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Everything posted by Derkins

  1. Bans Birrii bacause the point of having power is to missuse it.
  2. Moteem chuckled and with a small whisp of dark energy he appered on the other side of the window. The window behind him was completly intact. As he fell to the ground he rolled colosing in on one of the beasties. With a wistle it came charging towards him. WIth a flack of his wrist a small click sound was heard as a three foot blade extended from his fore arm above his wrist. Ducking under the creature he spun on his heel and drove his vlade through the creatured neck then pulled down wards. WIth a smile he stood looking at the now dead beastie his breath slightly increased "Dang out of practus."
  3. Well I know I am new but I am no slave *Nods knowing I could easily bend to her will* Yes
  4. Moteem peered out of the window a hand in his pocket "Yes they look like some fun I bet I could take one down faster then you." He said with a sly smirk.
  5. Moteem gave a slight bow towards Jacob "I would be Moteem." He turned back to maya "Magic is hard to learn as I understand it I have mastered a." He gave a slight pause "Certin type of magic." Chuckling slightly his fists flexed slightly.
  6. Moteem gave a grin with one deep green eye the other eye completly white "I would be Moteem a so called shadow warrior I apper time in and time out." He sha dextending a hand to her.
  7. Moteem kneeled down and looked at the ord a small smile on his face "Nice catch next time though I recomend then you stick the landing." Looking at the orb he took in every detail memorising the veind the color and the glow.
  8. Haha as long as I can take my hatchlings with me *Snickers*
  9. Ok then I would like to apply and wonder if my title could be Derkins: Dark dragon rider
  10. Bans Dez cause why not hes a cool guy
  11. Thanks I cant wait to see them when I get the net back lol will do rounds when I can
  12. Ah crap my internet was not working one bit yesterday so I would love some help with my Eggs and would love to knwo how they are doing. I cant see them here at work!!!!
  13. Bans Dez cause my roommate did pay and its down *Sad face*
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