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Everything posted by BrknSoul

  1. Hardcore mode: Death deletes your character and saves.
  2. I'm just curious how he did all that, drunk off his arse, all in one night. Best quest ever.
  3. I'm pretty sure it's contact based. If a weapon contacts the enemy, you gain a certain amount of skill in that weapon type. The same thing happens with armor.
  4. You need to head to Whiterun and speak to the Jarl there. This will lead you to killing your first dragon.
  5. I love Skyrim's character 'creation'. "Ohh cool.. another sword.. have at thee, bandit with my whirling blades of... ohh a bow.. this is so much cooler.. have at thee, bandit with my... what's this? A tome of Fireball? Sweet!" You're not locked into anything. You could start of being a mage, then decide to be an archer, or a sneak thief. Or a "Magarcherief", a fireball there, a pickpocket here, an arrow over there...
  6. You can't save presets, but you can have hotkeys. Open the favs menu, scrolls to the item/spell you want, then hit a number 1 to 8.
  7. Level Alchemy by mixing valid potions, then put perk points into Alchemy Perks.
  8. Try using V to rename. I know that although it says to use R to craft an item, i have to use Q.. it's all F'd up.
  9. Choose Item, Choose Soulgem, Choose Enchant. Hit Rename, rename the item, Hit Enter, Hit Enchant, Hit Yes. Now you can have your "+1 Floppy Dildo Sword"
  10. Makes me feel like a boss when I down 3-4 guys with single shots, all while hidden.
  11. +1 The only problem I had was waiting for the patch so I could zoom and rotate the claw to see the images clearly. ;-)
  12. I'm quite fond of a Lydia, it was quote a shock when she died to a group of Falmer, I just looted everything off her body, brought up the console, selected her and a typed 'resurrect', and gave everything back after quickly asking her to Follow me again. Remember to loot her first before rezzing her, otherwise you lose everything she had. :-P
  13. I've had this problem as well. The dragon dies, I looted the Scales and Bones, dumped them on to Lydia (my "storage chest, with feet, and a sword"), but the dragon just lay there, no skin burning or soul sucking occured. Hopefully it's just a bug. I find the Dragons in Skyrim are like the Oblivion Gates in Oblivion. Always more to kill.
  14. I like the option of caravans. On the one hand it gives casuals a chance to get to a city quicker, but on the other hand, you can simply not use it and unlock cities by travelling, unlike Oblivion where all cities are already unlocked. I tend to use the caravans, because a lot of quests require some major hikage. ;)
  15. There's a softcap at level 50, after which increasing skills will level you much slower. There's a definate hardcap based on your skills.
  16. For hotkeying; Open Inventory menu. Favourite an item. Close Inventory menu. Open favourites. Scroll to an item. Hit a number key. Scroll to another item. Hit another number key. Close favourites menu. Hit selected number keys to activate items.
  17. The house in Whitrun is 5000g to purchase. Then you get around 6 or 7 additions, the cheapest is around 250g and the most expensive is the Alchemists Table for 500g. Well worth the price, now that I have some where to plonk my heavy-ass Dragon loot, and all my stolen items (I've still yet to join the Thieve's Guild). The house looks totally rundown when you buy it, but after all the upgrades, it looks like a nice little cottage. It's no Rosethorn, but it's better than the Waterfront house. ;-) @BestInSlot/DyingAtheist: Once upgraded you get a Bookshelf and a Weapon Rack (to the right of the fire upon entering). Using the Bookshelf, you can store Books and Letters which will automatically store themselves quite neatly. Using the Weapon Rack while you have a weapon equipped and readied will store that weapon on the Rack. Handy place for the Axe of Whiterun. ;-)
  18. Potions and Effects that increase (not restore) your Stamina also increase your carry limit. Also, be on the lookout for Potions of Strength. And always have a companion with you, it's like a Chest.. with legs.. and an axe! Also, I did find a pair of boots that increased my carry limit, you should be able to find something like this, disenchant it and enchant other gear.
  19. If you tap the Sheath button while you have an arrow drawn, your character will place the arrow back into the quiver without sheathing the weapon. Handy if you don't want to waste your good arrows.
  20. Racial Powers are cast like Shouts. (Z, i think is the default binding).
  21. If you talk again to the fellow who sold you the house, he provides upgrades for it.
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