed. To join, just go to my mod's thread and follow the instructions at the top of the OP.


    You are just all over the place, aint'cha?


    Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to your work.

  8. Thanks for the replies! I like the idea of a poisonous dragon- but the dragons of Skyrim already fit the wyvern template. Perhaps you could give a new dragon (swamp dragon perhaps?) poisonous breath along the lines of the Chaurus along with the regular shouts? I, however, don't like relegating the dragons of Skyrim to elemental niches. Perhaps we could have some dragons specialize in certain areas, like in the north there is a higher chance of meeting a dragon using 'Fo' but I don't like restricting dragons based on elements. In any case, I've come up with a chart for the new dragons, the edited dragons, and the respective shouts they're able to use. I'll post that, along with my concept for Bigger Battles & Populous Skyrim later. This will include a few new quests featuring the Imperial Army, the Stormcloaks, a few Guilds, and the Blades.

    I don't see the Dragons in Skyrim swooping down and grabbing people or doing melee attacks from the air all to often.


    Basically, the Wyvern idea was to make-up for the lost flying bits of the regular dragons. However, due to it and the Drake not being true dragons, I don't think they should have access to the Shouts.

    I don't care too much to have the Vanilla dragons amped up so much that they can attack you every which-freaking-way.


    So Wyverns are to fill the aerial attack niche, what with the swoop-grabbing and the sky-stinging, and Drakes are to fill the ground assault niche. The regular dragons were kinda to be a balance of the two.


    I had hoped to do the elemental dragon thing, at least for the named boss dragons, but make it far more subtle than having just a giant reptile made out of rock and magma. But alas, seeing as that doesn't tickle your pickle, you could always go the Dragonology/Dragon Hunters route, and simply make different subspecies of dragons, instead of a blatant elemental incarnate.

  9. I would love runes on the weapons, instead of this vague leopard print s***.

    Would it be possible to make the runes have a faint effect depending on their enchantment? Like fire enchantments have flames on the runes like a Fire Rune spell. Soul-trap enchantments look purple, and kinda have a shimmering void effect around the weapon. Or a turn undead enchantment makes the weapon and runes shine with light.


    I like the runes, but monotone white runes would be boring as hell.

  10. +Kraken. Only issue is if there are nasty big sea creatures in the depths, how do we fight 'em? Looks like we need an underwater combat mod along with this...


    Make monsters that live near shores, or in the water that come on land, like a Dreugh or something. Or better yet, make them ranged monsters that stay in the water that have to be taken out from afar, since you can't use weapons in water.

  11. This is a very well-thought concept. I hate the people who say "PLZ MAKE THE DRAGONS COMPLETELY RAPE ME", because that's stupid and lame, and dragons rape at lower levels anyways. But they don't need to completely suck at higher levels either.


    The more kinds of dragons is the main thing that caught my attention. I'd love to see elemental dragons besides frost and fire (Hell, you don't even see a proper fire dragon). Or better yet, even more boss type monsters that aren't true dragons.

    Wyverns: Legendary dragon-kin noted for having a poisonous sting on their tail instead of breathing fire or ice, and lacking in front legs. They mainly attack from the air, doing swooping lunges from above with their tails or talons.

    Higher-level wyverns could have poison breath (Similar to a steam centurion's blast), the ability to fire poison barbs, or even grab the player and take them into the sky. Wyvern poison should also be utterly debilitating, and should only go away if the player uses a special cure potion made for Wyvern venom.


    Sea Serpents: Not much is known about these gargantuan snake-like beasts. Much has been disputed through pirates' tales and tavern shanties. One thing is certain; Whatever they are like, few have lived long enough to spread their tale.

    They would basically be mainly underwater except for their head and tail, which remains stationary above the water shooting breath attacks at the player, or swinging at them should they come too close. If they player manages to land a melee blow on the serpent, it will submerge and swim farther out into the water, or it may just turn around and try to devour them whole. Since the player cannot draw weapons in the water, Sea Serpents are particularly deadly.


    Drakes: Drakes, not necessarily dragons themselves, lack the ranged power and breath attacks that a regular dragon does. However, they make up for this by having excessive physical prowess. Making swipe attacks with deadly claws, having massive maws, and two extremely prehensile bladed tails makes them lethal at close-range. They can only fly for a very short while with their under-sized wings, so therefore cannot escape when being beaten.


    As for elemental dragons, I feel that all the dragons look too much alike. So true elemental dragons should really reflect their element in a vibrant way.

    Maybe similar to (And I know this is a very childish example) the way Wizard101 themes their monsters:



    Ice dragons should generally be furry, cold, or likewise suited to their environment. Fire dragons should be warm, stony, and reptillian. Shock dragons should be serpentine, metallic, and possibly fish-like, with fins and such.


    Also, another idea for making the dragons thematically different would be to look at the Dragon Gods from RIFT: Planes of Telara: http://telarapedia.com/wiki/Blood_Storm

  12. You can actually attack the ore with a pickaxe instead of activating, and it goes faster. Dual-wield 'em for an even faster acquisition. ;)


    Note: I haven't done this myself, but I read it in the guide. :P


    BRB, gotta try this.


    I wonder, can you hit trees with an axe for wood? XD

  13. I probably haven't played a stealth character much, but when I try to sneak up on somebody, it is OSTENSIBLY f***ing difficult. Sure, the search AI is a bit bad, but they still wind up finding me, because when I'm sneaking, I'm trying not to be detected by walking, and so I go slow as s***, until finally, my target finds me and the eye lights up. And trying to get a backstab is hard as heck. Make one wrong move behind them, and BAM! The eye lights up, even though their back is turned.


    Maybe it gets less difficult as you level up, (In which case, it SHOULD be that easy to kill them) but as it stands for me, I think Sneaking DOESN'T need to be harder.

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