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Everything posted by BrknSoul

  1. Everytime someone writes about vampires, the mythology changes a bit. Buffyverse vampires have adverse reactions to holy symbols, Blade vamps don't like garlic, Bloodrayne can't enter running water, and so on. I think the only thing we can all agree on, vampires DON'T sparkle. ;-) In Skyrim, it seems that Bethesda have made vampires and werewolves a sort of role-play choice, rather than a viable character build. As for the dead and mangled corpses, a couple of reasons come to mind; -Feral Vampires that have no real self-control or restraint when it comes to feeding. -Necromancer Vampires that use body parts in rituals and spells. -A recently taken over dungeon/cave/fort where the vampires simply destroyed the occupying force. -The elusive Were-vampire. ;-)
  2. Pack Horse? I call her "Lydia" ;-)
  3. To have her re-equip her stuff, simply take an item from her, like an arrow. Or you could remove something like her sword and give it back again.
  4. By default, you can switch between 1st and 3rd person views with F. Use the mousewheel to zoom in/out will in 3rd person. BTW: First Person Shooter (or FPS) is a gameplay genre (like the Call of Duty, Halo, and Battlefield series) not a camera style. Skyrim is a Role Playing Game (or RPG). While you can play Skyrim in 1st person view, it is not an FPS.
  5. For a good laugh, read it. I'm a christian and I find it friggen hilarious. This is what happens when 'christians' don't even do 2 minutes worth of research of a game. I think they may have mixed Skyrim up with Saints Row: The Third (which is an absurdly awesome game). Thanks for the laughs, OP.
  6. Dungeons are level-locked when you first enter them, but some Dungeons have a lower and upper limit. For example, a Dungeon could have a level limit of 1-10. If you enter at level 5, the Dungeon will lock at level 5. If you enter the same Dungeon (for the first time) at level 15, the Dungeon will lock at level 10. As you progress, Dungeons will get harder. For example, at level 1, you could enter a Dungeon that has a level limit of 10-20 and the mobs inside will mop the floor with you. Just curious, in what way does the levelling system not work? Also, if you feel some perks are too powerful, you could either not choose them, or simply increase the game difficulty.
  7. Took me about 20mins total from DVD insertion to Game start when I installed it a few days ago. Since they won't be four jabillion people trying to access steam all at the same time, Steam should download the patches in a reasonable amount of time.
  8. Dragons Bones and Dragon Scales are required for Dragon Smithing, the best craftable armor in the game.
  9. 1: Skills ups provide less xp. For example, at 49, a level in smithing might provide (random numbers here) 1 xp / 100. After you hit 50, the same point in smithing might provive 0.25 xp / 100. 2: That's normal. 3: If you put your first 10 points into a non-combat tree, then yes you may gimp yourself. Instead, every other level, point a point into a non-combat tree, for example, level 2: One-handed, level 3: Speech, level 4: One-handed, and so on. 4: Yes, but you only need to branch one side of the perk. For example, to get Dragon Smithing, you only need to complete one side, Light Armors (Glass > Dragon) or Heavy Amors (Daedric > Dragon). Also, if a perk has multiple tiers, you only need to put one point to activate the next perk.
  10. I think I can un-spoiler this; Human souls are the same size as Grand souls, as in, they will recharge the same amount (in Oblivion this was 1600) and enchant the same amount, they simply need a Black Soul Gem in order to hold the soul. You can find these where necromancers like to hang out.
  11. I tend to Fast Travel to near where I need to go, then use the Horse to get most of the way. If I encounter tough terrain or too many mobs, I'll hop off and sprint the rest of the way. Across flatland (like around Whiterun), horses are awesome, but lose their appeal quite quickly around mountainous regions.
  12. Read up on this; http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/471618-followers-level-and-statistics/
  13. 1. There are no classes. The three Standing Stones you find are purely optional, you can change which Stone you have at anytime, or find different Standing Stones elsewhere in Skyrim. 2. You can gimp yourself if you try speed levelling straight away, but the Perks will help reduce that a little. If you find yourself a little outmatched, just head to a Standing Stone to level appropriate skills a little faster. For example, if you've speed levelled Smithing and find yourself at level 8, just trundle over to the Warrior Stone to help levelling melee skills, or the Thief Stone for Archery. Dungeons, Forts, Caves, etc around Whiterun (and other main cities) tend to be the easiest to do. As you move higher into mountains or away from cities, Dungeons, etc will become harder. 3. Blocking works best with a shield, but you can block with a two-hander. Dual wielding prevents blocking (sacrifices blocking for more damage output), as does wielding a one-hander + spell. 4. Choosing either person to follow is just a story choice, it doesn't lock you into any particular story line. 5. The fast travel system still exists in Skyrim, but there are Caravans that can take you to the main cities for a small fee. As Skyrim is a huge place, this helps a lot with initial questing. Also, fast travel is a godsend in Skyrim due to Radiant Story quests sending you to the arse end of nowhere a lot.
  14. If you want 'free' housing, then join the one of the guilds and complete the entire questline. Most cities have a house you can buy, but this usually involves become a Thane of that city. You usually do this by doing quests for the Jarl or people around the Jarl. Eventually the Jarl will tell you to help people in the city, and allows you to buy property.
  15. The problem is, your new character has to re-discover all the locations. I was going to start a mage, and join the College of Winterhold, but after a couple of quests telling me to go to the arse end of nowhere, I hopped back onto my archer and shouted my way into the College.
  16. The Champion of Cyrodiil is not the same character as the Dragonborn, or Nerevarine Reborn. But, yes, Sheogorath is the Champion of Cyrodiil.
  17. That would be a fun way to waste time; Starting with Whiterun, break into every house and steal everything leaving the occupants with nothing.
  18. Actually, the level cap of 50 is a 'soft' level cap. This means that xp gain from skillups is reduced. The theoretical hard cap is 81. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Leveling#Maximum_Level
  19. After having the 15% for all for a while, I just ditched it for the Steed Stone ( no worn armour enumberance, +100 carry weight). Along with my Extra Pockets pickpocket perk, I get a base of 500 carry weight.
  20. Is there a penelty for backing out on Thieves Guild random jobs? I want jobs in particular cities, so I tend to back out of ones that aren't in the cities I want.
  21. If you can fence it.. steal everything that isn't nailed down. If an item is nailed down, steal the nails, then steal the item.
  22. I don't mind it too much, my wife stays downstairs, my mistress housecarl stays upstairs. This way I know where to find them.
  23. The type of arrows spawn are dependant on the level of mobs you kill and the level of the dungeon. I'm level 30-something, and I regularly find Orcish and Glass arrows. I've stopped picking up Iron arrows, and am going to stop picking up Steel/Nord ones soon. I even find a few Ebony Arrows, but I save them for Dragons or Bosses.
  24. It seems Persuade and Intimidate checks are hidden now. In Oblivion (and Fallout 3/NV) you could see the checks, but now you can't. I believe it just checks your Speech skill. There are perks to increase your Persuasion and Intimidation abilities in the Speech tree.
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