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Everything posted by mcole254

  1. I actually kinda agree with you, if this ever actually makes it into a mod (or a further stretch my quest mod) the cape would only be on the general/commander/something like that. All the others would not have a cape and also a different helmet (again possibly a stretch). And Sersay: no I'm not in any modding groups, just kinda do my own thing
  2. Ya it inspired off black guard armor, and the cape is attached to the back corners of the pauldrons.
  3. Here is some armor I have been working on, let me know what you think. Advise/ suggestions are welcome. These are progress shots, I still have more to do. Matt http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz310/mcole254/guardarmorprogressfront.jpg http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz310/mcole254/guardarmorprogressperspect.jpg
  4. It is a retex of this dress: PE Dress
  5. Open the Nif file in Nifscope, remove the undesired pieces by right clicking> remove branch. Then save it as a new file. Go into the CS and make a new set of greaves or pants with the new file you made.
  6. It appears to be a slight patchwork of two or three armors, most of which is from: Dread knight armor.
  7. Not sure if its quite what you want but it is still a run replacer for females: Pretty Woman anim.
  8. Just a suggestion, check the load order make sure it right.
  9. Also note that if the "downloaded" method you are speaking of has to do with torrents or similar share methods, further discussion is not permitted by this forum and you will most likely be band, just in case you don't know. If its a steam copy people seem to have mixed results getting mods to work. Hopefully someone else can help you out.
  10. Some one a while back was doing this but stopped because he couldn't get it to work with many of the popular pose and animation mods that are commonly used.
  11. Oops I thought it was a .3ds, however there are others on that site, and you could just import a .3ds file straight into Nifscope, just replace some other static object, it shouldn't be too hard to do.
  12. Don't mean to bash or anything but the Mod request/suggestion forum already exists, it would be better to just use that.
  13. Try running it with administrative privileges.
  14. You know if you just searched a little you would find all the topics where this is asked (it quite often). However, the best advise I can give is just to look up tutorials (Google is your friend) and go through some that look interesting and learn how to model certain things in 3D space. Start simple like pens, lamps and desks. Then move to objects of more complexity. After you learn the program and fundamental techniques of modeling you apply it to what ever you are making. As for getting your objects into Oblivion, I would look here for some tutorials: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Main_Page Matt
  15. Look here, should be easy enough to get into oblivion. Free Rose model!
  16. As for a tutorial on modeling clothing/armor, I wouldn't limit your search to oblivion tutorials. There are plenty of nice tutorials regrading how to guide you through modeling your own custom items.Just use google to search for them. As for oblivion, I would only search for tutorials on how to get your completed mesh into the game. For these here is a good place to start: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Main_Page. Best of luck Matt
  17. You should be able to apply a subdivide function or use a cut tool, either way it will give you more points to work with to give you a better shape. The key with 3D modeling is like everything else, practice. I always found that looking through tutorials (even if it was kinda irrelevant to what I wanted) gave me new ideas or knowledge of tools/techniques I didn't know before. Best of luck either way. Matt
  18. Wow thanks, that is prettry helpful, however my goal was to make a compatability between a quest mod and a custom race. My thought was to make a script as i said before that would have that race satisfy the condition of the quest. However if i can't get it to work i will just have to go through and change all of the conditions for the quest.
  19. What I was trying to do was satisfy a condition for a sertain quest and promped dialog, all of them check for PCVampire, while I could go through and change all of them, I was just trying to make a script to add that condition to a certain race I was using.
  20. Yes, this should work, just export in a fileformat that blender can import, I do this all the time between the program I use (cinema 4d) and 3ds max. Some advice it to export in a format the ratains the most features similare to your original file. Best of luck. Matt
  21. Hhhmmm, it didn't work, thanks for the help though
  22. Honestly how is it any different from a company like Ferrari or Bugatti releasing one of their highly exclusive cars that most of use have no hope of ever sitting in one, let alone owning and are left drooling over images of them. In both cases people can cry "its not fair", but who ever made a magical rule that everything made or released must be available to everyone, this isn't kindergarden and I'm sure everyone has heard it but. . . "Life's not fair" Now that thats out of my system I agree that this thread is kinda pointless and should be closed for the better.
  23. So the goal is to get a custom race to be reconized as a vampire could I make a script along the following lines?: {ifrace="custom race"} set PCVampire=1 end
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